>God is not benevolent
>Therefore he cannot exist
God is not benevolent
>God cannot benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent
>therefore a benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent God cannot exist
*cannot be
Why does God create people knowing that they will burn in hell for all eternity
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
>jerk off every day and say god damn it occasionally for 80 years
>suffer for eternity
This is the part about Christianity that never once made any sense to me
I didn't do the crime of eating that fruit. original sin is a bitch.
Maybe you just become a cursed ghost that spends 100 years haunting a quaint country house after a massive tragedy only to be freed by a child and her family digging around in the attic.
No one would do those crimes if God didn't determine people's lives from the beginning. Why would a fair and loving God send people to hell on purpose
that's honestly sounds better than heaven t b h
Sometimes fairly normal people have moments of weakness that ruin their entire lives, prisons are full of people that are there because they weren't themselves for a minute.
>suffer form eternity
I really don't think hell is eternal torture for a lot of people. Lots of Christians still don't know what hell is exactly like and have their own personal interpretations. Maybe the people that burn in hell for all eternity are the ones that rejected God on purpose during their lives on earth and reject him on judgment day. Perhaps the ones who truly have a hatred of God burn in hell. Personally I believe hell is just absence of God, which is suffering but you're not literally burning in fire forever. In hell you're just alone forever in darkness like a grave or you just live the same life you lived on earth which was ultimately unsatisfying. Maybe there are different levels of hell, maybe jesus saved many people from hell once he went there and eventually lead them to heaven. Maybe they can still repent, go to purgatory, and eventually get to heaven. Anyway these are just my thoughts.
Commiiting sins don't send you to hell, not being a Christian sends you to hell. Also, masturbation isn't a sin.
>new age bullshit christianity
More like God is not benevolent so there's no point in adoring Them.
That's even worse.
By that definition, Fred Phelps is in heaven and Gandhi is in hell.
And yes, I'm aware of Gandhi's racist beliefs. I don't think people can be clearly divided into "good people" and "evil people" which is what Christianity, by its nature, does.
Only pussies believe in benevolent God anyway.
100 years? Fuck that. Gimme that dbz dragon highway.
>be born muzzie
>be raised muzzie
>don't have any compelling reason to convert because I've already been told I'm savdd, and also they'd kill me if I tried
Hurr but I didnt accept Jesus Christ so fuck me for all eternity
Just because high fructose corn syrup is not benevolent for your overall health doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Because he has a sense of justice
>Because he has a sense of justice
>none of the Abrahamic texts make a strong stance against rape, slavery, genocide or pedophilia
Hmmm really gets that noggin joggin'.
Am i the only deist around here ?
This. Unless its Sithrak.
An Insane God For an Unjust world.
Why worship a malevolent deity or group of deities when you could worship deities that you consider benevolent instead?
>you cannot prove you exist therefore nothing you perceive can be proven to exist
>you only perceive that you believe in God
>even if God exists for sure you can't prove you have faith in Him
If you convert to Christianity and die, then you may spend the rest of your days living in Heaven as reward.
Nigga you crazy you're salvation is not assured in Islam
Azathoth isn't malevolent or benevolent, he's canonically a deaf, mute, retard writhing around in space only comforted by lesser god playing unhearable music for him.
He's True Neutral and Chaotic Neutral at worst. He's incapable of knowing or caring about anything.
What you say you little bitch nigga?
I lean in that direction.
Christianity is not so much about personal behavior (although that's a part of it) as it is about true worship of God.
The entire problem is that God deserves and demands all worship, and that worship must be done rightly as he has created us to do. In the Fall, there is a loss of the correct relationship to God that man was supposed to enjoy, and thus we are sinners. The entire story of the Bible and of the Christian faith is the restoration of the relationship of man to God, culminating in final glory, when God is rightly and purely worshipped again.
Outside of this understanding, the sins and punishments of the system make no sense. Man's chief problem is that he fails to give due worship to God. It's why the most severe punishments in the Bible are a result of idolatry, not of any particular cruel thing any man does to another man. The Lord's name is holy, and taking it in vain is far more serious than any sexual sin, which ultimately derives from an improper understanding and worship of God. It's why temple prostitution was worse than, say, homosexual acts or masturbation in general. It's why when you look at what are considered heresies in the Christian church, they're all improper statements/understandings of God, rather than particular individual acts of one person toward another.
>be born thousands of years before Christianity is developed
>go to hell or purgatory