What is the greatest historical rivalry and why is it Greece-Turkey?
What is the greatest historical rivalry and why is it Greece-Turkey?
Not even a rivalry
The Byzantine-Seljuk/Ottoman wars lasted a while and Greece won a couple times in the late 19th/early 20th century.
So you got 400 years of conflict in which the Greeks keep constantly losing and another 400 years of literal subjugation and Turko cuckoldry
Its like saying black slaves are white slaver rival because they revolt a few time, they get their freedom, but never truly avenge and regain what they lost
Britain and France of course
Because, cynisism aside, Greece might be disunctional but is about freedom and not about revenge. It still exists after 2500 years.
Turkish fatalism is cancer.
How much of a continuity is there really in that rivalry?
You can trace back the Turkish-Greece conflict with a reasonable degree of connectivity all the way back to the 11th century. Plus they still hate each other today and the last war they fought was a few decades ago. While the Franco-British rivalry fizzled out around the early 19th century and they've been close allies for at least the last 100+ years.
Didn't stop us sinking their fleet in ww2 lmao
Jews vs World
i am so sorry but this is a delusion, Turks are far more powerful since 1100~
They sunk their own fleet, you guys sunk one battleship while they were busy surrendering to the Germans.
>It still exists after 2500 years.
Nice meme.
we exist though
turks could never rape with their small dick
Just because it isn't longer doesn't mean it isn't greater. Their rivalry shaped the modern world. Greek and Turkish rivalry seems pretty confined
You're just a turk at this point
>10m vs 80m
do you even exist gayreek?
Why didn't he close his eyes?
Because he's a painting
So lemme get this straight
France = Vegeta
England = Goku
The Ottoman Empire's collapsed defined the modern world, we're still living in the fallout from that.
I never get why it's Britain and France when the more recent one that is probably more justified is France and Germany. Their fucking rivalry helped start two World Wars.
Opposite. It's England who was always obsessed with the bigger France.
Its Denmark-Sweden
France and United Kingdom
France and Germany
France and Italy
France and Spain
Fucking French
Only so he could hear better?
WW1 was more a butting of heads between Germany and GB.
The Germany-France-England triangle is a strong contender for a 3 way rivalry. Another contender is Hellenic-Persian cultures, from Alexander to the Byzantines.
Aussies vs. emus.
>of Greeks constantly losing
there were other factors to that such as the 4th crusade which contributed to their decline
>inb4 muh Timur
The Ottomans were saved by the Venetians at the last minute before Timur would get his hands on them
>80m Balkano-Anatolian mongrels LARPing as Mongols
>implying most greeks aren't albanians and slavs larping as plato and sheeeid
t. Falmerayer
USA vs Russia/USSR
It sent humanity to the moon
Yep. I second this.
You are not the Ottoman empire anymore.
The sooner you realize that the year is 2017, the better for you..
I never said that did I?
There is no reason to be butthurt though its normal for people to mix eventually.
Especially if you have in peace next to eachother for centuries.
If another user, sorry.
It is not just naturall. It is wanted as well.
Greeks of Albanian descent are Greeks.
Tb h I don't see a problem with civic nationalism its also how it is in turkey and it seems to work aside from the kurds that is.
You need to diversify your genes from time to time anyway else you'll end up like the brits but they are an island nation so they have an excuse.
Countries are like buildings. No point having an enormous empty building, or a small overcrowded one.
>muh current year
Fucking kys nigger sjw ledditor democrap cancer
Ctrv blablabla χαζομαλάk@.
Hatfield v McCoy
Rome vs Carthage
Muslims vs Christians
>here were other factors to that such as the 4th crusade which contributed to their decline
Does that matter? War is war and they still lost.
Everybody loses in the end.
They did good, they were Grand, and they are underrated.
Gayrek faggot
why are greeks paranoid about turks kidnapping their mothers, is there some sort of historical precedent for this
Years = i
When i = oo
Years = lost.
Rome/Byzantium vs Parthian/Sassanian. No other historical rivalry comes even close. 2 civilized empires waging border skirmishes and grinding warfare throughout 8 centuries. The last conflict weakened both empires so much that they couldn't deal with the rising Muslim threat, thus shattering Eastern Roman power in the Levant and North Africa while Persia was totally conquered.
They r scarred every1 gayreek woman will flee to the BTC (BIG turkish cock)
Persia was never a real threat to Rome
Nips vs Chinks
This meme again
They were the only neighbor that seriously threatened them on a cultural and technological level. Persia might never have been able to attack Rome or Constantinople like the Romans and Byzantines did with Ctesiphon and Susa (which were close to the Roman/Byzantine frontier), but they could and DID take away the provinces of Syria, Egypt, and Palestine during their wars.
Burma vs Siam is criminally overlooked. They fought each other on-and-off for 300 years in the 16th to 19th centuries.
Armenia vs the muslim hordes we are surrounded by
this tbqh
Burma/Siam was like the England/France see-saw of the Hundred Years War and the so-called "2nd Hundred Years War" from 1689-1815. The Burmese had some pretty crushing victories, but only in the short-term. They could never subjugate the Thais in the long-run.
You mean Armenia vs Everyone that crossed onto their lands.
Armenia had the SERIOUS misfortune of being in the path of practically every major power and marauding tribe in Eurasia. Especially in the time of Rome/Byzantium vs Parthia/Sassanid because they were the focal point of both empires' aggression. They were torn between 2 powers that sought to incorporate their lands and suffered immensely because of it.
The Muslims were just the newcomers to a LONG trend throughout human history.
American Indians versus European Americans and I don't just mean in the US, I mean in the Western Hemisphere.
>>strength in numbers
Prussia v. Austria
Bulgaria against the ERE anyone? They literally vied for control over the Balkans for almost 8 centuries in constant warfare and almost no peace in-between. Sometimes they were even allies before going back fighting again like during the Siege of Constantinople by the Umayyads and against the Latin Empire.
Greeks are just a paranoid bunch.
Riiight, such an unfounded fear, what with a gorillion air space violations over Greece by Turkish fighters every day, constant border dispute rhetoric by Turkish officials and Turkey's abysmal track record of not being a trigger happy war mongering retard.
Gee, haha why are they so paranoid?
Based France.
Steppeshitters vs everyone
portugal vs spain
because the underdog royaly fucked up the big guy
picts vs the eternal anglo before being eternal
pretty much because the same reason as before
france vs germany or simply civilization vs barbarism
also, i found this picture to be very arousing just imagine being able to dick your way through virgin vags, milf vags and gilf vags in a single day
As the greatest historical rivalry? Not at all. Half the time they were allies.
that's just a subset of the real greatest rivalry: Islam vs the West.
in your dream frog. Anglo is the master of european races...not the pathetic cheese eating surrender monkey faggot.
is this from my big fat greek wedding?
>muslims vs christians
muslims vs muslims
Not even a frog, Nigel, which clearly makes me less biased than you. Stop being so triggered by the truth and learn history.
Almost destroyed the world
You sound autistic.
It's just bants, mate :^)