Was i stupid to put my money into Fiat... should i rebuy back in should i wait another week or two.
Was i stupid to put my money into Fiat... should i rebuy back in should i wait another week or two
fuck im wondering the same thing...dead cat bounce maybe?
It was very smart of you to sell at the bottom. But yes wait 3 weeks then buy at ath
you didn't buy when stratis was -40%...? really?
The biz way :^)
i sold at 2400
>bought at ATH
>panicked when it was at ATL
>listened to some fag on biz tell them to sell and buy back later when it dips even further
>it doesn't dip even further
>now spams "dead cat bounce" meme everywhere
The real blood bath is coming... stay on the sides and jump in 2 or 3 weeks from now
Be honest with me did you sell in the last 2 days?
You think you saw ATL yet? the closer we get to aug 1st, the more fud and panic sells there will be... you either hold by prinicple or wait for it to burn and make a huge profit....
zoom out the charts, it'll be clearer
i'm definitely waiting for it to plummet a bit more before selling. 2400 is still too high
No I bought (ETH and ANS), but I intend to sell within a week
wait if u sell at 2400 and it goes down u will make more money...
The moneh always comes back in..
Crypto is like crack. You binge out on charts and get highs from gains. Shit gets stressful after a while and start dreaming of cashing out, taking a mental 'vacation'..
You cash out and then youre just fucking dangling there, naked in crypto, fucking normie'ing it all the fuck up..
That mental vacation backfires and becomes more stressful than losing gains.
Theres no escaping this world boiz
the money is still here just waiting for BTC to drop and buy back in hoping to get more BTC as an reward
i believe you will make the wrong choice op
Nah man he bought eth and ans. He aint no meme buying doosh
>Price drops 50%
>OP chickens and sells
>Price recovers
>OP buys back in
>Price drops 50% again
fucking lol. Enjoy getting double-cucked for not holding you retard
Let this be a lesson that you should always do the opposite of what biz says
>sell low buy high
It's fun to see the classic stock trader mistakes happen in crypto
You idiots are actually so stupid it pisses me off
bought in a few months ago, doubled my money.
took out all my original investment in cash, silver, and gold. letting the rest sit in btc. Fuck the rest of the coins for now. even ETH and LTC. when they start getting some momentum back up ill buy back in. Until then let the dust settle.
Horse shit
the Aug 1 meme is something you clearly don't understand, we should know well before then what direction bitcoin is going in, somewhere around the 24/5 is my guess
21st is when it all starts
You should have bought yesterday and made 20%, then you should have sold today or maybe tomorrow. At this point probably just stay in fiat or buy the next mini-dip and then sell the 5-10% recovery.
yea market cap is at 87 bil. sell once it gets around 100 again
I'm financially illiterate. Can someone please explain market cap and volume, how I can figure that out for a coin, and what those numbers tell me?
I like to use a magic 8 ball
Other pussies use coinmarketcap or some dogshit
Nice. Next time I have psychic fucking powers, I'll do that.
Okay but once I figure out that information, what do I do with it? I want to be able to use it to make educated guesses on the direction a coin is taking.