Brown skin.
Brown skin
Chinese are black
India opened their markets a few decades after China did. They're kinda around where China was in this time period and they'll probably be (if their far-right wing government doesn't fuck it up) where China is now in the upcoming decades.
Another is that after four years of opening up the economy we went back to our usual things. A lot of policy flip-flop happened. Our socialists and communists have too much power and should unronically be hung.
We have had a lot of problems, but things have been looking up since 1947. It'll be a century or two before we get all our shit together but I have high hopes for the future.
>few decades
China never "opened-up". That's just a fucking meme.
China is far more closed off from the world than almost any nation that's not a pariah statr.
Capital controls, ban on most foreign investment, lack of yuan outside China, strict migration policies, quotas, non-tariff barriers, government industrial policies, export subsidies.
You are fucking retarded if you think China is an open economy.
We try hard to be a democracy. We could probably get the same results if we went as totalitarian as the CPC but it's not what we're looking for.
>China is far more closed off from the world than almost any nation that's not a pariah statr.
>Capital controls, ban on most foreign investment, lack of yuan outside China, strict migration policies, quotas, non-tariff barriers, government industrial policies, export subsidies.
Why does that matter? Are you denying their economic reforms? Or the decollectivization of agriculture, the opening up of the country to foreign investment, and permission for entrepreneurs to start businesses?
Shouldn't have left the british empire m8. The native elite were corrupt mugabe-tier shit, you needed a no-nonsense british viceroy who'd put down pointless factionalism and let "capitalist pig dogs" jizz investment all over India.
Kind of hard to be free and democratic if you are starving.
>are you denying their economic reforms
My point is that Indians are subhumans while Chinese are at least capable of civilization.
>Shouldn't have left the british empire m8. The native elite were corrupt mugabe-tier shit, you needed a no-nonsense british viceroy who'd put down pointless factionalism and let "capitalist pig dogs" jizz investment all over India.
Well ignoring the fact that they were never going to do that, I'm a firm believer that country shouldn't be built by foreigners but by people who are loyal to the flag, no matter how long or how many fuck ups it takes.
We have much more problems than China and practically any other country in the world. Not to mention we have had plenty of our own civilizations.
All those Indian mathematicians, engineers, doctors, and artists are subhuman? Hmm
>far-right wing
Are you colorblind
>we have much more problems
Yeah maybe using toilets would help for starters
How is India going to develop? China is already the world's sweatshop. What can India realistically do? People don't seem to realize global wealth is zero sum and a fixed pie.
China is going to industrialize out of the stage. Remember the US was also once the world's sweatshop. And then India can fill in that niche, assuming some shitty african country doesn't do it first
I'm not even the OP friendo. And while you are getting wealthier, that's just a natural result of industrialization. Quite franky, it'd be worrying if you were declining in wealth. Unless you poo-in-loos find some way to undo your retarded caste system and keep your academics from fleeing the country, you might as well be a part of africa.
>overtake Germany in GDP
>20x the population
Let's see how they compare in GDP per capita
@2767182 #
>Yeah maybe using toilets would help for starters
That's a village thing. I don't really have anything to prove to you anyway lol. You clearly made this thread with an agenda so you can post your memes.
Yeah we are poor .But as it stands I can see this country being an economic power within a century or two (doesn't conflate this with being first or second world tho).
Taking back my(you) because I don't think you deserve it.
>Unless you poo-in-loos find some way to undo your retarded caste system
Things are changing. Modi (for all his criticism) started out as the son of a tea seller of a very bottom caste.
40000 to 6000...
yeah one example. How are you going to address the hundreds of millions in rural poverty and conservatives who won't budge on change? What about the diaspora of Indian academics?
>People don't seem to realize global wealth is zero sum and a fixed pie.
That's completely false, though, demonstrably so, the world economy is bigger than it was 20 years ago and (barring global catastrophe) will be bigger than it is now in another 20 years.
>How are you going to address the hundreds of millions in rural poverty
That'll lessen as the years go by. It probably won't completely happen within my lifetime tho.
>and conservatives who won't budge on change?
There's a much larger push nowadays for society to hold the people in power responsible than before as well as not tolerate caste discrimination. We'll have to spread (not saying its bad) propaganda about tolerance and to treat everyone by their own merit like America did to integrate everyone.
>What about the diaspora of Indian academics?
Thanks to the migration crisis, the entire world is generally turning right-wing and anti-refugees/migrants. Hopefully it stays like this.
Even now, after living in several cities I can honestly say caste crap is losing influence there. It's the more rural locations the government needs to care about.
Diaspora are not Indians
>global wealth is zero sum and a fixed pie
I share a board with retards who actually think this.
I believe that was facetious.