How can BTC be a store of value when anyone can come along and create a technologically superior coin?
How can BTC be a store of value when anyone can come along and create a technologically superior coin?
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>when anyone can come along and create a technologically superior coin
Try it then.
can they come along and make the same network bitcoin was able to generate since 2011? no. this isn't a fucking website like myspace or facebook. people who ask this question don't fundamentally understand what a blockchain is.
BTC is shit.
ETH is what BTC should have been to be honest.
its the reason why bitcoin will trend upwards while litecoin will trend to zero.
the market doesnt value effortless clones, they want things with potential that also have the potential to be monopolistic. the fact that litecoin is as high as it is should show you the kind of bubble that some altcoins are in. that won't last, it can't last, because if it does crypto itself will trend to zero.
IQ lvl: posting smug faces of pretty girls on Veeky Forums.
You dont know shit and speak from your ass
You're right. Cryptos are NOT a store of value. That's why ETH has a future and BTC doesn't, because ETH is neither a currency nor a store of value. It's web 3.0.
You are forgetting where you are. If you don't like it, you are free to stop browsing any time and check out reddit. It has tons of, uh... intellectuals, like yourself.
a centralized piece of crap controlled by an autistic cat bag holder faggot? no thanks
Hey man, I literally tore a hole through my denim jeans the moment I laid eyes on OP's image. He has good taste.
don't worry, there will always be a handful of different coins available for use in your "muh darknet markets"
meanwhile I'll be getting rich off ETH when mass adoption takes place.
>the only advantage is that the most people use it.
until they don't
this is her only good pic. don't ruin it by googling the pic
sorry you're holding litecoin those are the facts. if any old clone coin can usurp bitcoin its over for crypto altogether. if you can't see why please reconsider throwing money at this space.
apple beaten by microsoft
yahoo beaten by google
myspace beaten by facebook
>eople who ask this question don't fundamentally understand what a blockchain is.
I think it's you who doesn't understand friend. bitcoin refused to scale their blockchain for 2 years, which led to the shithole they are now in.
and the funniest part about it? the ethereum blockchain processes more transactions than bitcoin now EVERY SINGLE DAY, with drastically lower fees and faster transaction times. which one do you think is overpriced - bitcoin or eth?
sorry I don't talk to retards who think ETH is ever gonna recover back to $400, lmao
Screencapped for the butthurt lol
ETH will likely go over $400 due to how many projects are used on the platform, and the centralization attracts old money. DESU I bought most of my ETH before the hard fork back in March and disagree with the fundamentals and I never imagined it going over $80-100
>centralized corporate bullshit
>unlimited money supply
>huge premine
It's not even crypto coin as it supposed to be.
Buy fucking paypal, mate.
oh wow. you're one of the people who believes the "vitalik has 77 million eth" and "21 bitcoins" copy pastas. you just lost every last ounce of credibility that I had for you, which wasn't much to begin with either.
>mumbling of eth retard.
I don't care, hold.
Who's that qt?
ETH is the paypal of today with a good financial future. Crypto purists (autists) can't see the financial value in a corporate crypto. If this was about fundamentals, gnosis wouldn't be 10x the price of augur, which would use ETC and not ETH, and ETC would be more valuable than ETH. This is biz not g
is that a trap
Noone care about a "technologically superior coin" at this stage, it's like talking about a "technologically superior bill".
BTC will be a store of value because people agreed it's one, simple as that.
>most retarded analogy of the week
bills aren't digital.
>technologically superior bill
>a thing which exists
>How can BTC be a store of value when anyone can come along and create a technologically superior coin?
It has to be substantially better.
First mover.
The dollars have pieces of trash bills that aren't even waterproof, easily burnable, that you can't stretch even a bit and which have relatively high level of fake circulating because it's quite primitive.
Now imagine someone in the US come with an alternate currency with a better bill that has none of the disadvantage listed and which the counterfeit can easily be detected by the layman thanks to some imaginary technology.
What are the chances of this currency ever toppling the dollar in term of store of value ?
While the current scale is not really different it's pretty much the same story, Bitcoin won't be toppled because technology would just add marginal gains compared to his adoption and consensus on its value.
the USD isn't toppled by a better, stronger piece of paper because its a sovereign currency backed by govt. its physical traits are irrelevant. there can only be one USD. there can be an infinite number of shitcoins. nobody cares about the material used in creating the dollar, especially considering most people don't even carry real money anymore. slow transactions and high fees, however, people do care about.
>stronger piece of paper because its a sovereign currency backed by govt
The government couldn't do jackshit if a majority of citizens dumped it tomorrow and decided to pay and store value with something else, at the end of the day it only has value because people think it has value like every currency.
Also Bitcoin is backed by one of the biggest network of computers in the world and a sizeable population who trust it to stock value.
>slow transactions and high fees, however, people do care about.
None of these problems are the result of an "inferior technology", it's purely political matter.
>None of these problems are the result of an "inferior technology", it's purely political matter
ETH isn't a store of value, it's a turing complete singleton platform.
I mean there are already superior coins out there but bitcoin seems to be doing alright
> Cryptos are NOT a store of value
>That's why ETH has a future
>ETH is traded for X1000 what it was worth 3 years ago
yes, my point was bitcoin is overpriced. ETH is not even a store of value or a currency, it's a platform for dapps, and it's already a better store of value than bitcoin is in practice.
network effect.
You have a good resumé here even if there is some inaccuracies in what he says:
In short there are factions among the developpers and miners with different opinions about the direction Bitcoin should take to solve its scalability issues which are the main problems today.
>anyone can come along and create a technologically superior coin?
Already happened. It's called IOTA
How is it centralized?
The ETH foundation hardforked it, without consensus, because ironically, the DAO got "hacked" and lost its funds
it's funny how bitcoin is about to fork - without consensus, isn't it?
it's not forking, dumbass.
Someone will make a superior coin. Bitcoin is the yahoo of crypto.
It's pretty much forking and you know it.
There's a difference between a hardfork and a soft fork, especially when they ran with gimmicks such as "the code is law" and "immutable contracts"
nets born, grow and die
Every single fucking thing with a price and liquidity is a store of value. Holy shit I hate this meme.
get the fuck off of this website forever
Bitcoin is technologically superior to many other stores of value, why hasn't all money moved into it?
Hah thrown the good old reddit dig, well played my fellow Veeky Forums-bro. Did it for the lulz!
Because all other money is a valuation game to be redeemed for BTC.
Sorry but ETH is a gigantic ponzi scheme which will come crashing down. I hope you come to your senses before the market does. I'm not even shilling, I steer clear of all ETH related shit, its garbage.
thanks you just convinced me to buy more ETH
Veeky Forums beaten by reddit
send me your bitcoin before you suicide though ok?