Mauritania Thread
Mauritania Thread
>least understood or talked about country in the world
> clicks Leblouh link
> One of the longest trains in the world is found in Mauritania. It measures almost three kilometers long.
I like the shape and flag
>damn, that's a big Jew
Yeah I once wanted to learn more about it but I could only find articles about slavery and literally nothing else.
I heard they do slavery pretty well.
mauritania likes em THICC
Was it as important as Africa to Rome?
>Leblouh is basically Mauritania preparing a partnership with /r9k/
Where black meets Arab, one of the last vestiges of the moorish empire.
Greater Mauritania when?
An entire nation with the same fetish as me? Nice
Is there...anything good about this country, present or past?
Every country has something.
I almost went on a trip with an user from /trv/ to Mauritania a couple years ago but I couldn't go. We were going to ride the iron ore train.