Was Africa as developped as Europe in the 16th century?
Was Africa as developped as Europe in the 16th century?
Which part of Europe?
Which part of Africa?
Eg Ethiopia or Kongo were probably more "advanced" (whatever the fuck that means) than Ireland or Lapland, Spain or France were probably more advanced than the bumfuck tribes who populated Central and Southern Africa
Africa was more developed than Europe until the 19th century when the white man stole Africa from us.
the whole of africa...?
Don't take the bait
Thats right African kingdoms were much more developed than European kingdoms both technologically and institutionally. Africans didn't have the backward systems of feudalism and colonialism that Europeans had. Africans acted much more like moderns states until the European colonialists took over everything and destroyed our societies out of jealousy, taking African philosophy and applying it to their own countries. This is why European nation-states are much more developed than African states today.
>Thats right
Hahahaha, you are kidding me, right? Probably a bad joke.
How about some (serious) references? Because that seems bullshit: if african empires were that "much more" developed, why they got destroyed so easily? And what's more; why didn't they destroyed Europe instead of getting destroyed? I bet they just couldn't.
They were weak kingdoms with low levels of technology (low tech weapons, some animal hides as armor, no real steel crafting skills to produce more complex things such as muskets, once they came up against the superior european empires they faded away quickly. Like today they were behind on europe a couple hundred years.
Pretty much all traces of evidence have been destroyed or stolen by jealous Europeans. For example, Egypt was largely looted by the British and French who hold our superior technology in their museums without releasing the true technological marvels these artifacts are. All other evidence lives on in African oral history (which westerners racist lyrics disregard because it does not correspond to their idea of "evidence"). The reason we got conquered by Europeans is because when Europeans began setting up trade posts they were influenced by our technology but instead of using them for good like us Africans did they used them for evil to conquer us. We just weren't expecting Europeans to be such vicious backwards savages but if we knew that they were so naturally diabolical we would have better been able to protect ourselves.
>racist lyrics
t. Paradox Interactive
I'd probably believe an African over a European for obvious reasons
an African swallow?
You know, I get African Americans and Africans and this whole We Wuz Kangz worldview.
Deep down, they know.
They know they are never created any wonder in human history.
They know deep in their mind, they have no heritage like Asians, Euros, Arabs, Aztecs, Mayans or Incas.
>OP makes bait thread
>First post literally BTFO's OP from the start
>People still fall for it.
Everyone in this thread is retarded.
Or we are just playing along.
>europeans has the best swallows
>can't even carry coconuts
North Africa had access to the same technology as Europe via Mediterranean trade. Egypt had Alexandria and Cairo but by the 16th century the center of gravity of the eastern Mediterranean Islamic economy shifted from Mamluk Egypt to Ottoman Istanbul.
Ethiopia and the Sahel were quite isolated and lightly populated, long distance trade was limited. Though they were in contact with Portugal, contact was stifled again by the Ottomans later in the century. Between the muslims and being on the periphery of intensive grain agriculture, Ethiopia just didn't have the resources to develop like a manufacturing town in Flanders.
>Eg Ethiopia or Kongo were probably more "advanced" (whatever the fuck that means) than Ireland or Lapland
I highly doubt that, do you have sources? Ethiopia was close but somewhat less advanced than the Arabs (and Arabs started lagging behind Europeans at the latest in the 15th century) and Congo literally didn't have cities or writing.
>North Africa had access to the same technology as Europe via Mediterranean trade
You could say that much more about Arabs who had lived there for ever and yet they fell so massively behind Europeans that by the time Europeans came around they were centuries behind and complete joke to conquer.
Why do people always respond to these shit threads?
The intentionally bad spelling should give it away
Nope. From Ibn Battuta's travels
>I took ship at Aden, and after four days at sea reached Zayla [Zeila, on the African coast], the town of the Berberah, who are a negro people. Their land is a desert extending for two months' journey from Zayla to Maqdashaw [Mogadishu]. Zayla is a large city with a great bazaar, but it is the dirtiest, most abominable, and most stinking town in the world. The reason for the stench is the quantity of its fish and the blood of the camels that they slaughter in the streets. When we got there, we chose to spend the night at sea, in spite of its extreme roughness, rather than in the town, because of its filth.
>hence the Nile [Niger] descends to Tumbuktu [Timbuktoo] and Gawgaw [Gogo], both of which will be described later; then to the town of Muli in the land of the Limis, which is the frontier province of [the kingdom of] Malli; thence to Yufi, one of the largest towns of the negroes, whose ruler is one of the most considerable of the negro rulers. It cannot be visited by any white man because they would kill him before he got there.
>Among their bad qualities are the following. The women servants, slave-girls, and young girls go about in front of everyone naked, without a stitch of clothing on them. Women go into the sultan's presence naked and without coverings, and his daughters also go about naked. Then there is their custom of putting dust and ashes on their heads, as a mark of respect, and the grotesque ceremonies we have described when the poets recite their verses. Another reprehensible practice among many of them is the eating of carrion, dogs, and asses.
>We halted near this channel at a large village, which had as governor a negro, a pilgrim, and man of fine character named Farba Magha. He was one of the negroes who made the pilgrimage in the company of Sultan Mansa Musa. Farba Magha told me that when Mansa Musa came to this channel, he had with him a qadi, a white man. This qadi attempted to make away with four thousand mithqals and the sultan, on learning of it, was enraged at him and exiled him to the country of the heathen cannibals. He [the qadi] lived among them for four years, at the end of which the sultan sent him back to his own country. The reason why the heathens did not eat him was that he was white, for they say that the white is indigestible because he is not "ripe," whereas the black man is "ripe" in their opinion.