Why don't nihilists just kill themselves?
Why don't nihilists just kill themselves?
Nihilists are liars. Nothing matters but they eat and shit on a tight schedule like everyone else all the same. I've never seen a nihilist miss a meal. What a crock of shit.
If nothing in life matters, why SHOULD I kill myself?
Because you're still in college and you don't understand Nihilsm
By that logic, non nihilists are hypocrites for every doing anything just for the fuck of it.
Why would I do something that doesn't matter anyways? Food matters for my existence so it has its purpose but i don't have one myself
Everyone should just fulfill their purposes and leave those that have none alone as long as they don't bother anyone
Because they're college students who subscribe to a meme as an excuse to sit on their asses and do nothing worthwhile with their time
The purpose of your life is to produce human shit. Nihilists are just butthurt about their whole lives being reduced to their butts. that's why most homosexuals aren't nihilists becuause they have found another function for their butts. prove me wrong (you literally cannot even if you tried).
I think your anal fixation really sums you up nicely anonkun
1) Killing yourself painlessly is extremely difficult and requires too much effort
2) I need to be chronically depressed and suicidal to even attempt (1) as thats when my psychological defences are low
3) Continuous mindless indulgence in materialistic hedonism prevents me from attempting (2)
4) I rather prefer an unexpected death than a predetermined one enacted by self
why would nihilists kill themselves?
nothing matters = eating included
why should I eat nihilists?
Killing oneself is wrong.
Meh. Doesn't really matter
> Why don't nihilists just kill themselves?
What is even a point?
You made this exact same thread (even same picture) like a week ago. kys
>nothing matters enough to actaully drive me to suicide
Tell me if I'm wrong but Albert Camus (Who while not a *nihilist* founded absurdism which has similar ideas) said that the reason people shouldn't just kill themselves upon realizing life has no meaning is because death is just as meaningless as life.
That's simplifying his ideas heavily though, he has a book called the Myth of Sisyphus that deals really heavily with the topic; It's a really good read.
we had this thread before
same reason people dont do other violent shit needlesly on a random whim, human beings dont function that way and actualy attempting suicide and pulling it of requires a lot of commitment and a rather hellish mental state that most people dont fall into that often
I don't get the bottom panel
then you're a stupid fuck
I get it, but then again I'm a very intelligent, superb being
That is one handsome gorilla.
You misunderstand nihilism, it is not a sad philosophy.
You're probably a nihilist yourself without even knowing about it
Nihilists are free to find their own meaning in life. I'm glad to see you have found meaning in shitposting the same thread over and over, my nihilist friend.
Why would they?
Nihilism should be about liberation imo.
why? is there any reason?
does there exist anything important to kill yourself over?