Whats the origin of the Romani? Were they always nomads?
Whats the origin of the Romani? Were they always nomads?
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Romani are caucasoid nomads that came from India.
Non-dravidian Indians, or caucasoid Indians, are nomads who came the area around caucus.
So in fact, they are actually back where they originally came from, so they're not actually nomads from India but rather nomads that returned back where they came from.
They are outcaste Aryans from Sindhi land in Pakistan
>Whats the origin of the Romani?
Northern Indian untouchable caste that reached Europe via Anatolia.
>Were they always nomads?
As far as I know they did not escape serfdom in the Eastern European countries that adopted such institution and they were obliged to settle somewhere.
Ethnic Rom here. Zingari specifically
This is mostly correct. The Rom are descendants of the Dom of northern India, who were focused on domestic metal craft, shoe making, horse husbandry and performance art. Not true untouchables, but actually a nebulous "non-caste" which had its own advantages and disadvantages.
The cultural story I have regularly heard revolves around a Raja hiring the entirety of the Dom people to perform for his wedding, with the promise of great pay. For three days, the Dom coursed horses, danced, sang, tumbled, juggled etc. Once everything wrapped up, the Raja realized he had thousands of people to pay, and decided that chasing them out of the country was his best bet, because they were not even untouchables, and thus not covered by law.
By the time the Romani got to Europe in the 15thC, they were pretty much their own people both culturally and ethnically, having long intermarried with middle eastern peoples. As they traveled and settled, they further developed local cultures and intermarried. My people settled in Southern Italy, for so long, I am pretty much just generic guido.
Are you fucking retarded?
Not all gypsies are Roma but all Roma are goodies, get out of here we are not giving you money damn begger.
As an American, gyspsies seem fucking awful. Only experience was when a gypsy breastfeeding her baby tried to steal my wallet in Italy.
What's worse, gypsies or australian abos?
You got that backwards. Gypsy is to Rom as a nigger is to a black man, or white trash is to a white man.
As mentioned above, you have Rom, and you have Gypsies. I have family that falls in the latter category, and the rest of the civilized family doesn't associate with the,
>who were focused on domestic metal craft,
If I'm not wrong, you guys brought damascus/wootz steel to Europe right?
That happened centuries before, during the height of the Romans.
Most traditional Romani metalwork is brass and gold, followed by tin and iron/steel.
all indians are veddoid with superficial caucasoid features from elamites and arabs
just like somalis are negroid with superficial caucasoid features from arabs and elamites
i think i lost IQ points from reading this pile of steaming cow excrement
Abos are only stupid, Gypsies are actually culturally evil. Like they don't even think anyone outside themselves are true human, like how hardcore Jews think of Goys, as things to be exploited.
>all indians are veddoid with superficial caucasoid features from elamites and arabs
>elamites and arabs
The fuck? Dravidian were caucasoid (the skull shape) even without the indo-european admixture. Admixture from Persians and Arabs were very little (Arabs didn't even make it that far into India).
You're conflating Caucasian with European. The skull shape remains the same but you're right that Indians have vastly different features compared to other 'caucasoids' just like Middle Easterners look different to Europeans.
caucasoid is the most flexible and convenient phenotypical grouping that is extended to include superficial "caucasoids" (that actually belong to other races)
mixed groups such as north africans, middle easterners, indians, hispanics (mestizos), amerindians, ainus, east africans, central asian turkics, have all been labelled caucasoid due to weak superficial similarities.
it is ignorant and supremacist to favor the caucasoid grouping over non-caucasoid when labelling mixed groups
truth is:
north africans are a mix of west africans, east africans, mediterraneans and arabs
middle easterners are a mix of west africans, east africans, mediterraneans, iranians and indians
hispanics (mestizos) are a mix of africans, amerindians, europeans, arabs
indians are a mix of native veddoids, elamites, arabs, mongoloids, iranians
central asians are a mix of mongoloids, iranians, indians
caucasoid is misapplied as the default race for anyone that exhibits superficial traits as: straight hair, non-snub nose, non-everted lips, round eyes
fact is caucasoid grouping is abused, misused and misapplied
these Iranian Caucasoids were brown Elamites and unrelated to Aryans who came later. the Aryans were insignificant to the Australoid-Elamite composition of Indians.
the few and rare Caucasoid looking Indians are derived from Elamite and Arab Caucasoids and are similar to the Australian Abos mixed with Europeans or Ethiopians mixed with Arabs
ITT: mostly /pol/ retards getting btfo by one smart gypsy.
Never change, Veeky Forums.
gypsies are indian
indians are australoid
australian aboriginals are australoid
big deal. i am indian
what is with all the butthurt?
To answer your question, I believe it's because white prestige, which every non-white tries to attribute to their own.
Because most Indians speak an Indo-European language, they are considered to be leaning toward that group. Even if genetically they are more similar to Australoids, cultural-envy historically trumps that. You're right perhaps the classification should change. Interesting questions like this exist for any group that is mixed, such as many Hispanic people who's ancestors are both European and Amerindian. They'd also usually be considered to overall lean towards caucasoid.
everyone on earth wishes to be caucasoid
I've seen your copy pasta before and while I agree with you Caucasoid=/=Caucasian. Caucasoid refers to skill shape. Nothing more nothing less.
>caucasoid is misapplied as the default race for anyone that exhibits superficial traits as: straight hair, non-snub nose, non-everted lips, round eyes
You can be a Caucasoid black guy without having Caucasian features.
>these Iranian Caucasoids were brown Elamites and unrelated to Aryans who came later.
The Aryan mixture was one of the first foreign mixtures to reach India.
>the few and rare Caucasoid looking Indians are derived from Elamite and Arab Caucasoids
Arab and Iranian conquests never made it that far pic related. The first successful successful """Persian""" conquests was under the Turkic leaders.
>and are similar to the Australian Abos mixed with Europeans or Ethiopians mixed with Arabs
Yeah no shit, that's what happens in war. Greek's didn't always look as sand niggerish as they do today for a reason and Central Asia used to be white. And for your example, studies have shown that Iranians nowadays have atleast 50% arab admixture.
>/pol/-tier retards still calling street-shitters australoid, in the day of flash population genome sequencing
never change
dark Elamites from iran and Arabs did migrate to india long before aryans.
the addition of elamite features confuses indians and promotes a false sense of aryaness
>Even if genetically they are more similar to Australoids, cultural-envy historically trumps that.
Doesn't North India lean more towards Caucasoid like Hispanic people?
>everyone on earth wishes to be caucasoid
I'm proud of being Asian as well as most of the people I know. Veeky Forums is something else where people have to prove how 'white' they are to get acceptance.
thats pushing the boundaries beyond the extreme
if that is the case then the following are also caucasoids:
abos, papuans, american indians, mestizos, ethiopians, ainu, african americans
veddoid language shifters got dominated by iranians elamites and adopted the conquerors language
the iranians elamites enforced their language, culture upon the native veddoid indians
dont forget dark elamites did the same before the aryans
and you are as superficially "caucasoid" as east africans, mestizos, ainus, papuans
pic related is a "caucasoid" australian australoid
no, you are simply 89 IQ
they came from hell to punish us
fucking copper devils
race is not like h1b, gibs, affirmative action, immigration.
sorry poojeet, you dont steal race.
I'm not sure what the purpose of this comment is, but it seems to prove my previous one
>an abo says he is white therefore it is true
yes, we know. poojeets are white. gypsies are law abiding honest white people.
people dont fall for gypsy lies that easily.
Australoids were once called Archaic Caucasoid
yes, Abos were considered Archaic Caucasoid. Caucasoids share alot of brow ridge and skull formation with these guys. incidentally the uneducated still label Indians (Australoids) as Caucasoids
The Australoids lived in Nippon
A now defunct Murrian tribe of abos were found in the 1800's that displayed extreme Caucasoid morphologies.
>dark Elamites from iran and Arabs did migrate to india long before aryans.
>the addition of elamite features confuses indians and promotes a false sense of aryaness
How large was the migration? But you're right,
Even Iranians are 25% South Asian for some reason
Again, Caucasoid refers to the skull shape, not the more easily changeable facial features.
Mitochondrial DNA evidence supports northeast Indian origin of the aboriginal Andamanese in the Late Palaeolithic
the Indian population is attributed to incessant, historical waves of migrations into India, the earliest, by the Australoid speakers around 70,000 years ago
Microsatellite diversity reveals the interplay of language and geography in shaping genetic differentiation of diverse Proto-Australoid populations of west-central India.
A common genetic substratum (Proto-Australoid stock) of the Oraon and Munda was evident
Microsatellite diversity reveals the interplay of language and geography in shaping genetic differentiation of diverse Proto-Australoid populations of west-central India.
Peter Underhill, in a more recent study, showed genetic connections between the Andamanese and people from the Kusunda area of Nepal.
My wise friend, you have firmly established that pic related are the true Aryans.
The real question, my friend, is can you poo in the loo?
stfu. Aryans are from India! We are the purest Aryans! we are taking back our rightful clay
fuck the european mutts!
these africans are more caucasoid than indians, yet they dont go around larping as aryans and they arent assblasted at being negroid
but correct an indian and call him an australoid and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
All I'm seeing here is pure misinformation.
Native Indians were a race that was "halfway" between "caucasoid" and "mongoloid". Anthropologists refer to this as the "ASI" (Ancestral South Indian) population.
~10,000 years ago, west-Asian type people migrated in, and brought farming with them. These became the Dravidians.
4k years ago, Indoeuropean invaders came in from the north.
There were also some Asian-type people in the northeast of the continent. This is still evident when you look at Bengalis vs. Punjabis/Gujuratis/Dravidians today.
In other words, pretty much what happened to Europe, except with a different indigenous hunter-gatherer substrate. Indians got genetically "westernized", while Euros got genetically "easternized" (except for the Sardinians).
What the fuck are you guys even going on about?
I'm pretty sure it's a butthurt Pakistani samefagging the thread.
>Getting cucked continent-wide by tall, dark, Aryan, R haplogroup carriers
>6000 years later
>w-w-we was ARIENS n sheeiit
Haplogroup M2 [2] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M3 [3] - found mainly in South Asia
Haplogroup M29'Q found among Papuans, Australian Aborigines
Haplogroup M31 [24] - found among the Onge, in the Andaman Islands[15]
Haplogroup M32 [25] - found in Andaman Islands
Haplogroup M33 [26] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M33a - found in India
Haplogroup M34 [27] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M40 [30] - found in South Asia[15]
Haplogroup M41 - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M42 [31] - found among Australian Aborigines
Haplogroup M5 [5] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M6 [6] - found mainly in South Asia
>Native Indians were a race that was "halfway" between "caucasoid" and "mongoloid".
ASI comes from ENA(Eastern non-Africans) which includes the ancestors of East Asians,Australasians and Andaman Islanders.
The Onge are used as a proxy for ASI admixture due to the lack of Indian aDNA.
Indians have Basal Eurasian admixture via the putative migration of Elamo-Dravidians(Harrapans?) while the Indo-European introduced West Eurasian elements(though there may be an older ANE substrate).
The East Asian admixture in some Indians appears to be a Tibeto-Burman highlander component while Austroasiatic speakers appear to be on a East Asian lowlander-ASI cline.
Poo in diaspora. I hate them so much!
why? i am from britain and everyone here loves south asians, they are the lost link between anglos and apes.
A more relevant question is why Roma people do what they do? What's the reasoning behind eternal destitution and beggary?
These retards are a minority within a minority. Just ignore them.
>i am from britain
Hello Sadiq
Genetic and linguistic evidences points to that they're from North India.
>inb4 extremist Hungarians call Romanians gypsies
Why is it, that the best source on the history based page is a fucking clown?
They're hunter-gatherers in a world of settlers. They think work is dishonorable and just live off welfare gibs, begging and stealing. Add nomadism, general lack of education and lots of inbreeding and you have a recipe for disaster. It's near impossible to educate them or teach them to live inside western civilization. Slovakia tried to, and failed miserably (google Lunik IX), but there are pockets of sanity where they do settle for enough time (Cserdi, Hungary).