Why he is so vilified? I thought commies were enemies of USA during Cold War.
Why he is so vilified? I thought commies were enemies of USA during Cold War
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arse-angered leftists don't like being exposed
I don't know anything about America but as I understand his methods were crude and unpleasant but based on assumptions that turned out to be entirely correct.
>unpleasant but based on assumptions that turned out to be entirely correct.
So what is the problem? He was basically right.
meant this
Because he made a mockery of the system.
Because commies and former commies completely took over the education system and the media. Even the Reaganite "neo-cons" were actually just former Marxists and Trotskyists, starting with their founder Irving Kristol.
Is this some kind of new meme? The list he said he had never materialized. McCarthy investigations never lead to the finding or capture of spies.
The Red Scare he is associated with exposed spies but also ruined some innovent lives and careers as collateral damage. Was it worth it? That's what the argument is about.
This is propaganda. The media is owned and operated by fervent and successful capitalists. You are thinking of the lower ranking people who are public-facing, I think.
Maybe the politicians but you can't really believe the CEOs of Viacom or Disney have any intention of promoting redistribution of their vast fortunes.
>Why he is so vilified?
Because the United States justice system is predicated on the notion that all US citizens are innocent until proven guilty.
He was right.
It also hurt and hindered the investigations and efforts of us organisation's as well as many "well duh Mccarthy we knew that ages ago".
Also he got btfo so hard in the last trial because all his evidence and shit was a complete 4chanesque shitpost.
Imagine if you are trying to hunt deer and some idiot runs
Yeah, capitalists of communist backgrounds. Virtually the entire nu-GOP administration from Reagan to Jeb Bush was just a bunch of former leftists, including Reagan himself. These people shifted the Overton window from traditional conservatism (God, Race, Nation) to promotion of open borders, hardline zionism, racial egalitarianism and an abhorrent fetishization of the free market.
The real disctinction shouldn't really be economic. The conservatives of old (including people from the McCarthy and Eisenhower era) certainly didn't shy away from public spending and a social safety net, it's the communist relativization of cultural norms and subsequent erosion of any kind of tradition or identity that's the real problem.
Wtf are you going on about?
Are you too dumb or understand or something?
>well duh Mccarthy we knew that ages ago
Sure, and that's why Alger Hiss, Harry Hopkins, Harry Dexter White, Lauchlin Currie and many others worked freely for years?
>Because the United States justice system is predicated on the notion that all US citizens are innocent until proven guilty.
Apparently prisoners of Roosevelt's concentration camps didn't get a memo. lmao
It's trendy to hate on the US nowadays
Anti Irish propaganda
>and an abhorrent fetishization of the free market
I don't see what's bad about the free market. I don't think doctors should be able to charge as much as they do but there's nothing wrong with economic opportunity. America is about opportunity.
> racial egalitarianism
Policies like affirmative action existed before Reagan.
> hardline zionism
What do you mean by Zionism?
>traditional conservatism (God, Race, Nation)
Christianity is not about race.
>It's trendy to hate on the US nowadays
It's not like you don't deserve this
Naturally -- but I meant it more in a you have a generation now that was raised and has a pop culture sentiment that the US gov enjoys being evil and everyone else is its innocent victims of paragonal virtue
know what im saying?
Those were all done in by the FBI. McCarthy had nothing to do with it and McCarthy just jumped on it to get more support. The Nigger tried to investigate the CIA for COMMUINISM. He was that crazy.
Did America suffer through a communist revolution?
You're welcome.
>the CIA
Because their precursors were doing so great under roosevelt's administration, right? Can you remind me, who was Duncan Lee?
>Roosevelt was a faggot just like McCarthy
How does this help your point in any way, shitposter?
>intelligence agancies are impervious to counter intellience operations such as double agents, triple agents, false flags, moles, and moles.
Why they had suffer revolution? They already created communist empire during World War II.
because McCarthy was against Roosevelt's comrades?
His entirety procedure revolved around bullying people and preventing them form taking it to court (the HUAC was not a court trial) through intimidation.
That's why when he did go against the military McCarthy got btfo because the military actually had lawyers to deal with his tricks (his ability to make anybody a communist really) and to actually call him out on his bullshit hard and got embarrassed on live tv because of how stupid his methods were once they were revealed to the public.
They had Hoover at the time who had a pathological and autistic hatred for anything remotely resembling anything red as head honcho of the FBI.
>pathological and autistic hatred for anything remotely resembling anything red
because there weren't multiple soviet spies in roosevelt's administration and OSS, right?
Duncan Lee got caught out by the Venon project not by McCarthy. McCarthy jsut used that as a justification for his HUAC which never really got results out of it, it just ruined lives since it had no real power since it wasn't a court trial the complete ruination of a person's everything gave it power and initmdation
Also the U.S had WAY more people spying and working for them on the Soviet side.
Turns out everything he did was justified.
Luckily for us all. From a microbiological perspective communism is a malignant cancer which only grows in healthy cells and attacks the host.
If not addressed adequately this disease will kill it's once healthy host.
There is a reason why the commies of today com from middle class to upper class backgrounds in successful wealthy nations.
>Duncan Lee got caught out by the Venon project not by McCarthy. McCarthy jsut used that as a justification
So? He still was right.
>the complete ruination of a person's everything
>muh poor commies
>Also the U.S had WAY more people spying and working for them on the Soviet side
So? If not cripple commie in chief and the rest of soviet agents in his government there wouldn't be even cold war. You tools just cleaned your own mess.
Not really. The HUAC convicted ON ONE of communism just contempt of congress or perjury. Like Joe McCarthy pussied out when people either stood up to him or threatened to take it to court because then his evidence would be put to scrutiny.
>The list he said he had never materialized
>McCarthy investigations never lead to the finding or capture of spies
Technically true.
You should check into John Earl Haynes' work. He compares McCarthy's lists to Venona and declassified FBI investigations. Over half of the people named by McCarthy were noted security risks and a good number were dead to rights working with the Soviets. That McCarthy was right isn't a meme anymore. History has redeemed McCarthy in his accusations, though his methods are still vilified.
What's so wrong with communism anyway? Just because some genocidal leaders used it for political legitimacy doesn't mean it's bad
It is against human nature.
How so?
Cast a wide enough net and you can catch the smallest of microbes in the ocean.
Because he spat in the face of our justice system and due process, and conducted what amounted little to more than a witch hunt at the time. A lot of people who barely had association with socialism had their lives ruined as collateral damage.
He seized the opportunity of the red scare to thrust himself into prominence and gain power and traction.
Sure, his actions showed that communist infiltration was indeed happening in our government. But that doesn't justify us abandoning our republic's precepts or well established common law.
I love this meme.
because he is the perfect example of consolidation of power and abuse of authority through fear-mongering and excessive rhetoric
His actions didn't even show it really it was dealt with heavily at that point and later on in regards to spies. Having a guy literally go on a frothing crusade when you are trying to be discreet and catching actual legit spies rather then guys who were part of left leaning organization at some point in time kinda makes things silly.
There's a difference between reading lolicon and fiddling kids and this applies to this case. McCarthy never brought a single communist to trial, which was later tauntingly pointed out by his opponents in congress. There are also very few trials in general, because the juridical basis wasn't very firm. Treason is awfully hard to prove under the American constitution and most other statutes (Espionage law ...) aren't really applicable either. Hiss was sentenced because he committed perjury. The Rosenberg-case is really the exception, not the rule.
What an excellent non-argument. The sheer percentage of those names which actually turned out to be working for them should be proof enough
>The sheer percentage of those names which actually turned out to be working for them should be proof enough
Can you put a number on this percentage?
Because turning the US authoritarian in order to get rid of commies would be no victory.
He did things which are illegal and contrary to edgelord belief, laws are actually of significant importance. He's probably easily confounded with the later incarnation of J Edgar Hoover in popular normtard reckoning who was worse.
He could also be blamed for being a key figure in the creation of the anticommunist rhetoric that would dominate politics up til today, inhibiting the development of social progress.
>turning the US authoritarian
>post-FDR America
>turning the US authoritarian
he was literally right about everything and then attacked Hollywood aka got tangled up with the rich fucks, literally no one would have cared about what he did if he didn't call them out
He caught exactly zero communists during his whole crusade.
According to Haynes' work, about 60%
t. ankie
He intentionally exaggerated the red scare and created a political witch hunt to advance himself.
If only you knew how bad things really were
America hates commies because they take away people's freedoms
kinda defeats the purpose when your gov't takes away freedoms anyway
>commit sedition
>wonder why your freedoms get taken away
If you actually did commit sedition then you should.
If people only THINK you did it there's kinda a conflict of interest.
>Inb4 muh Venona papers
Literally nothing there confirms any of McCarthy's accusations and the list flat out comes with a warning that most links between aliases and names are purely conjecture.
>Senator McCarthy
>House Unamerican Activiates Committe
What did he mean by this?
Communists commit sedition by default. Their ideology demands the overthrow of the state. There are exactly zero non-seditious commies in the world. On top of this, being a communist means you do not respect the rights of others. As such, their rights should not be respected either.
>he was literally right about everything and then attacked Hollywood aka got tangled up with the rich fucks, literally no one would have cared about what he did if he didn't call them out
Wtf are you shitting me? He got fucked hard rightfully so because he fucked with the military and embarrassed himself on live TV.
He was paranoid raging alcoholic, still like most conservatives today.
>racial egalitarianism
Since when has this been a bad thing? What, should we have continued treating the millions of non-white Americans as second class citizens?
Thank God that's not how the first amendment works.
all with good reason
Leftists and communists got wrekt so now they hate him.
>catching actual legit spies rather then guys who were part of left leaning organization at some point in time kinda makes things silly.
Protip: People who are part of "left leaning organizations" may as well be spies.
What does the first amendment have to do with communism? I don't see anything in there about a right to be a commie.
I'm sure the founding fathers would love people using their amendment to defend an ideology all about destroying what they worked so hard to create.
That and pornography being protected as "speech", I'm sure they would have gotten a kick out of that.
Not that user but commie scum are still citizens.
Misguided and often lies to by their cult leadsrs like Yvette Falarca, but citizens.
And until they actually break our laws they have all the rights afforded to the citizenry.
The recent resurgence has already failed. Died in the womb. Stillborn.
They should have kept it to banks and corporations. Hell even the police. But they came up against the frogmen and antagonized them. And peppersprayed young women and beat up other citizens while wearing masks.
Their optics are Hezbollah. They've lost their ideological center and even figures like Bernie Sanders stepped up to denounce them.
It's now standard LEO policy to unmask them and their members are facing real legal troubles.
But they are still citizens and capable of being salvaged.
If they had just left their masks off and come well dressed and nice looking try would have done more damage.
But there are real criminals in their ranks.
>What do you mean by Zionism?
He means 1/3rd of US foreign aid goes to Israel.
>Not that user but commie scum are still citizens.
Not in my book.
>that's not how the first amendment works
It isn't? Last I checked if you go to prison for committing sedition you lose your rights. You should be happy that progressive judicial activists made your breaking the law excusable.
Drop the larping it's pathetic user.
They are just LARPing for the most part. Harmless.
I'm not prepared to regulate speech to ensure the Republic. If we do that them we've already lost it.
>until they actually break our laws
>call for the violent overthrow of the United States government
>not breaking the law
What part of seditious by default do you not understand
>I have no idea what sedition is because I have this bizarre need to be an internet tough guy.
Not that user but they've got that right. Anyone can at any time call for the violent overthrow of the US government.
>ITT: americans in 2017 still brainwashed by 1950's CIA propaganda
Hahaha the LARPing as antifa was done months ago before the Battles.
And pol already began developing antibodies. Like a vaccine for the social virus.
By the time they really stepped up our guys were already ready for War. They escalated to body armor and shield/batons organically within weeks. And it would have only escalated from there.
Do not misunderstand me, law enforcement has had to step in and curb their masked violence. For their own protection.
The frogmen already doxxed their entire network.
If Law Enforcement hasn't stepped in it would have been the Long Knives.
Sedition (Noun) - conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch
Just because commie judges have made sure it's not enforced for commies (but used very often against right-wing militians) doesn't mean it's not against the fucking law.
>Also the U.S had WAY more people spying and working for them on the Soviet side.
>this is somehow justification to let Soviet agents inside your government
I don't know what you expected, Americans are some of the most brainwashed people on the planet.
There's no such thing as a harmless red. The LARPers exist to provide cover for the revolutionarys, and act as human shields to convince people like you from scooping the whole lot up and deporting them to Liberia.
>I'm not prepared to regulate speech to ensure the Republic. If we do that them we've already lost it.
I hear you Cicero, but I for one welcome Caesar. I say that we have in fact already lost, and if we've already lost then we may as well regulate speech.
So, you think that the Supreme Court's decision in Yates v U.S. is wrong, and therefore you implicitly deny Article 3 of the U.S. constitution, at which point you are professing an ideology contrary to that of the Constitution of this land. You are no different from your communist strawman and are committing sedition by your own definition. You should turn yourself in to your local precinct.
So in that case, I imagine you support US colleges supporting restricting free speech against alleged racists, bigots, etc?
We're not there yet. When we are you will be informed.
He pretty much forced Chaplin to leave to Switzerland. That's something.
This is accurate
Nigger, I think fucking Marbury v. Madison was wrong. Regardless, your thinking that communists do not present a clear and present danger is false and your fallacy fallacy can go eat a sack of baby dicks.
>He pretty much forced Chaplin to leave to Switzerland. That's something.
Thank God. Lord knows our streets are that much safer with one less vaudeville actor walking the streets.
No, why would I do that?
>hurr if you support killing your enemies that must mean you support them killing you
Free speech is for Americans.
Communists aren't Americans.
I admire your zeal.
However when the political landscape changes, and oh it will change, I would hope that our ideological sparring partners afford us the same courtesies.
Do you know why we win?
We win because we are better than they are
>afford us the same courtesies
They don't even afford us courtesies now you fucking idiot.