If you are actually interested in learning what Satan is:
>Dualism: The Illuminati Religion
>Mystery Babylon series by William Cooper
Satan means 'adversary' in Hebrew. He is the eternal rebel, the one who opposes and accuses God. He masqueraides as an angel of light, and is often symbolized as a serpent or snake, referring to his wisdom.
Satan's name is Lucifer, the 'light-bearer' who gave man the gift of intellect or knowledge. The whole story in the Garden of Eden when the age of innocence was lost and man knew the difference between good and evil.
Satan/Lucifer fell from heaven and became the 'god of this world'.
All false ideologies, doctrines, religions and philosophies that oppose God are from him. Most people in the world are in the grasp of Satan and don't even realize it. Satan is the father of lies, deception, manipulation and control. He is the god of this world, and Christians are called out to not be part of this sinful and fallen world.
Anton LeVay is entry-level tier pop-culture satanism.
Real satanism or luciferianism is practiced by secret societies and the occult, with all sorts of initiations, rites and supposed sacred knowledge. These mystery religions absolutely hate and loathe Christianity and want to destroy it. Ancient paganism was the exoteric, if you wanted to learn the real meaning behind the gods and myths, you were initiated into the occult. Osiris, Baal, etc the 'sun god' it's all Satan worship.
They want to build a socialist, totalitarian New World Order based on ecumenism and the destruction of sovereignty, private property and the belief in God. The whole Tower of Babel again.
Satanism is all about elevating man to become 'gods'. That's what the whole New Age movement is all about. The Antichrist will be the Muslims' Mahdi, the Buddhist's Maitreya and the Catholic's false Jesus.