Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
How does modern philosopher explain it?
Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
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Bad parenting, possibly molested at a young age.
There is little incentive not to be so.
A lack of need to be self sufficient. An adult can or needs to self-sustain. A manchild will outwardly display dependence. There's nothing wrong with reading genre fiction, playing video games, or watching Star Trek as an adult. Even cosplay and anime are healthy in small doses. The "child" in man-child isn't due to a love for childish things but from acting like like a child: dependent.
Because these interests have communities built around them and the manchildren need friends.
The real world is mostly horrible and depressing and fantasy, video games, etc. offer an escape from it
This. Coupled with the fact that most millennials will never experience the same quality of life as their parents. It can get really depressing, especially if you don't have an outlet. I like kayaking personally, but it's really not all that different from anime or cosplay shit, just a different form of escapism.
The fact is, genre fiction, play video , Star Trek, anime, and cosplay reallly ARENT inherently childish in themselves. "Childishness" is relative. For example, many so-called mature people watch sports, an act which can easily be construed as childish by the same metric which considers anime and video games to be childish.
Also remember OP that cartoons were originally one vented for adults. Only in the 50s did they kinda sorta become ubiquitous with children. Even then, shows like the flintstones were very much aimed at an adult demographic. (Or at least a mixed demographic). Adulthood never was exclusively about work and misery. Adults take joy in art and entertainment just as much as children. And people are adults for a long time. In America, you're considered a full "grown up" at age 21 until the day you die. It's a grown up world. Kids are just living in it.
>cosplay and anime are healthy for an adult male
absolutely fuck this site, it's not cosplay its fucking fancy dress
anybody without children or some kind of serious career is a man-child. women too. it doesn't matter if they're nintendo dorks or good looking social butterflies.
>anybody without children or some kind of serious career is a man-child.
>this is what materialisticucks actually believe
"Protestant work ethic" was a mistake.
Because they are happy doing things that entertain them without having an effect on other people's lives and that don't preclude them having a job or a social life or being mature without having to deride other people's hobbies to get a false sense of maturity or otherwise feel better about their own shortcomings.
> the fact that most millennials will never experience the same quality of life as their parents.
How do you figure?
>watch Star Trek
Hey, fuck you
>implying being a family man who supports himself and his family as a masculine ideal is in any way a uniquely protestant phenomenon
Before giving the usual answer about economy and war
What is man children actually? Where? Are Star Trek audience and genre readers the same?
>implying had anything to do with being a family man or masculinity
Good responses in this thread. Reminder that
So-called adults watch grown men chase a ball around a court and this is considered an adult thing
More and more generations will be born after Star Trek etc. are already classics and these will increasingly be considered an adult if not an old man's thing. The same for, god forbid, anime and videogame classics.
found your photo mate
women lean in, men drop out.
One disorder begets the other. Why man up when women do it for you?
Very mature. Worst. Reply. Ever.
>women lean in, men drop out.
Wtf does that even mean asshole?
female empowerment has come at the cost of men's place in society, roastie advocates have become very candid about it. Also the male's role as provider has been cuckolded to corporations as employeers of women, and the welfare state, men are now expendable and not able to fufill the patriach's position anymore.
They are children's cartoons, do you also think Phineas and Ferb will be remembered as an innovative classic of the fictional genre when we grow old?
underrated post
I think he meant the escapism that's paired with those genres. You know exactly what he meant
>I think he meant the escapism that's paired with those genres. You know exactly what he meant
You can engage in an activity that may often be seen as childish without your doing so itself being childish.
Everything is defined by your manner and the way in which you present yourself.
Is watching sports any less of an example of escapism? How about hobbies like stamp collecting? How about wasting your time on echo chamber political blogs? How about playing chess with your friends? "escapism" is not childish.
Didn't you make this thread a few days ago? It's a little odd to call cosplay childish since dressing in costume is one of the oldest forms of human expression.
To me, childishness is acting out of selfishness, egoism, ignorance, arrogance and a sense of entitlement. If you have control of those thing you are a mature enough individual. beyond that Ii doesn't matter if you spend your free time at cosplay event or reading dune or watching television.
fleeing in a world of fantasy is escapism. collecting stamps, watching sports and discussing stuff isn't escapism
But if someone decided to read Dune instead of watching sweaty men play with balls is it somehow more childish? Besides, if you consider entertainment and the emotional fulfillment which comes with it as being an end in itself, reading or immersing yourself in a fiction isn't any less valuable than collecting stamps, watching sports or discussing stuff non-abstract stuff.
>Competing to prove physical excellence, which demonstrates discipline and fitness to breed
>Languishing in front of a series of pretty colors and unearned ego-boosting messages that your brain is addicted to
Yea, no difference at all
>Competing to prove physical excellence, which demonstrates discipline and fitness to breed
Better get dem white wimmenz ready for the Black bulls than.
let's divide mind and body for a second. just for the sake of my argument.
if someone told you he didn't read books, didn't like any art, wouldn't give a shit about science and politics you'd probably assume that persons mind just had very little capability. that guy's probably a retard you'd think. he probably never works with his mind thus he doesn't appreciate and understand what a great mind can bring forth. what beauty and depth there is.
so much to the mind.
On the other hand, if someone tells me watching sports is childish I assume their body probably has very little capability. why? people who do or did sports a lot, who are or were physically very active appreciate watching athleticism, strength, flexibility, skill, you name it.
so by saying
>So-called adults watch grown men chase a ball around a court and this is considered an adult thing
you say more about yourself than about watching sports. just like the guy who would say "who cares about books and art".
both are circus activities. Watching sports is plebian, playing them is not the topic, although it can certainly become escapism visiting Veeky Forums will confirm this.
I don't think reading dune and seeking fullfillment in writing lotr fanfiction is something bad per se. In the case of manchildren those fantasy worlds are their trademark kind of escapism taken to an extreme.
>A manchild whose only experience with sports is watching Jamal on TV
You're degenerate
Stop making excuses
>seeking fullfillment in lotr fanfiction
Are you fucking kidding me?
Except the topic is watching sports. Not playing sports. It's okay boy, get your sister and mother ready to breed with these disciplined ball handlers.
It was just a bad example
Watching is still better. It reinforces the value of physical prowess and goal completion.
Anime's central value (that you need to share in order to enjoy it) is that it's okay to be a kid forever. The entire art form is dedicated to infantilizing you. Same with Star Trek. Same with lotr fanfiction.
Nerd shit needs to be left in high school. History and the Humanities is supposed to be the next step. Unfortunately I'm stuck with a bunch of manchildren here and womenchildren in my classes.
We're so fucked.
It reveals the underlying pathology.
If these people are self sufficient who cares what they do in their down time? You also seem to forget where you are, faggot
Sports culture is still initialization, it is literally the circus of bread and circus, there is dissonance here.
>Culture doesn't matter
Keep telling yourself that you're not part of the problem.
I do remember. I'm in the one place that's marginally better than the rest of our corrupt and decaying shit-hole of a society.
It may be, but at least it reinforces values of personal achievement and doesn't rely on increasingly absurd lying and always brighter colors to stimulate a half-dead brain.
Sports fans are typically more successful, down to earth, and fun to be around.
>It reinforces the value of physical prowess and goal completion.
Yet a fictional story as the previous mentioned Dune which is about themes such as political intrigue, religion and drug use would be all the more helpful in reinforcing knowledge about how the real world functions as opposed to watching sweaty men play with balls.
Also you can get just as much a sense of strategic competition by playing chess.
Pretty manchild like emotion.
>Anime's central value is that it's okay to be a kid forever
Alright, prove it.
I don't know if you're seriously painting an entire genre with a single value and expect that to be true.
Increasing amount of people that do not find it rewarding to participate in society, because for a lot of people it's not
>im perfect and everyone else is a pleb
Yeah okay
Yes. Fun is childish. Adults aim for satisfaction. If a real adult says that they're having fun, they're probably lying to keep up with the zeitgeist.
I'm nowhere near. I'm just a marginally better overweight fag trying to make something of himself. What are you?
Those people will be brushed aside during the next crisis like a coating of dust. They're fucking morons with no sense for the real danger our society is in, and thus the real danger that they are in if they don't join some group that can actually achieve something.
We're facing down economic collapse, a climate crisis, an oligarchy of insane elites, and the invasion of peasant cultures (to name a few). Get virtuous or get wrecked.
Your bad example reveals an undetlying pathology
Yeah sure
Because they may contain some type of intellectual meaning. Doesn't necessarily mean being an avid fan of just any ol' commercial franchise either. There's also the logical aspect of it that it's more accessible than other mediums of recreational stimulation.
>forcing yourself to only enjoy history and humanities because you're afraid that other hobbies might infantilize you
sounds pretty manchildish to me
There's nothing bad about it, people who like videogames can be as mature as people who don't.
Videogames didn't even exist a couple of decades ago, it's natural that there were not adults who played videogames in the past.
Reenactors, cosplayers, etc have always existed, and people fixated with collecting bizarre shit too, even when cartoons and tv series didn't exist.
There were competitive chess players and so on, humans like to play even as adults, see cue sports, ping pong, etc...
In the Greek times we had Hellenistic writers autistically obsessed with Mythology competing basically by being the biggest Nerd and knowing mor legends, epic poems and myths, nerds have always been around.
>Yes. Fun is childish. Adults aim for satisfaction.
That's just wordplay. In its purest essence sitting down and watching a football game with your friends is no different from sitting down and watching attack on titans with your friends. It's the same end goal: fun/satisfaction.
Anime's underlying assumption is that the main character should be appreciated for what they are, not what they do. The characters are able, by the power of God (the writer) do amazing things because they simply are amazing. Useless viewers project themselves onto the characters. They feel nurtured by the characters in the show (waifus) who perform the role of surrogate 2D mother/wives.
Anime doesn't value anything that's actually valuable in the real world. Most popular entertainment does. Sports encourages physical prowess, male competition/comraderie, and goal completion that requires discipline, exertion, and a great deal of effort. Shows like Game of Thrones value power and show the difficulties in obtaining and keeping it. Cooking shows value the ability to provide quality and variety to one's family and friends. HGTV shows value aesthetics that most people will enjoy, making one's house a more pleasant place to be.
Nerd stuff values childish narcissism. Adult entertainment is marginally better in that it values things that are useful (though still are a distraction).
Reading books, gambling, or playing whatever games were current would have been seen similarly in past ages.
I wish I was an enlightened gentleman with refines interests like OP.
is hot topic an adult approved place to get a trench coat and fedora? or maybe Macy's is more suited to adults?
>it's natural that there were not adults who played videogames in the past.
The earliest video game, pong on a military computer was played by adults.
It takes a fair amount of dedication and skill to become good at competitive videogames such as Starcraft or fps arenas, and I say that as someone who sucks at videogames
Depends on the book, but yea I'd still agree with that. Thriller novels are a wast of your time. Gambling is a waste of your life. Games are for children to learn how to interact with the world and each other.
>They feel nurtured by the characters in the show (waifus) who perform the role of surrogate 2D mother/wives.
You're pretending all anime is lolicon. Something which just isn't true.
This phenomenon began in the 60s, accelerated in the 80s, coincidentally during Raegans time and the height of neoliberalism. It was also when hollywood was making tons of feel good blockbusters. It's something instilled in society to keep everyone docile and easier to manipulate. If they are manchildren they don't act like adults, they act like children. So instead of organizing to dismantle corrupt power structures people chimp out on the street: see occupy wall street, tea partiers, and the alt right and the not my president folks. Unlike the civil rights movement where people acted like adults and got shit done. I mean if they are children like are less likely to challenge their parents (authority).
>Anime's underlying assumption is that the main character should be appreciated for what they are, not what they do.
Not really, though that wouldn't be a bad message, if that were true, it would be a Christian like message, which is what Western civilization is based upon, either way what you said about anime isn't true, there's plenty of anime which value courage, comradery, disciple, strength, kindness and good values such as Fist of the North star or the rose of Versailles.
The girl in red on the right is qt
But that dedication doesn't get you anything real.
Physical prowess brings health, easier interaction with one's environment, and better mates.
A dedicated reading of history and the humanities brings one a greater awareness of what it means to be human and how to live in the world.
A dedicated career brings power, wealth, and expertise (which translates into value to others).
Dedication to video games is self-serving and solipsitic. I don't have to respect that you're very good at pleasing yourself. It would be like gaping at how good you were at masturbation. Its silly.
Create value or you're worthless.
Because we allow it. Before we told manchildren to grow up and man up. Today its endorsed
>We're facing down economic collapse, a climate crisis, an oligarchy of insane elites, and the invasion of peasant cultures
These are exact reasons why a lot of people do not find it rewarding to participate in society. They get nothing in return for their participation. Maybe a crisis required because otherwise I don't see anything changing about the status quo of this economic and political alienation.
Not true, I do sports and have zero interest in watching them.
>hurr durr it's because they want sceeples
No, it's because humans enjoy creating art and entertainment and consuming it too, in the past people simply didn't have access to all the enterteinmant we have today, now thanks to internet every movie, cartoon, book etc can be easily stored and "consumed", while 100 years ago people didn't have all the options they had today, they could go to the theater or buy some books and that was it, now anyone can have access to an immense repertory of art forms without much effort, which is a good thing if people don't abuse it and only do that
Lolicon is definitely the nadir of that trend. But it exists implicitly in all shows. Its in Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, etc. Naruto's implicit goodness needs to be stroked by the village. Ed and Al are cared for by pretty much every character they interact with, though its at its worst with Izumi. L's implicit genius makes him valuable enough to be cared for by Watari.
Anime prioritizes passive, implicit value above all other kinds of value. Even Naruto's lipservice to hard work is subverted by the actual structure of the show.
>But that dedication doesn't get you anything real.
Define real
>Physical prowess brings health, easier interaction with one's environment, and better mates.
People can bond and socialize over video games too
>don't have to respect that you're very good at pleasing yourself
Why not? values are subjective, there's nothing that inherently makes throwing a ball better than being good at RTS games, playing sports has the advantage of making you consume calories but that's it.
>Create value or you're worthless.
Dr Wong tier bullshit philosophy, every action you make is creating something, weather it is a memory in your brain, just by interacting with something you're creating a new experience
>Shows like Game of Thrones value power and show the difficulties in obtaining and keeping it.
So if GoT was made by a Japanese animation studio it would suddenly be childish trash?
>All this glorifying of sports fans
Sports fans are sometimes more autistic than weebs. It's diverse so you can find cool people and stupid people but that's the thing with most hobbies.
>And in fact it's striking to see the intelligence that's used by ordinary people in sports. I mean, you listen to radio stations where people call in -- they have the most exotic information and understanding about all kind of arcane issues.
Christianity was the introduction of mercy into a cruel and hedonistic Roman culture, where anybody who made even the slightest misstep or suffered some misfortune was piled on by everybody around them. Sadistic culture always follows hedonistic decadence. Christianity was trying to restore virtue.
It has completely been perverted into today's post 1960s fetish for weakness, which has rippled outward into popular culture like anime. Anime is the worst offender because colorful form attracts people who want to maintain their childishness in its purest form for the longest. Its visual and emotional crack that stunts emotional growth.
You will die if any of those things reaches critical.
The fact that people are treated as human beings is simply because that's how people normally interact, I'm sorry that in your autistic brain people only have value if they slave away all their free time, besides what you say clearly isn't true, when we have anime like FOTNS where lazy evil doers are basically treated as disposable trash and killed en mass, so basically your utilitarian ideology is displayed.
> I watched a single shitty wish fulfillment anime therefore they're all the same
There are countless animes that explore deeper themes and meanings. The characters aren't perfect and are sometimes quite flawed. Go watch something like even simpler stuff like NGE or Paranoia Agent are rife with complex characters and themes. Let alone forgetting films like Angel's Egg.
Extrapolating bottom of the barrel, normie tier, Shounen jump anime is not a constructive argument.
Weakness was praised in the bible, the weak of spirit will be the first one to enter heaven according to Christ, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
Strength and courage are often the main focus of anime so what you say about anime clearly isn't true.
I've never watched lolicon anime so maybe that's what you have seen, but in all the anime that I have seen: Dragon Ball, Fist of the North start, Berserk, HunterxHunter, etc... hard work, overcoming your own limits, courage, good will, etc were the main Focus
>Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
You forgot "posting on Veeky Forums".
People like pic related are jokes that the rest of sports fans laugh at.
Game of Thrones would never be an anime. Its central value is harsh truth. George R. R. Martin's goal in writing the books was to shatter the illusions of overgrown manchildren. The closest that anime has ever come is Madoka and Eva, but neither of these shows approaches the genuine psychological realities depicted in GoT.
Sure just pray together with your wife, to the Lord that he guide the world out of its tribulation and join a populist movement centered on the reverence of a legendary hero, while the societal engineers pat their selves for successfully repelling progress.
It wasn't fetishized. That's a modern development.
Show me the anime fan that actually has strength and courage and I'll admit that I was wrong about all of this.
You're the best of the worst.
The only people who sincerely believed in Trump post on this website or Reddit. Everybody else got the joke. You don't become an adult by worshiping a God King. You take individual responsibility for yourself.
When is weakness fetishized in anime?
From all I have seen strength is fetishized in anime, not weakness, in most shonen anime the protagonist is a sort of demi God who constantly kicks ass and can could crush a human skull with his pinky finger if he wanted to, not so much differently from Greek myths such as Hercules.
None of your examples are people being mamchildren. They may be weird, but being a manchild is about refusing the responsibilities of being an adult.
I have got plenty of friends who are into anime (I've watched and liked a few but I wouldn't say I am into them) and they're mostly well adjusted with jobs, friends and gfs