What actions have people taken throughout history to become dumber?

What actions have people taken throughout history to become dumber?

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Drinking lead.
Bathing in shit.
Killing all the intellectuals.
Banning literacy.
Eating brains.

I consider myself left, and that JPG just gave me the heebie jeebies

You seem to be assuming that disabling parts of the brain means you are losing intelligence but we can disprove this notion in a couple of ways.

First is the amygdala, this is usually not that fired up because it is responsible for the fight or flight response. People who have this area "disabled" are going to be normally functioning people and people who have it "enabled" are going to be unable to function because their heart will be racing.

Second, when taking LSD or other psychedelic drugs, large amount of brain "activation" and cross-communication can be observed. However, someone who is in the pinnacle of a psychedelic drug trip cannot exactly be described as intelligent. They will likely be raving and have delusions and so on. So less "disabling" doesn't necessarily imply more intelligence either.

I am now going to start making MAGA hats with random magnets sewn in to see what else magnets can do.

fuckin magnets

I think you should get treated with magnets user, png files are picture too.

So, in other words, more parts of the brain active = smarter = belief in god + hatred of immigrants

Theists: 1
Atheists: 0

>Killing all the intellectuals.
>Eating brains.
can you link some events?

You're right. I'm dumb

We'll see if you feel the same way after I disable a few parts of your brain with a hammer.


Leftists are unable to create anything through

Except the majority of artists post 19 century are leftist as fuck

Here's an example of people killing all intellectuals (or at least giving it a good try)
Here's an example of people eating brains

When was the last time you encountered a right-wing painter?

leftists now scientifically proven to be brain damaged & mentally ill... activates me almonds, laddie.

adolf hitler

you win the internet

>this is what leftypol shills actually believe
you SJW subhumans are pathetic

when was the last time you encountered a good left-wing painter?

I too hate facts

Squirting paint onto a canvas using your anal sphincter is not art.

Posting on Veeky Forums is a clear example

>the leftist is this mad
hahahaha kill yourself, SJW

got anything from the middle ages?

>got anything from the middle ages?

The Catholic church recruited the smartest people into a life of abstinence.

do you think their intention was to dumb down the population? if so, got a source?

HAHAH, this!!!!


Do you think you can breed people for intelligence as if they were dogs?

Are you talking about
>Most literate people are monks
>Monks don't reproduce

>it's another /pol/fag thread
Why do they get so asshurt when they leave their safe space and find out that the rest of Veeky Forums has diverse opinions?

this bait doesn't deserve a picture

USSR killed/exiled most of Russian aristocracy, high bureaucracy and intelligentsia. Entire country basically dropped a bunch of IQ points overnight.

Nazi persecution forced Jewish scientists to flee to America, where they later built the atomic bomb.

>be Nazi Germany
>hurr durr too many smart people are Jews, not "real Germans"
>drive away half your scientists and stigmatize their ideas as "Jewish science"
>whatevs, let's pour resources into rockets and shit instead of stuff we need to win the wars we started, to show we still da best even without them
>rockets are useless
>lose war
>Jews create atomic bomb for America
>German rocket scientists go to America too, since Germany is now fucked
>improved rockets based on our work can now go to space, or hit anywhere in the world
>mfw the people we drove away through malice and incompetence combined to create the ultimate doomsday weapon, the nuclear-tipped ICBM, for somebody else

I'm just saying your knowledge of neuro-science is wonky.


How does bathing in shit make you dumber?

Would love to have a machine to covertly do that to religious fanatics.


Doug Bolton, the apparent 'author' hasn't written any article of the sort. This is just as fake as the Zyklon Ben edits. Clear off to /pol/.


what is this then?

how do they work

well technically these weren't magnets but coils of conductive wires.

>what is this then?
leftypol shilling

Don't really see how it's political in any way. TMS ("magnets") can probably affect any brain function. Would you be more appreciative if I found a study that made people bisexual with it instead?

The world may never know.

>Be sandshitter
>Other sandshitters hate your guts
>Not allowed to own land
>Not allowed to farm
>Everyone who doesn't pursue an intellectual labour starve to death
>Even then it's hard to get a job anywhere
>Best chance of survival and feeding your family is to pursue an intellectual labour the other sandshitters don't participate in because it goes against their religion
>Such as lending money for interests
>Centuries later
>People are somehow surprised Jews ended up being high IQ bankers

Really makes you enjoy the goy

Veeky Forums isn't your anti white SJW safespace, leftypol

A good amount of the users that don't like /pol/ do so because they treat Veeky Forums exactly like their hug box and shit up every thread.
In fact, it's like that with the majority of Veeky Forums.

Then list some right wing artists or go back to

>shutting down the threat-processing centre of the brain weakened people's faith in God and made them less "prejudiced"
Shutting down the thought-processing centre will have the same effect.

Willingly being communist
Willingly being Leftist

>Shutting down the thought-processing centre will have the same effect.

>replying to a fake news from 2015

kys reddit

Two things that spring to mind which aren't widely discussed are cities as an intelligence sink (more intelligent people are attracted to cities, where fertility rates are lower) and celibate clergy as an intelligence sink.

>disabling parts of the brain with magnets lessens belief in God
>is actually making someone mentally retarded

>Not posting the whole article

Isn't it funny how people only are religious when they're under death threat because they're not mature enough to accept death?

>that's not actually how brains work
>>well i'm going to kill you
lol wtf


Repeal of prohibition.

It worked fantastically, the only "problem" was "public" aka alcoholics perception and outcry.

If it was kept even a few years longer, it would've boosted American IQ by average of 1-2 points.

The main problem was that the mafia was becoming rich off of the prohibition. They were literally so rich they were able to buy out the cops and bribing politicians to keep it illigal.

Legal problems could be solved with harsher punishment on the mafia or the smarter crackdown like the CIA/FBI did later on.

The mafia's influence would be easy to curb.


Not the good artist.

voting for drumpf

The Chinese Culture Revolution

It said the "threat center" of the brain, not anything to do with higher reasoning.

First is Franco Spain and Khmer Rouge Cambodia
Second is African natives dying of prion disease

>Not the good artist.
You basically desregard art based on the political leanings of the artist?

>accepting death
Just accept your death and die already since you're so mature.

Posting in this thread.

kek, its like a dialogue option in fallout or something

Leftists dominate atts,movies and video games. And they are highly present in stem fields

>shutting down threat processing
I do get the feeling that (in the very unlikely case this shit is actually true) said procedure merely made the victims more trusting, and as such more willing to accept the opinions forced upon them.

>this is what SJWs actuality believe
diversity officers don't do shit

Not leftists, liberals.

Liberals are Commie LARPers, but secretly they love their position in society and all the money and privilege they have.

Atheist are able to comprehend the concept of God, the guys who got magnet lobotomy literally cannot however thats the difference. Atheist choose to not believe in God, magnet lobotomies cant believe in God because they have no ability to conceptualize him.

This is old news, the most recent studies show that excessive religious beliefs are tied to brain lesions caused by inbreeding

Correct, it's a safespace for redpilled white men like us. Shut it down, liberals! Do not express your ((((opinions))))))))) on my board.

>he says, and then unironically goes on to whine about leftist propaganda in media on /pol/

You liberals make it so obvious that it really is a conflict between us versus them and that no side has the moral highground. It's either you defend yourself or be destroyed.

Wouldn't it be easier to just cite the 30 or so acquired savants? You know, the people whose brain damage gave them superhuman abilities, like the only known person able to draw fractals or the guy who became an artist thanks to having a stroke.

It's clear that poking the brain VERY VERY carefully can actually improve it. Just try not to mess up.

>shut down threat-processing
>weakens religions faith, makes you more accepting of immigrants

Which is only logical since all perceptions of "other" are intrinsically grounded in threat or non-threat, but with the current climate in the Western world, it's pretty politically charged whether they meant it to be or not.

The way the article has been worded (the headline, especially) is either intentionally or unintentionally likening people who happen to identify with the right or as conservative to having mental problems that can be fixed with "science".

why do leftists have such a persecution complex?


Purge the ego to achieve success and unity with the soul.

The ego is the devil.


>good goy just turn off your amygdala and open your wallet and borders
>take some SSRI too while you're at it, my property

"Lefties" dominate little and their positions of power in media and politics are simply tools created and used by people with actual power. Talk about a rude awakening when international finance drops the left and "progressives" like an empty bag of cheese balls when they're not useful and profitable anymore.
