What is white culture? Is it just non existent? Is it drinking your beer and watching your sports? I think any semblance of white culture and belonging died away when we made modern civilization.
White people's culture
I'm white btw. I don't care if I have white "culture" or not, I'm just curious about it. It's weird not knowing and growing up white.
There's no such thing as white culture. You do have shit like German, French, British, and Irish culture. All Europeans have their own distinct culture
Whiteness only became a thing because Europeans from different cultures came to America and all integrated into a single culture. Even today Europeans don't see themselves as white but rather French, German etc. So white culture would be American culture is my guess.
Does... does hollywood not count? Like, all of it.
There is no individual "white culture". There are in fact many different cultures spread throughout Europe, with numerous ones to be found in just about any country.
The only people with no culture are vapid urban cunts who can't develop any semblance of community because they don't want to acknowledge that the people around them even exist.
Here's something that I half-believe: Culture is just one of poor people's substitutes for money and power. If you have money and power, you don't need culture.
You might still enjoy art, etc... but you won't have any need for culture in the sense of things you share with the people around you... a lot of modern regional "culture" comes from days when you depended almost completely on your village or town to survive... more independence will always mean the reduction of the importance of this kind of "culture". It's similar to how many of the world's famous cuisines originate in poor people's methods of food preservation and attempts to turn every possible scrap of edible substance into something palatable.
You don't know what "culture" means, do you? Culture is something your immersed in. You don't have culture or not. Yes, there is high culture and low culture but they are two parts of the general whole. Pic related is all the things that can be summed up to define culture.
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 "low hanging fruit"/8
That's very interesting, thanks for sharing.
There's no such thing as while culture, western culture exist though
>the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
White culture transcending your lowly origins as squalling swarthy hairy parochial diminutive apes.
Think of the greatest writers, philosophers, scientists, artists. How far down in these lists must we go before we find someone who isn't white.
Even the cuisine is better, national are rarely a fly ridden "delicacy" (born out of necessity) followed by a dessert of famine.
The better question is what are non-white cultures?
There's no such thing as a "white" culture. However most nations have a lot of smaller geographical cultures dotted all over the map, including white nations. Claiming all white people share one culture all over the globe is absolutely retarded.
>"muh food" argument of multiculturalism BTFO in one pic
Lol this sad fuck can't even type correctly
We teach you English and give you electricity and computers and you still fuck up constantly
Jews aren't white
White culture doesn't exist because a white identity doesn't exist unlike the black identity in America
>the Indian subcontinent and celestial empire does not exist
Really activates the almonds
>it's another American thinks "white" means "American" thread
Oh ok. So if I lived in Europe, culture would be more relevant to me?
Why doesn't it?
White people culture is just stealing other people's because they have no culture of their own
Isn't it a case of white culture being so pervasive that you don't think about it at all, and that all other races have bought into it?
>responding seriously to bait
in all seriousness though, can someone summarize black culture to me please because I can't really figure out what it is aside from twerking and rap music
>Eastern European culture
Somewhat introverted. Bit blunt sometimes but well meaning.
>Western European
Somewhat extroverted. Its all about maintaining appearance over integrity.
How did you contribute? Faggot.
Perhaps, but US has its own cultures. They are just more... Degraded since civil rights.
We can't have elitist, nationalist, or "racist" attitudes anymore, that was destroyed when the world wars and uppity negros came around.
The urbanites are the worst. They actually realize they have no culture, so they try to manufacture it. They start dressing like fucking hipster retards, found local breweries with a pretentious name, paint shitty fucking political murals all over the place, etc. But it just doesn't work, it's not organic, they already threw their entire culture to the toilet once they or their ancestors moved into big cities and now they're deliberately trying to recreate it from scratch. It's like that one dumb bitch in Spain who painted over some anciet painting of Christ with crayons or some shit, this is what it looks like to outsiders.
And it's not just Americans. You can see these "people" everywhere, London, Paris, Stockholm, even fucking Moscow. Just deracinated, subhuman urban masses desperately searching for an identity they weren't born with.
> look at them!
> they try to create culture!
> what a pathetic people!
> The *real* culture magically comes up to people when them need it the most
Yes, that's how it works. It's something that refines itself organically over many generations, it didn't start as five urban faggots who didn't know their own grandparents sitting down one day and saying "let's create culture!"
Reddit tier comment
> It's something that refines itself organically over many generations.
Breweries with a pretentious name and ridiculous dressing will be refined too, what is your point? It isn't the first time when our society innovates.
If anything, you should be glad that people at least give lip service to their past instead of letting it die, like it should ages ago.
9gag tier reply :^)
You may not like it, but it is a culture.
You'll have to speak louder, shitskin.
You're saying that picture isn't correct?
>B-but Socrates already said his generation was shittier than the previous one!
Yes, and he was 100% correct.
White is just a skin color. Unlike nations, it's not a cultural category, there is no culture attached to it. There is no black culture either. There is of course african american culture, just like there is irish-american, italian-american etc. culture. But these aren't "black culture" or "white culture".
What is your alternative?! Do nothing? Let culture happen? Instead of the brewery with a pretentious name just name is "breweries #5412" and made it look like every other?
>'white' culture
Americans are so embarrassing it's unreal
He wasn't correct because literally a decade later Greek culture would have spread way beyond Greece and the colonies; and because Hellenistic kingdoms popped out shortly after.
He can't answer you because he's just regurgitating leftypols anti white propaganda
I wouldn't go that far. I guess that it might possibly be ingrained a bit deeper over here in Europe due to just being around for longer, but I'm sure there's cultures to be found in America too, anywhere with some form of community that brings people living there together (i.e. probably not in big cities and shit, going by my experience over here in yurop at least)
I'm white, and I don't care about my lack of a culture (to belong to). I love America and "American" culture but it's not """""white"""" culture. I just want to know what happened
So, I guess the question is, why did urbanization "destroy" "white culture"? What does urbanism do? Or maybe it's cultural Marxism? Or maybe it was what he said?
>asian nails
Traps arent even human just gtfo.
Can you give the redpill on the "pervasiveness of white culture" because I have zero connection to it.
Pick one
Migrants to cities must upend themselves from their homeland and native culture. Hence, city dwellers are self-selected to be less attached to culture.
Young people who move to the city looking for work usually end up liberal, even if they moved from a comparatively conservative region. You could argue that they're integrating into the liberal city culture, even though such culture is just cosmopolitan capitalism.
>all other races have bought into it
They've bought into it in varying degrees. If monogamy, marriage, self-reliance, and free markets are white culture, then arguably, many African Americans and Hispanics haven't bought into it.
Ah, I see, that makes sense. Does anyone agree or disagree? I love that graph btw
I'm very proud of my nails and girls (female) have told me they'd be perfect for painting on, my mom is flip so that's why. I'm not a trap but it would be fun
>reading before you type
>being in a rush to be witty
Pick one and only 1
White culture has become the dominant one. It has spread all across the world and you only see deviations from it as "separate cultures".
how could any group not have a culture? Every group has customs, values, etc. When one culture is dominant, then it is seen as some kind of default, and minority cultures seem more distinct by contrast with it, but there can be no such thing as an absence of culture
What you perceive as the absence of white culture is white culture. If you are able to see other groups as having culture, then you are contrasting that with the backdrop of your own culture. Those cultures are somehow different from that backdrop-- that's how you are able to distinguish them. The backdrop is white culture. It seems to you like it isn't there because it is so deeply ingrained in your way of living and thinking that you simply take it for granted
Clip your fucking nails
It's fitting then that white people are the "absence of culture" given our skin tone. BBQ
white culture can be summed up as:
1.) Obliviousness to those around you
2.) Taking credit for things you didn't do. I don't mean "blacks invented this but whites stole it". I mean whites tend to think they themselves are worthwhile because some guy 1,000 years ago made some invention
3.) Murdering people then crying about it
4.) Self-defeating attitude
5.) blaming others for your failures
you're confusing specific subset cultural expressions with the being of entire culture.
culture is all the ideas a group shares.
prohibiting women from driving, getting an education, or traveling is part of the saudi culture.
equality, liberty, fraternity is french culture.
having a massive welfare state is german culture
>white culture
you're about as dumb as white nationalists if you think any race has a single "culture"
I'm white and I don't think we have hardly anything in common with each other.
>white nationalists specifically
Kys dude
Whit nationalists specifically because theyre as dumb as this retard to think their fan ben any "white" nation when Europeans have been drastically different for a long time
It's the same as people who look at africa and go "yep, they're africans" as if Africa is one culture
This. Pretty much every ethnicity has a distinct culture, but not every race doe. Race is a near-arbitrary construct, so it's silly to expect culture to always align with race.
>implying this is leftypol.
you don't know what leftypol is do you porky?
Black culture is African American culture. Caribbean Blacks, Black Hispanics, African immigrants, and Black Europeans are all pretty different from each other.
Creating and founding everything you hold important, such as the internet you are shitposting on.
>leftypols anti white propaganda
they'd just dismiss race and culture altogether as spooks and be done with it
>white culture
This is your brain on amerocentrism
>Aesthetics at the bottom
what a fucking dumb picture
Leftypol is SJW, they have an anti white thread up right now
is pol is a cuck board because a lot of people shitpost with interracial porn there?
Leftypol is behind the cuckold porn spam
>a handful of inconsequential losers on a cia honeypot
ah yes, definitive proof. at last i see the light
It's white American culture as opposed to black American culture. That is unless you're thinking of "Western Culture" which is a more complicated term.
Why is this SJW so mad that people don't worship his anti white 8gag board?
'black american culture' is so inane. their culture is southern. every bit of it came from late 19th century rednecks and hillbillies. the black preacher inflection and the hillbilly preacher inflection are almost indistinguishable even today.
You're a retarded n(love4allraces)igger
>live in white culture
>don't redognize it
>believe they have no culture
Nice b8, got a response.
>If monogamy, marriage, self-reliance, and free markets are white culture
But that's not white culture, as evidenced by white liberals and leftists who are quite clearly culturally white but are all for breaking one or all of these cultural structures.
As a non-white, there are definitely things that whites living in a certain geographical proximity have in common with one another, but these cultural elements vary widely from place to play. Having been to the East Coast, spent most of my time in the West Coast, and currently living in the Midwest, I can say that there is a general white culture but with special characteristics in each of these places. It's hard to exactly discern what makes these white culture, however, given it's pervasiveness.
You're part of white culture so white culture seems so normal to you you don't notice it or even think of it as culture.
You're so used to hearing about culture when talking about foreign cultures that you've associated "novelty" as being a necessary part of culture.
You're like a fish who doesn't notice that they're swimming in water.
The funny thing is that when westernised, diaspora black people or other minorities with chips on their shoulder accuse white people of having no culture, it shows that they have been so mentally assimilated that they've adopted white culture as their primary culture so that they no longer notice it either.
It shows that they consider christmas or thanks giving to be the default and so not count as culture.
It shows that they consider wearing business suits rather than kurtas, djellaba's or any other culture's dress to be the default or the norm.
basically every sport that white people introduced around the world lmao.
They're almost all participating in white culture rather than a sport native to their people (like say Kendo) and they don't even notice it.
When a non-white person says that white people have no culture, it shows that they're so mentally cucked and colonised that they don't even realise they're a part of white culture and have accepted white culture as their norm.
> white culture seems so normal
Your national culture, you mean? Because there is no unified white culture whatsoever between say Australians, Swedes, French and Russians.
The term could be "euro-atlantic" or whatever. It's the same one, with very small differences which only few can notice and nobody cares about.
"White" culture is the prevaling one in the world - what habbits have Europeans copied from south-east Asians, the Japanese, or any other - compared to things "they" have taken from "white" culture.
Not the original user btw.
> what habbits have Europeans copied from south-east Asians
the initial claim made on twitter is usually "white people have no culture" . given that htey're speaking english they're primarily talking about the anglosphere.
Further more the people on twitter who say "white people have no culture" talking more about the visible signs of culture like dress, food, rituals, celebrations, dance .
in these respects the anglosphere nations have a very large degree of overlap.
So the post remains valid.
wtf i hate white people now #gaswhites
White people culture is all around you
It's the reason people wear suits and not kimonos
How we got to the moon
Where you are living
Days of the week
Name of the months
Television shows
Phones, computers cars
How cities are built and maintained
White people won the culture war
It's a white mans world, and you are all living in it
If this is white culture please explain why it allows them to be the richest and best-off race overall.
western civilization
I mean, yeah. But se all know this is just a funky picture and not an argument against the statement, right?
>I'm white
>my mom is flip
America in a nutshell
European culture became the global culture, in every part of the world people are wearing european suits and clothing, building european buildings using european techniques with european technology
Mhmmmm thanks so much, that makes a lot of sense. This makes me feel /comfy/
Freaking American memes of "colours" and "races". A kenyan and an Ethiopian would laugh in the face of an african American talking about "black culture", as much as a Russian and an Italian would if they heard an American talking about "their shared white culture".
>I'm white
>my mom is flip
No wonder the Philippines is so fucked, you Filipino faggots are cucked beyond belief