Would a Direct Democracy world government be a good thing or a bad thing?
Why or why not?
I think it would be great because then no more wars or starving or international disputes.
Would a Direct Democracy world government be a good thing or a bad thing?
Why or why not?
I think it would be great because then no more wars or starving or international disputes.
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Despite what people like to say, Direct Democracies can be VERY successful if the populace is very involved and informed. Ancient Athens, for example, became a superpower because not only did they have excellent leadership, but also a mass of well-informed and well-educated citizens, who knew when to support their leaders and also when to tell them to calm down their ambitions.
Currently, however, I feel the general populace of the world is not yet ready for the resurgence of Direct Democracy, because of two reasons; one, they are very divided, and two, they are not as well informed or educated. The rise of mass-media has created sensationalism, which has taken the spotlight of actually truthful news. As a result, it is hard to be truly well-informed on a topic unless you do copious amounts of research, which makes it harder for the average person to be truly well-informed on a topic.
It is, of course, my hope that we see Direct Democracy be tried on the scale it was on Athens, but until then Republicanism is probably a better alternative.
Is this villa public access? If not, then it's pretty degenerate and a waste to have all this living space all by yourself.
I bet sensationalism was spread even back then. Just look at the illiad and stories of troy ect. real events who were all spiced up with rumours of beasts and cyclops, romance ect.
>He hasn't read his Thucydides
But no mass media
Ancient Athens were a total shithole. The only country that was ever able to pull some degree of direct democracy and not be a shithole is Switzerland, that's about it.
>Ancient Athens were a total shithole.
Compared to what? Ranked against its contemporary civilizations it was a pretty comfy spot all things considered even if you were a slave.
This is the place where I fell in love with Greece and Rome over 20 years ago on a field trip.
dude i've been their its a huge free art museam.
>using the word "comfy" when describing ancient civilizations
Back to plebbit
Direct democracy could be a good thing, but only if suffrage was limited to the landowner class the way it was in Athens or in the early United States.
Universal suffrage was a mistake.
>any kind of democratic world government
Absolutely no fucking way. Despite what liberals like to think, democracy is not compatible with all cultures. Democracy would not work in China, and it's doesn't work in practice in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, etc.
At best it would be an extremely corrupt and flawed democracy and would collapse quickly. At worst it would have to retain power through being a totalitarian dictatorship.
Switzerland isn't a country at this point. It's a fortified mountain bank.
Thanks for your educated opinion friend, good contribution.
Direct democracy works fine in Switzerland, but it has some quirks that will prevent it from being used on a larger scale.
a) Switzerland has 3 levels of executive powers, communal, cantonal and federal, all direct democratic. Thats lots of layers for a very small country, and they are needed to keep everyone happy and represented.
You'd need several more for the entire world and that makes things complicated.
b) Switzerland has a concordance type government, meaning winner doesn't take it all but only a part and ministers are from all parties and are bound by law to work together no matter their affiliations. Thats unique and is hard to understand for everyone else
c) The Swiss have an intimate relation with "their" state, they are true republicans as they believe the whole nation is their personal property, they want to have a say with every decision that is made and will get highly emotional on this.
All in all it is a brilliant system but hard to adapt to. a confederated EU that incorporates such elements would be a nice thing, but not in the best interest of politicians, so it will never happen.
Not verbose enough? Seriously. You can't compare switzerland with regular countries. No one attacks it because of the terrain AND no one wants to lose their swiss bank account.
Again, thanks for your valuable input, I will notify the French that they did not successfully invade Switzerland back 1798.
>doesn't know about history
>doesn't talk about direct democracy
>just posts his IQ85 - hey I can read a tabloid world views
Direct democracy works in principle, but it requires setting initial conditions. Like a colony of ten thousand people who have already invested a shit ton in building the new society and can be expected to make meaningful contributions is going to fare much better than if our current society decided to undergo direct democracy, having never had to take responsibility for anything before and in most cases purposely trying not to.
How so? The greatness of its culture is reflected in the fact that even today, we are still parroting in our popular comedies, the same exact fart jokes that were popular in Athenian Middle Comedy.
>they weren't that great they only invented everything that we enjoy about our culture
How is concordance type of government hard to understand? It's pretty standard everywhere here in Europe, except UK.
It's just that power is distributed by the votes. If party A gets 20 % of all votes, they'll have roughly about similar amount of seats in parliament. Then it's for the winners of the vote to built a working government from parties and representatives holding the seats.
I find winner takes it all approach in USA and UK more complex. (Honestly, it's a bit dumb system)
Sorry if my english is hard to understand.
>Would a Direct Democracy world government be a good thing or a bad thing?
That'll be pretty bad.
People would just meme vote for their representatives.
China and India will win it numerous times.
>they wrote a few gay plays about buttfucking therefore they invented everything
Bad because it's suceptible to propaganda more than others
what kind of propaganda? From whom? Theres only one government
Everything modern comes from the Greeks. Everything else is medievalism.
Nobody in Euope has a concordance type government. Alliances between parties are not the same. In Switzerland you got executive ministers from all major parties, no mer who won the last parliamentary elections an no coalitions needed.
as said, hard to understand.
>Nobody else
I apparently misunderstood that term "concordance", I'm not english speaker.
But generally, it's common in Europe that who won the election, opens a discussion to form coalition that can build a working government. So that's pretty close anyway.
Concordance apparently leaves that part out, and the entire parliament works to built the government. So there's no opposition.
Did I get it right this time?
you have to stop user.
Please see pic for answer, spam filter objects my post for whatever reason
So it's sort of combination of representative democracy and "office government" (or whatever government of hired professionals is called in english)
depends on, the executive is indeed not voted into office by the people but by their representatives the parliament. On the other hand, the people have the right to vote about every law that comes into effect and come up with new laws and vote them into effect. By this mechano they hold a lot of power and can overrule the parliament and sink the politics of the executive entirely if needed be.
On the other hand the executive can use various means to water down stupid ideas, like delaying them until extreme measures are not requested anymore, chop big and ugly problems up in smaller chunks which are easier to swallow, or generally mellow things out a bit.
So it is a stabilizing factor, delaying things a bit when people need to sober up first, speeding things a bit and the public hasn't caught the drift yet and so on.
Yeah, have the wealthy and powerful make all the descision. That will surely lead to anegalitarian society.
Looks very comfy, might wanna visit myself sometime.
>Let's let China and India rule the world!: The Post
Heres the rub, a confederate direct democratic world government would only work if everybody has the same democratic standards, which in this case means China would have to give up their one party system and become truly democratic and pluralistic to be part of the confederation. This is not gonna happen anytime soon.
Most of the world population isn't educated enough.