How could we let this get so out of hand?
How could we let this get so out of hand?
This has nothing to do with Communism.
>look at all these people who got different haircuts
wtf I hate university now
>Communist doctrine is about changing sex
This is the same as saying that the second world war has nothing to do with nazism.
It's not. In every communist country these people would be beaten up by the police.
commies are mentally ill, what else is new?
>A bunch of people getting sex changes and stupid haircuts has so much to do with Communism, you guys.
You're a bigger fag than everyone in that pic.
You have to be a little bitch to think that this threatens your life in any way.
Not Veeky Forums.
There are no communist countries, fucking lumpy ass reactionary
>some Veeky Forums-pseud was so upset about that prior image, he had to make a response
It actually has to do with postmodernism and the hedonistic type of lifestyle pushed by capitalism.
>Stealing memes
Classic cummies
lol everytime!
This has got nothing to do with the history or the humanities. This is just stormies whining.
Lol. You'd have to be pretty naive to think that the reactionary buzz word "cultural Marxism" is actually an established form of communism.
True. I'm from an evil red commie country. And they blame this to Western decadence.
t. leftypol, if you dont hate progressives you are literally hitler on this website