What happens here?

What happens here?

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A goat is raped every 12 seconds.

poppies and pederasty.


Someone has never felt the willing seduction of a pliable female goat before. You're so bigoted user.

Just like trans rights and homosexuality bestial love will one day soon be fully embraced.

Love trumps hate

The life and times of the sexiest men on earth

The average Pashtun male looks like a Western model


Boy fucking, poppy fields, perpetual unrest, etc.

they would look like your average shitskin migrant where i'm from



What's up with that bit of Afghanistan that connects to China?

Wakhan Corridor. Basically there so Afghanistan can trade with China in the 1920s.

Closed by modern China because of Uighurs getting help from radicals in Afghanistan.

It's a frequent site of firefights between Chinese police and Afghan/Uighur smugglers/terrorists/drug pushers.


Damn that's fucking crazy

theres no roads and those mountains are impassible, it isn't for trade between afganistan and china, its was so the russian empire (the stans were owned by russia) and the british india would have a buffer

It was there to create a buffer zone between British Indian empire and Russia. I am 90% sure there are no roads there due to the unfriendly mountain range. Its one of the reasons Pakistan never created a road to Tajikistan via this strip. They go though China or mainland Afghanistan instead.

Apparently the Iranian border police routinely get into firefights with Afghan drug smugglers with PKMs and RPGs

>I am 90% sure there are no roads there due to the unfriendly mountain range.
A pass does exist

The Brits really were clueless about the geography. There was literally no point in creating this ridiculous strip.

>There was literally no point in creating this ridiculous strip.
Creating an aesthetic country is as good a reason as any.

>Bipod-mounted Flamethrowers.

Real question is "Why not?"
I would love to use this to burn out Turkroaches


eternal repulsion of all foreign invasions and adventures.

There is some concrete sense, I've heard, in which the Afghans are the "most-indiginous people on earth", if that makes any sense. a [citation] is [needed].

I never said road existed. I said a pass existed.

Of course a Pass existed. That's not what the other user was saying. He said no trade existed between the pass as there are no roads. Unfriendly means more than just impassible.

>eternal repulsion of all foreign invasions and adventures.
It was conquered a lot of times. By the Persians. The early Muslims. The Mongols. And now the Taliban.

The "graveyard of empires" bit comes from two failures: the Brit's and the Soviets both of which were already failing empires on the edge of collapse.

why hasnt pakistan annexed it yet? they're literally being cock blocked from central asia

But a roadway could theoretically be built there if China had a will. They don't.

India's looking for the first chance to reannex Pakistan so I doubt they're going to rock the boat and do something dumb.

My dad (Tajik Afghan) was born in '65 with Mohammed Zahir Shah in power (last monarch), lived to see the peaceful coup and rise to power of Mohammed Daoud Khan (first president), lived through the Saur Revolution in which the Afghan communists took power (reminder, my dad was in the 1% at this time) and escaped to France two weeks before the 40th army arrived on Christmas Eve 1979.

Ask me whatever you want, be it about life under communist rule, the method of escape, or just pre-fucked up Afghanistan in general. It's a really incredible story.

what do tajiks and other non-pashtun ethnic groups think about the pashtunistan movement? how do they feel about iranian and pakistani influence in afghanistan? do you think there's a chance for afghanistan to be balkanized in the future?

I'll be completely honest, I don't know much about current Afghan affairs/politics. Never been to the country, not really involved in the culture, and don't know too many Afghans save for the ones in my family's social group.

I don't know much about the other things but I think Afghanistan being balkanized or something like that would be for the best. The country is beyond reparable at this point.

>Captcha: Saracena
Did I mention DEUS VULT
The region could honestly benefit from having a sizable Christian population/having Christianity forced upon the locals.

It's the graveyard of empires

>I don't know much about the other things but I think Afghanistan being balkanized or something like that would be for the bes
you are retarded lmao, with all the shit it went through, it hasn't balkanized, no ethnic group calls for seperatism, there's very strong 'afghan' identity, it just has an unfortunate history of america/russia fucking it up and having shitty neighbors (pookistan and iran)
t. actual afghan

Easy to say in hindsight, but the Great Game and an Indian invasion (or at least a Russian backed insurrection) felt like a very real threat for the Brits. Judge them how you wish now but if you were in their position with their intel (or rather, lack of it) you would do the same. One of the worst fears of the British Raj was Indian Mutiny part 2: Curry Boogaloo. It's not unreasonable to be a little paranoid about that sort of thing.


I think we should have some movement/some sort of push for secession in the US and I that shows when I talk about other countries. As I said, I know little about current Afghan affairs. I just think that the best way to solve your problems is to secede from them.

And FYI I'm a halfghan

could you answer these questions then? and give your ethnic background perhaps?

I'm part tajik part pashtun

They don't care in particular, anything that weakens pakistan is good though. Iranian influence is bad because it's religious shia influence which influences hazaras and tries to make them anti-afghanistan, pakis are poopoo pajeets so nobody likes paki influence and there isn't any (in terms of economy, afghanistan is moving towards iran, central asia and china). And in terms of balkanization, it'll never happen, if it would have happened, it would have happened during the civil war.

>it hasn't balkanized,
Barely. And that's because it's barely even a functioning state anymore, a lot of the country isn't even governed by the Afghan government.

>pakis are poopoo pajeets
We're literally carrying your shithole of a country lol where's the arrogance coming from?
I bet you're diaspora too.

you're going to have to get used to delusional afghan arrogance if you're planning on deepening your friendship

t. iranian who has to deal with afghans on a daily basis

You mean training the taliban in your madrassas. You even bitched when Osama bin Laden was taken out.

Pakistan is a failed state. That should be balkanized into baluchistan, sikhistan and sindhistan, with the pashtun bits going to afghanistan.

Will Afghanistan ever progress beyond a bronze age level of social development?

I like pakis on an individual basis, a lot of my friends are pakistani, but you have to admit the paki government is shit in many ways

Most of the ones that I met irl are students that tend to be pretty nice and happy to study here so I think it's an insecure diaspora thing.

I'm not Paki you daft idiot. Did you even look at the pic?

> sikhistan
The correct term is 'Khalistan'. And It hasn't existed in centuries and will never exist again.
You can say what you want about everybody having the right to direct themselves, but it comes down to might is right.

>with the pashtun bits going to afghanistan.
Some of the people I've met have talked about making a pashtunistan border country between Punjab and Afghanistan so I'm not sure everybody agrees with you.

Not to mention that P*ki's developed short range nukes to glass the country if there ever is a foreign invasion.

I say poopoo pajeet because pakis think they descend from arabs persians etc.

I more than agree. I'm not sure why everybody thinks I'm paki. I was mad over the poopoo pajeet thing.

Greater Xinjiang When??

لىتېرالل گو فۇئك هفف طهۇ ةىعصع هف سحىت نهن ۇغطحۇر سصۇمباغس غهددامن ى شىلل سلاۇغحتعر طهۇ الل

هر نهتن ۋخو كنوۋس

بېتتېر پرېپارې يوۇ بۇتخولېس

>I say poopoo pajeet because pakis think they descend from arabs persians etc.
Yeah it's the same thing as modern Turk's saying their ancestors were literally a part of Mehmed the conquerors army. Insecurity.

You used 'we', when referring to pakistan, you dalit.

Learn to speak English before trying to post.

Oh, and I forgot to add Nuristan. Those guys have a true aryan religion, unlike you cucks who got fucked by goatfuckers.

it seems like you were defending pakistan is all


>You used 'we', when referring to pakistan
But you referred to
>poopoo pajeets
Which I don't really care as it's a meme, but """"pajeet""" is a Veeky Forums term for Indians.

>you dalit.
I think the caste system is bullshit so okay.

>unlike you cucks who got fucked by goatfuckers.
Islam came to our lands in the 712 AD. It was only until 1208 that they finally had a breakthrough under the Turks. Even then they couldn't get all of India.

Not to mention we remained mostly Hindu, while Afghanistan got rid of it's Buddhist faith by the invaders.

>mass reply

I would be interested if it wasn't for that, please kill yourself

gib land back pakistan


Yeh im interested in what this board has to say

Im half nooristan and half tajik

Not under ISIS-controlled territory, where bestiality is punishable by death

Lol, Expat afghan scum really are the worst. Probably grew up in a Pakistani refugee camp and migrated to the West. I have met so many of your types and you all have one thing in common. You dont dare utter a word in public just in case there is a Pakistani near by. Nowadays these scum even avoid trashing Pakistan in Pashto language out of fear. Its fucking hilarious.

Here is what will happen in the future and what Pashtuns in Pakistan are actually proposing and ISI are working towards, though Afghans are too fucking stupid to understand the repercussions.

Durrand line to be eliminated. Big fucking yay. Afghans are cheering.
Kabul government implodes because they literally control fuck all.
Islamabad use Taliban to police Afghanistan and merge it with FATA.
Afghan economy worth nothing at this stage, making the whole country subservient to any authority.

The funniest part: Most of this has already happened.
Pakistanis control Afghanistan via Taliban. US is the only counter.
Durrand line only exists in one direction. kek
Kabul government exists as long as Trump doesnt cut off funding
All regional set pieces are in tune with Pakistan. i.e Russia, China and Iran have agreed to involve Taliban in future discussions, fully knowing that Taliban are 100% Pakistani recruited, trained and funded group. This happened earlier in the year.
Afghan intelligence was neutered last year with the resignation of their chief, at the request of ISI.
Afghanistan has not been a country for half a century now. This landlocked shithole is now entirely at the whim of Pakistan.

Its a defacto province of Pakistan, which the Russians and Chinese have acknowledged. Just a matter of formalising it when US cut their losses, which is bound to happen now that Russians openly supplying Taliban with heavy weaponry. Its not even covert anymore. I feel sorry for the Afghan army. Their intentions were pure, but they are about to be wiped out form every direction.

Michael Jackson paradise

Even though I hate the theocracy in Iran, modern Iran is nowhere near bad as Afghanistan and it has plenty of modern metropolises.

Tee bee aytch, the US isn't going to cede control of the internationally recognized government.

All the US really needs is the legal right to kill anyone in Afghanistan if they feel like it, how much of the land the Kabul government controls is a secondary objective.

They were iron age when foreign peoples such as the Persians, Macedonians and White Huns ruled the area.

>US isn't going to cede control of the internationally recognized government.

Its a puppet government and everyone fucking knows this. Despite US backing, they barely control Kabul. How anyone thinks they will break Pakistan is beyond me. Islamabad will probably pick them off just for shits and giggles once the US leaves.

Trump hasn't even announced an Afghan policy, though he needs to commit massive resources this year or abandon. The US military is about to request the resources required for the objective, which will undoubtedly factor in Russian involvement and support. This means Trump needs to commit massively to Afghanistan and its going to be fucking expensive without a Pakistan corridor and 9/11 sympathy card.

I cannot think of any reason why Trump would go back in to Afghanistan. He might surprise me since he has turned out to be just another neo con prick.

Lets see. 15th of May is the date we will find out.

All the Kabul government needs to be is a foot in the door for the US to deploy troops without worrying about sovereignty issues.

Or at least that's what I think is happening.

Pakistanis want to be Arabs very badly, this I can confirm.

Hi Pajeet. Doesnt make it true.

Is that why Urdu resembles Arabic?

Little boys too, not even a joke


As someone completely oblivious to Afghan culture, ancient and contemporary history, are there any recommended texts to fill in these gaps?
Trying to keep pace with the discussion, but there's tad too much I don't know yet

cherry picking of the highest order

Not an Indian, faggot.

Your unoriginal second hand opinions tell me otherwise.
Why the fuck would you be embarrassed about this on an user board? RL I understand, but not here.


No we fucking don't.
I also agree. But if you're not a stupid pol-tier fuckwit, you would know that Pakis are adversity not the same racially as Indians. Hell, Indians aren't the same racially as each other, so I don't know why you're being retarded and doing what retard white racist fucks do and lump everyone in the same group.

It's lovely from a distance. Beautiful mountains, scenic valleys. But up close, it's just dirt and shit and explosions.


Your picture is a meme.
It's as if Islamists who overthrew governments didn't have widespread support which enabled their actions. Pictures taken of 1% of the society will still fool the internet it seems

Yes, you are.