Why Hitler wanted Generalplan OST. For example German soldier see some slavic blonde bluy eyed guy but "he is subhuman"! WHY
Why Hitler wanted Generalplan OST...
>When you have no understanding of history
The post
No copies of general plan ost exist. Only soviet "reconstructions" that conviniently agree with soviet propoganda. Soviet goverment literally had to claim that hitler wanted to kill all the russians, in order for a german occupation to be worse than what they were themselves doing to the russians.
>Memeralplan Ost
It's a forged document.
So it's lie ?
No, don't listen to stormfag lies.
To a significant degree it is, it was reconstructed from scratch by (((investigators))).
It should also be noted that Germans DID already have a program for settling Eastern Europe with German colonists going on and nobody was interested in it, there was just a few thousand people who signed up for it. So the entire thing was just a giant meme.
I thought we were talking about Slavs though. P*les aren't Slavic but Semitic.
No, that'd be Lithuanians.
Poles are Gothic Wendo-Sarmatians.
Are you retarded?
But Germans wouldn't be pushed from Russia if not their retarded treatment of conquered population. They were also initially seen as liberators by Russians. Propagandits aren't miracle workers.
Also in occupied Poland:
Yep, so much better than Soviets. Literally pot kettle.
>Look, Look! I'm retard!
Ok, we get it.
>So the entire thing was just a giant meme.
Like half of Nazi plans. They were fucked up in the head. Extermination of Jews, Generalplan Ost, Welthauptstadt Germania. We are talking about psychopaths, not about reasonable people.
Himmler in May 1940
>For the non-German population of the East there must be no higher school than the four-grade elementary school. The sole goal of this school is to be-
>Simply arithmetic up to 500 at the most; writing of one's name; the doctrine that it is a divine law to obey the Germans and to be honest, industrious, and good. I don't think that reading is necessary.
>This population will, as a people of laborers without leaders, be at our disposal and will furnish Germany annually with migrant workers and with workers for special tasks (roads, quarries, buildings) : they themselves will have more to eat and more to live on than under the Polish regime; and, though they have no culture of their own, they will, under the strict, consistent, and just leadership of the German people, be called upon to help work on its everlasting cultural tasks and its buildings and perhaps, as far as the amount of heavy work is concerned, will be the ones who make the realization of these tasks possible.
Crazy people with crazy ideas.
The only order he gave was to kill 100 Russian civilians for every German soldier killed.
Most soldiers reasoned that the people they were killing we're subhuman to deal with the psychological burden of mass murderer.
t. Jacek Goldstein
>exist for centuries as "Jewish paradise" (Paradisus Iudaeorum)
>30% of pre-war Poland is outright Jewish
>even a bigger number of Jews who converted to Catholicism and intermingled with Slavs
Poles are at absolute best a nation of mischlings.
The Nazis didn't plan to kill all Slavs east of the Urals. Many would be killed, but the largest number would be deported east, many would be enslaved on plantations or in German homes, and the most "Aryan"-looking of them would be forcibly assimilated.
Generalplan Ost wasn't fully fleshed out, but the idea of Lebensraum was widely-known, openly discussed by Hitler in Mein Kampf, and had been a topic of German nationalism before him (the German Empire planned to annex strips of Russian Poland, Lithuania, and Courland and settle them with Germans).
Well, of course but not that allies were so much better.
>giving soviet POWs back to their home country is the same thing as ethnic cleansing and enslaving of everything up to the Urals
LMAO Ok, pure guy. This butthurt after soviet roller is still strong I see. The only good thing they did in this war.
>tfw you realise only the best memelords get to control the future of mankind
Why can't you fucking speak english?
>giving soviet POWs back
And, forced labourers, anti-communists and other refugees. They knew it well that these poor people gonna get killed, so good job being commiel lackey in mass murder
>Oy vey, we are pure Slavs, goy!
>I do not regard the Communists as any present or future threat to our country, in fact I look upon Russia as our strongest ally in the years to come. As I told you when you began your investigation, you should confine yourself to Nazis and Fascists. While I do not believe in Communism, Russia is far better off and the world is safer with Russia under Communism than under the Czars. Stalin is a great leader, and although I deplore some of his methods, it is the only way he can safeguard his government.
It ended so well, right?
>nothing but 100% Wendo-Slavonic blood here, goy!
He wasn't wrong
Yeah sure, how was that dying in Korea and Vietnam.
There is literally nothing wrong with this. Poles already flock to western Europe to work for 10 euros an hour and they aren't awfully literate or arithmetically inclined either let me tell you...
>stormfags lmao
>give reparations for the Holoc- I mean Generaplan Ost, you khamer goy!
>they aren't awfully literate or arithmetically inclined either let me tell you...
>said nigger-lover
What do you expect of a literal spastic?
Why is this dude is considered hero in dumboland again?
because >muh nu deal, which did fuck all for anyone for about 5 years
cry more, stormfag
Isn't putin supposed to be the white savior of europe?
>I am a pure son of Perun, any accusations of having Hebrew lineage are stormfag slander and should be considered hate speech!
>he thinks Putin is a Pollack
lol, let me guess they faked the Backe Plan too
>We wuz pure aryans and shieet
t. poison dwarf
High quality disscusion you got there, lads.
the fucking what lmao
jews are all white converts you buffoon, semitic jews got exterminated a very long time ago
t. jew
'sup jew
this is one of our best presidents.
Democracy was a mistake.