I want a legitimate answer, why aren't Communist related atrocities as well known in the general public? Don't give some bullshit answer like, "HUR DUR IT'S CUZ OF THE LIBTARDS" or "THE KIKES ARE BEHIND IT". I want a reasonable, logical answer that doesn't make you sound like a 5-year-old /pol/ user.
Why does Communism not have more of a stigma around it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it is a jewish ideology made and ran by the russian/khazar jews with support from many countries most of which you would not expect..
Read "200 years together" to get a starter into it.
Because communism is fundamentally about building a feel good world wide egalitarian utopia and is it thus therefore much easier to give it a pass (psychologically).
>hey guys why did this occur?
>just tell me without telling me the real reasons
Welp it really was due to damage control and active commies controlling the narrative in education and media.
Also, there was an Iron Curtain and accurate information was difficult to get out of the USSR.
Just point on this map where so-called communist atrocities happened.
because they never happened
Because neither the soviet union nor China was conquered. Force moves objects when not opposed by a counter-force.
I mean, the soviet union fell, but the russian federation isn't exactly the sort of state that would go about demonising it entirely.
being on internet makes me fell like they are more known than anything else, unlike stuff like that Pol Pot got supported from the US
Bu you just answered for your own question. Think about this, who were responsible for kind Uncle Joe meme? Plus best pres evah couldn't be so wrong, right?
2 main reasons:
>It is because the subversion was already completed 20 years ago. US colleges have been filled with leftards since the 60s so even after the soviet union finally collapsed marxists had already fully infiltrated the education system. There is no going back at this point. I'll never forget the day of my first semester sophomore year. History professor takes out his laptop with a fucking hammer and sickle sticker on it, Ukrainian transfer student stands up and starts cursing at him then walks out.
>only the victor of the war gets their side of the story told
The Nazis killed lots of people outside of Germany so everyone hates them.
The Communists mostly killed their own citizens.
And Israel. Pol Pot was supported by Israel and the Israelies have a strong presence there today
>Soviet Union was liberal marxist xD
>The Communists mostly killed their own citizens.
Beacause half of Europe and China accepted communism voluntarily of course.
there is literally nothing wrong with killing "your own citizens" when its for a good reason
> be victor of the war
> *collapse*
are you ironic here or just retarded?
>Don't give some bullshit answer like "THE KIKES ARE BEHIND IT"
>hey Veeky Forums can you please tell me what's 2+2 but don't say 4 or some other bullshit answer
The economic system collapsed, the ideology did not. It has been planted into the minds of elites for decades now. You don't have to be a stormfag nazi to realize that the wish of all elites is for a unified world government split by smaller economies of scale and utilizing a guaranteed basic income
Well, he also presented himself as liberal, so?
Because of Cold War censorship, and that fundamentally is a peaceful ideology, whereas a violent one like Islam is not known because Europeans focus on their empires, and Americans don't have books until 1900
Those people arent less bad only because they are "your own people"
Russian Hiwi soldiers is equally bad to Nazi German soldiers if not worse
It was state capitalism, communism has been tried but you've never had s proper implementation
>fundamentally is a peaceful ideology
Remind me of 64 genders in SU and how was homosexuality totaly ok.
It wasnt, it was socialism, calling it state capitalism is Trotskyite revisionism
> not using 54 presuppositions to define 1+1
>I have never read a book before in my life
Gas yourself commie nigger
>liberalism means SJW
Iam fascist you faggot
>hundreds of milions
Real fascism just hasn't been tried since Rome.
This brings up an interesting point actually.
>a guy kills another guy
>yeah it was a horrible murder but at least he didn't kill him because of his race xD
Why did Ameriblubbers of the past 50 or so years pushed the meme that racially motivated crimes are the most heinous thing in the universe? A murder is a murder.
In the modern day, yes they are indistinguishable. The "classical liberals" all became either libertarian wackos or grew up and became Fascist master-race
>Remind me of
Nice dodging. If self-proclaimed liberal president was commie bootlicker, well, connect the dots yourself.
>Selling your entire country to kikes is fascism
It was tried but communist kikes ruined what would have been a beautiful world
"His culture isnt like mine so he is gay" xD
You can grow up into 14 years old /pol/inesians, user
The assault on whiteness.
Which, objectively, is a correct assault. White supremacy is the American way even today. Others are allowed to progresss through the system but only by really adhering to their place within it.
Now considering that lighter skin situation persists in India and South America as well as Africa we have a real conundrum.
Do Americans still bealive this meme
>Why did Ameriblubbers of the past 50 or so years pushed the meme that racially motivated crimes are the most heinous thing in the universe? A murder is a murder.
Because dumbotards are subhuman scum and we can only patiently wait until their favorite non-white pets slaughter them all.
>Look! Look! I'm retarded!
Ok, ok, I get it.
Leftism is anti white, the establishment wants to push that
Remember when Veeky Forums was able to discuss shit without one every two posts being a /pol/tard sperging? Good times.
>leftism is anti-white
I quess all those nationalists in 20th century just wanted to kill all their people and bring niggers in, right?
>a beautiful world
Not for them...
Never forget that Theodor Herzl himself was a staunch German nationalist who considered the Germans to be the apex of European civic society.
He went so far as to join a German nationalist group. Which he was rejected from in a purity spiral.
And what a crop they did sow. And what a harvest they did reap.
You mean back when /b/ was good?
White is the code word for Jew anyway.
/b/ was politically neutral and didn't ruin every other board, so sure.
Everybody but people in college dislikes communism though, where do you get your information to where people like it?
the KGB literally infiltrated the European and American establishment with that objective in mind
It wasn't socialism because there were still clear class divides, and the state did not help the common man enough
I quess all those people voting for communist parties in Eastern Europe are "in collage"
>leftypol actually beleives that Veeky Forums was his anti white SJW feminist safespace
Do Americans really equate their commercialized 50s shithole with nazi Germany?
Once reached their will be no war
No theft
Death will be painless and at 140
Socialim isnt always against existence of several classes
Because USSR won the cold war.
/b/ was not neutral. /b/ was a single-issue voter, and only cared about who would provide the most keks and reak the most havoc on society.
Which ones? The only country where people vote for the communists is Russia and they are a controlled opposition completely outnumbered by Putin's party. I'm Eastern European and "communist" is basically an insult.
nice conspiracy theory
*tips tinfoil hat*
If you wear a hammer and sickle t-shirt you might get a bunch of weird looks and called a faggot, but if you wore a swastika shirt you'd be publicly executed and the video would be on the front page of buzzfeed as an inspiration to all
Shit user, you just called for a dump of stormfag youtube videos and infopics.
Czech Republic has between 15-20% votes for Communist party, in Moldova they even had 60% in 2009
it´s a waste of human resources of the nation and history shows correlation of forces change and leads to counter-revolution
>the leftpol retard can't spell
>the leftypol reatd can't read
so, this is the power of leftism
>muh stormfags
aww, the leftypol snowflake is scared white people don't hate their own race
Call it whatever you want, you could discuss shit and they didn't shit up other boards.
> Ex-KGB officer
There exists saying in Russia that there are no Ex-KGB officers.
Because the academic, media, and public service/managerial class that cutrently heads Western civilization is left-wing, and while they're not nearly as far-left as the communists (for the most part), the fact is communists are on the "same side" of the spectrum as them, whereas Nazis belong to the right of the spectrum. So, either because they think in such black and white terms or they know most of the public does, it's not in their interest to call out the bad apples on their side of the aisle, while it is in their interest to beat every atrocity committed by someone right-of-center into the public consciousness.
Well I don't know much about Moldova but the fact you have to wheel out such a meme country makes me think your argument doesn't really have an argument to stand on. Which country are you from by the way?
Also as for Russia, their "communists" are basically just milquetoast social democrats in a Soviet wrapping. Just read about their ideology, nothing communist about them at all: en.wikipedia.org
>why aren't Communist related atrocities as well known in the general public?
I have no idea where people this idea from, especially if you live in America. 1984 and Animal Farm which are required reading in many schools are largely criticisms of real existing communist. When I got out of high school all I knew about Communist regimes had to do with purges, terrors, famines, dictatorship, cults of personality, and that they featured a lot of men in military uniforms because that is what most of the material was about.
>killing counter-revolutionaries leads to counter-revolution
>not killing them doesnt
I'm calling you what you are. And the way you spam this board has made you extremely predictable, my neonazi friend. You always post the same propaganda and sperg about the same shit that nobody said. I don't know if you are a shill or just an autist though.
Are you implying that they aren't real communists or what?
Veeky Forums isn't your SJW safesoace, snowflake
>There exists saying
wow, the leftypol shill can't even string togheth a sentance!
You must be new here. Other boards were constantly raided with newfags and /b/ was essentially the containment board or a place where people went to indulge in their daily dose of autism via raids, baww threads, or YLYL.
>your argument isnt an argument because Moldova is small
As i said, Czech Republic
>I have no idea where people this idea from
Stormfags want to feel like martyrs.
>being a "neo-nazis" is bad
>but being a snowflake anti white SJW is fine
kill yourself, SJW
> string togheth
Wow, such beautiful language skills.
Yes, they aren't real communists. China does the same thing, they are communist only on paper but in reality it's state capitalism.
KSCM is a small party with a small support and vast majority of people fucking hate communism. Just watch any political debate in Czech republic, accusing your opponent of being an ex-communist is considered a legitimate argument there.
>the leftypol SJW is actually trying to deflect
you're pathetic, even for a leftypol cuck
There is nothing bad about being anti-white.
>Theodor Herzl
>Austro-Hungarian journalist, playwright, political activist, and writer who was one of the fathers of modern political Zionism.
trsodomites always crack me up
I'm not. Ignoring for a second that Veeky Forums didn't exist, if this post was made 10 years ago, do you think the discussion would be as bad? How much sperging over conspiracies would there be? At worst there would be retarded kids saying dumb shit.
Seriously, are you a shill or autistic? You literally spam the board with the same shit every day.
Yes, adhering to an genocidal ideology is bad (>b-b-b-b-b-but in my imagination you want to genocide whites).
>KSČM is small party
4th largest is small now, ok
> accusing your opponent of being an ex-communist is considered a legitimate argument there
People that do this unnironicaly bealive that former STB agents controll the entire government, police and media
> cuck
> pathetic
you should go back to the_donald
>STB agents controll the entire government
But they do. Both Klaus and Zeman were schooled in Prognostický ústav which was a literal KGB training front.
Nazis wanted to kill people, communists didn't want to but ended up doing it.
communist problems are accidents thougg awfull
> It's communism only if it kills people!
> Otherwise it's... eh... state capitalism.
>You literally spam the board with the same shit every day.
nice persecution complex you have there, leftypol
>says the "guy" from /r/communism
What are you talking about? Commies are fully derided by everyone not fedora-tier. The only genuine communists in the world today are rural peasants who don't have internet and don't understand the wider world or the real results of communist revolutions (i.e. Naxalites, Nepali rebels, brainwashed-since-childhood Chinese drones)
>nice persecution complex you have there, leftypol
You do. Exactly the same shit. Exactly the same pics, exactly the same words.
>against collectivization, against abolition of money, don't want revolution against the bourgeoise, basically just pushing for economic autarky + social safety net + nationalization of natural resources
>but they are communists because they use hammer and sickle in their logo xDDD
Hey brainlet. Russian communist party unironically has more in common with fascists than with communists, ideologically.
the establishment literally defended antfia burning down Berkeley
>says the guy who believes anyone who isn't explicitly anti white is part of some stormfront trump funded conspiracy
don't you leftypol SJWs have a term called "spooks" for thinks like that?
>Anti-fascist killed by single punch from neo-nazi skinhead
See? Shit about white people nobody in the thread said, the same shit you post every day. What are you trying to achieve by spamming the board every day?
Weird, I was at berkeley and most of the buildings there appeared to be still standing