Why do pseudo-intellectuals tend to hate sports?
Why do pseudo-intellectuals tend to hate sports?
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damnit, this is a trap
Why do you deem some of the people who don't enjoy sports pseudo-intellectuals?
because they have low testosterone
nu-male detected
I never said that I don't enjoy watching sports.
Cause they're so retarded that they actually think the only appeal is the violence of the sport, rather than the tactics and what not
Because they are shit at it
I like playing them, I don't like watching them.
because they may not be so intelligent. This dichotomy is a fiction of modern media. Dolph Lundgren is more qualified to wax about science than Bill Nye. Intelligence is statistically correlated with reaction time, quickness below the neck and above the neck is the same quickness.
Well, there's a huge range of sports for one thing. You might find an "intellectual" who loves hockey but hates football, and that's a perfectly valid viewpoint.
A key aspect of enjoying sports is the way mirror neurons fire when you witness someone engaged in an activity that you relate to. Sports enthusiasts tend to have played some sports in their youth so when they see professional sportsmen engaged in their activities their neurons fire and the experience the thrill of the sport all over again vicariously.
Pseuds on the other hand never played sports and spent their youth reading comic books and playing DnD, so they find any physical activity that doesn't involve bopping each other with pool noodles utterly alien and incomprehensible.
I do enjoy participating in athletic activities while also being an intellectual. Watching sports is boring however, unless one of the participants dies if they lose. Sports these days don't have high enough stakes for me to be invested in them..
Fantasy Sports has infiltrated their physicality and makes the consumer experience into D&D.
I think this is kinda bullshit I can only counter with saying my personal experience is quite different.
actually it's because i still havent gotten over my older sister being a fucking asshole during football games when we were kids
Too much jingoism, chad worship, and commercial targeting of personal insecurities. It's literally torturous.
sports are normie-tier.
Lol, my post made you butthurt
Because they don't find it interesting and think that people who worship dumb af muscle-men are mostly likely closet homosexuals
Because they are contrarians. That is all there is to it.
because they think it makes them look smarter, as if they have better things to do.
Because they buy into the nerd/jock dichotomy and people who are valued for their physical prowess remind them that brains aren't everything which upsets them.
They find it boring and don't have the investment to learn the rules so it actually becomes comprehensible to them
Uhh yeah
they real reason is leftist college professors (who outside the USA generally are public employees) find it offensive that Messi or Federer have hundreds of millions of dollar for playing a sport, while they (the professors) are only middle class people even though they are intellectuals.
They dont understand how capitalism works. Or if they do, they disagree with that.
Pseudo-intellectuals tend to prefer subjects where their lack of prowess is difficult to prove
takes a bit of intelligence to play sports at a professional level as well. Having to make minute, millisecond adjustments on the fly to adapt and overcome adversity.
At the profrssional level a few seconds is all it takes to win or lose a game, match, scrim, whatever
Actually, athletes tend to be smarter on average
Aahahahah nooope.
this, I bet people like people like Tom Brady and Michael Jordan have pretty respectable IQs
Playing sports is a hobby.
Watching sports, playing fantasy sports, and watching E!SPN is not a hobby.
tl;dr athletes have best genes
playing them is fun I don't like watching them though
however I do like sports entertainment
real Veeky Forums question: how long has leftist college professors been a boogyman? does this come from 1920s red scare, darwinism, or something further back?
Most autistic thread i've seen in a while. It's as simple as people who engage on doing mental activities don't have as good coordination as athletes because of their lack of practice and thus they don't get interested on sports, especially if they don't have time because of work or college and so they have to carefully choose a hobby.
>inb4 I do 40 hours of sport a day and i still read 300 books
It's a typical McCarthyst mindset i'd say.
Pretty much this. I excel as much as the average dudebro when I play sports but I couldn't be bothered to sit down and watch a game.
Lots of insecurity stemming from both sides ITT. I think you all need to kill yourselves.
I don't know why I read this as "my sister fucking me in the asshole"
i don't need you putting into my head the image of my diabetic fat ass sister holding me down by her sheer mass and plunging a strapon into my boi pussy
Oh and i forgot to say this is why "intellectual" people aren't INTERESTED in sports, because i've never seen someone actually saying "sports are the opium of the people" or some shit like that in real life. Again OP is probably a
nitpicking faggot who wanted to make a b8 thread.
Sports players are just well trained dogs. Prove me wrong.
professional advice: you cannot
no they are racehorses, specimens, not people.
Because I'm a selfish asshole.
See my nephew plays pee-wee soccer and fuck do I hate watching him play. And I mean really fucking hate it, and it's so retarded too, I've lived in the same city as him for all of a year and the little guy is on his third season, wtf is that shit?
Anyway, the grass is always filled with these little bugs that jump up and make your arms itch and you have a bunch of bored parents there to support their kids and not "undermine their confidence" plus I don't like watching him and his other motor skilled challenged posse run, or try to run, around a field chasing a ball and learning about sportsmanship. So I just tell him it's nothing personal, it's just that "soccer doesn't matter".
In reality I watch rugby whenever I can and even have some Highlanders, Blues and AB merch.
Although I might be into watching him play if he played football but my sis can't afford buying his 8 year old ass new gear every growth spurt, plus he doesn't like it, so that's out. I guess I just don't really appreciate soccer as a sport at all and would prefer basically anything else save for water polo. I know it isn't about me, it's about his "confidence" but it just sucks so bad and I get it, when he has his matches I haven't been doing shit for a couple of hours, and I do care about him but not enough to spend 3 hours a week at a sports complex to give him a mental placebo.
Exactly, being able to play sports moderately well (in a pic related kind of context, for example) is a good thing. Being so good you become the lapdog of a professional league is shit.
That may be true but let's not pretend that it's the emphasis.
but some people are innately athletic talented and this is sexually selected for. There has to be hierarchies, you don't make an inclusive professional sports team, you make a recreational sports team.
I like boxing and nothing else
Because they were bullied by football players in high school.
The same reason why dumb people hate smart people, inferiority complex
there are people who don't enjoy sports, and there are people who hate sports
>Work hard through high school
>Graduate with a 3.0, so average student
>Apply to state college to save money
>Most prestigious state school rejects my 3.0 GPA and good SAT scores
>Get in to another state school, so not so bad
>Struggle academically, financially, but finally graduate
>End up entering workforce or going to Graduate School
Meanwhile, more than 1/2 that "prestigious" school's football team reads at a 5th grade education, gets free passes in classes, and a completely fucking free education because he plays a child's game.
I like watching/playing sports, but the "sports culture" is absolutely toxic to society.
So yeah, resentment towards your betters
Sorry about ¥€£ crush kid, time to grow up.
Thank GOD in Italy nothing like this happens, playing sports matter 0 other than for socializing and getting pussy, but academically it's completely irrelevant
I don't dislike sports. I simply don't have the time. I especially like baseball, but looking back at how much time I spent playing and watching baseball as a kid, I just can't keep that going while keeping up with my greatly increasing backlog of reading material, anime and video games.
I wish that thing stopped existing
Come again?
Now pretend that thing is sports. Now you understand why some people hate sports.
No, sports improve your physical state, anime degenerates both the body and the mind.
Judging by . It's more likely an obnoxious /pol/ crossposter.
Intellectuals don't like to passive watch something. Nothing bad about participating in sport, of course.
Why do pseudo-intellectuals tend to hate anime?
>nigs with shit grades and criminal records are my "betters" because they can throw a ball around a field
really forces me to ponder
>muh grades
Only valid if you hate NFL.
CFL is awesome.
Sports are a societal good. They stroke our tribalistic needs and help us not kill each other just drunkenly fight at tailgates
Varies by location. Once college professors were staunch symbols of conservatism, but that changed as the social status that came with the job became less important.
So yeah probably the 20's in the states, when money really began to buy class.
Was Ceasar a pseud?
pseudo-intellectuals usually love anime
You mean Japanese animation?
Not even muh grades. He had a 3.0 average which is fucking pathetic in a high school environment. If you aren't a nig don't expect good schools to look at you twice unless you are hovering around 4.0.
Athletics do. Sports, not necessarily so. At any rate, yours is a childish and facile argument, not to be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain (you may have damaged yours playing certain sports, btw).
this. nothing cringier than 'WINGS and SPORTS BRO'
not it doesn't, all it takes is an IQ more than 80. you think they recruit those buck niggers for their IQ lmao?
I remember that when I was 13 watching Dragonball got me into lifting and exercising
Why is American education so focused on sports?
Like who comes up with this meme?
I'm Italian and I don't really get it
>Shitting on going to a local bar (not BWW) and ordering Hot Wings while shooting the shit with your friends
Holy shit unless I'm misunderstanding you, you're a fucking loser.
that is all but a select few people actually
>Guy wants to hang out with you
>Yeah bro we got buffalo wings and we get to watch the game
>You in?
>being so desperate for male companionship that you have no standards for potential friends
>not having normie friends
if you wanna go to the bar with your friend and eat wings thats fine, but worship of sports players is a form of cuckoldry. unless cuckoldry is your thing, in which case idk what to say
>Watching sports with friends = Worshiping the players
How far disconnected from reality are you?
>be mediocre
>achieve mediocrity
I'm totally feeling the injustice here
did i say you personally were doing that?
and you said it yourself, there are tons of fags who go to bfw and jerk themselves off
point of inquiry: bfw?
Some of the greatest writing ever committed to paper is about cricket, the most intellectually engaging of sports, and the richest in history and lore. I pity those from countries obsessed exclusively with fucking divegrass, I'd hate sports to in that situation
during college they usually get a shit degree anyways and focus on sports. just because they have room for them doesnt mean they have room for you.
college football is extremely popular, and a great way for colleges to gain money and recognition
>but worship of sports players is a form of cuckoldry
if you unironically believe this then you should get off Veeky Forums
its clearly affecting your brain in very unhealthy ways. not everything is related to cuckoldry
>quickness below the neck and above the neck is the same quickness
no, CNS
>leftist college professors
Eating delicious wings and turning off your brain for a bit to watch a fun sport with your buds sounds like a fun time though.
No, I resent letting retarded thugs into an academic community because they can toss a fucking ball.
The school I'm talking about requires an essay from every student upon entering, and a 3.8GPA..... when the football team literally cannot even write the fucking application essay.
That's not jealously, it's absolute madness.
I didn't have a 3.0 tards. Its a fucking example.
Point is NCAA allows schools to basically hire illiterate morons who are only there to play ball, not get a college education.
All of these college bowl games are advertised like hell, and pump money into the local economy. Tickets, concessions, hotels, live TV coverage etc.
So basically colleges take a huge portion of their money and use it on their football/basketball programs instead of academics or campus improvements.
For perspective, Penn State's Football Program was caught covering up for a child molester over decades on school property. The NCAA didn't even give their program the "Death Penalty" because Penn State was:
1. Trying to cover up this huge scandal
2. They would lose too much revenue not having a football season
Americans are competitive by nature, but sports is the perfect way to keep people occupied with games instead of being outraged illiterate thugs get full college scholarships while other kids with good grades get fucked.
Did you miss the point where 1/2 this football team could not read past a 5th grade level?
Most get a Communications degrees which requires..... mastery of the English language.
plus didn't happen to me, happens to a bunch of college kids because lol lets spend this money on football uniforms instead of the plumbing in two halls that overflow once a year.
Floyd mayweather cant even read