What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
He was a madman
This guy and Gorbachev helped Russians reach freedom. Russians must admire these guys.
"hahahaha pud eet into dee anbushole xDDDD"
Khrushchev on Modern Art:
>After a quick look at the upper halls, where the formalist paintings are hung, N. S. Khrushchev says: “What is this anyway? You think we old fellows don’t understand you. And we think we are just wasting money on you. Are you pederasts or normal people? I’ll be perfectly straightforward with you; we won’t spend a kopeck on your art. Just give me a list of those of you who want to go abroad, to the so-called ‘free world.’ We’ll give you foreign passports tomorrow, and you can get out. Your prospects here are nil. What is hung here is simply anti-Soviet. It’s amoral. Art should ennoble the individual and arouse him to action. And what have you set out here? Who painted this picture? I want to talk to him. What’s the good of a picture like this? To cover urinals with?”
>“You’re a nice-looking lad, but how could you paint something like this? We should take down your pants and set you down in a clump of nettles until you understand your mistakes. You should be ashamed. Are you a pederast or a normal man? Do you want to go abroad? Go on, then; we’ll take you free as far as the border. Live out there in the ‘free world.’ Study in the school of capitalism, and then you’ll know what’s what. But we aren’t going to spend a kopeck on this dog shit. We have the right to send you out to cut trees until you’ve paid back the money the state has spent on you. The people and government have taken a lot of trouble with you, and you pay them back with this shit. They say you like to associate with foreigners. A lot of them are our enemies, don’t forget.
Seriously, what was his problem?
I agree with him and even felt his rage as I was reading this. Modern art is dogshit. I'm not even a /pol/ack btw.
>Seriously, what was his problem?
He's right though, why government should spend taxpayers money on some gay shit, give f. passport kick abroad and let governments of free world deal with with seekers of freedom
Could he have done it better?
too ambitious, and probably just not good at thinking through long term political implications.
The Leadership of the Soviet Union has a case of collective PTSD from ww2. They got fucked hard during Barbarossa and wanted to make sure that would never happen again. Thus there was this insistence that the USSR would have a fuckhuge military/army, and that it would maintain a buffer of satellite states to protect it's western border.
With the advent of ICBM's this seemed to no longer be as strict of a requirement (the USSR's borders would be protected by threat of nuclear annihilation). However this was not something that the politburo believed could be made to work, they saw downsizing their military (and downsizing heavy-industry in favor of light-industry and manufacturing consumer-goods) as something dangerous and which would only expose them to attack and a repeat of Barbarossa.
The USSR was a clusterfuck of overly-centralized autism anyway, not helped by nepotism, infighting, idiotic quota's that ignored realities, and a general apathy that hampered progress.
can nikitaposting become a new meme plz?
tfw you survived Stalin...
>arties, GET OUT! REEEEEE!
He was 100% right, commies were unironically more based than capitalists when it comes to art. Of course I mean Soviet commies, not transspecies demiromantic tumblr antifas from San Francisco.
This is unquestionably true.
With one obvious exception, of course.
But the one on the left isn't really capitalist, is it?
Pic related is socialist architecture too
Holy shit, I suddenly respect Krushchev.
They were all designed and built in capitalist countries, so I don't see why it shouldn't count.
>They were all designed and built in capitalist countries, so I don't see why it shouldn't count.
They weren't built in the same time period as the communist architecture, so it's not really a fair comparison.
He couldn't even write his own name wtf
Not him but all of them were built in countries that were at least imperialist capitalist.
*buries you*