The weak fear the strong.
The weak fear the strong
>entire ideology based on being the strongest
>lose only war they start
Slavs still like like subhumans in tiny shacks and commie blocks while German society is still the envy of the entire world huh really makes you think.
t. Hans Abdullahimidić-Zawatski
In Russia, if you have some more intelligence than two digit IQ level, you can make a very good amount of money while paying zero taxes to the state. And with that money a person can manage to get all he needs, starting with comfy & cozy apartment or house. Again, strong survive and live a good life, and weak suffer his 60 years long life in old commieblock.
t. Russian
>only a coalition of every single world power can take you down
>muh muh might is right nazi germony lose??
haha fag
The Fr*nch should be exterminated
>dumb enough to get into a war against every single world power
>we stronk even tho we lost
>German society is still the envy of the entire world
German efficiency is, German society was always the worst in Europe.
His point still stands. No nation alone could stand against Germany, which is why Churchill was so eager to get everyone to fight his battles for him.
But Soviet Russia did shit on Nazi Germany pretty much solo on the Eastern front
>His point still stands.
No, it doesn't for even Hitler Realize how Inferior was the Germanic Race compared to the Slavic.
If the war is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue even a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy these things ourselves, because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation (Soviet Union). Besides, those who will remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the gullible ones have all been killed.
t. Vlad
Germans killed way more russians than russians killed germans.
Germans were Militarily superior down to the individual man and unit. The only reason the soviet union won was because of vastly more resources and man power. Not to mention the Americans and British teaming up on the other side.
If you deny this you deny reality, which oddly enough the soviets were involved with when your parents lived there.
>Look, ma! I have a high k/d ratio!
>Did you win, son?
You would admit that the numbers would be tainted by the first month of Barbarossa when the soviets were unorganized mess.
>arguing that you won a war that ended in enemies occupying 100% of your land and your leader committing suicide to avoid capture
>Even though my women were raped, my land destroyed and occupied, my pride shattered and ideology deposed, twice, i still won because even though my enemy put my head on a pike i killed two of them before they could do it
Do people even bother reading on Veeky Forums anymore?
It literally says in the second line >The only reason the soviet union won
> No nation alone could stand against Germany
I'm pretty sure both the US and the USSR could.
>The WW2 was supposed to be a team deathmatch!
Every time.
And the horrendous death rates of Soviet POWs in German captivity: something like 3.5mln died from deliberate starvation, and wehraboos still count them as military losses in their k/d special olympics since technically they weren't civilians.
>she won popular vote, thats only matters
That would imply that the first statement is in any way releveant to their sucess, saying "They would've won without all those soldiers and guns" is as good as saying "they only won because they had a military", the germans were fucked by the russians, that's a fact.
Gee, maybe having an ideology that pronounced themselves the master race and declaring war a billion countries was part of their downfall. Just maybe.
>every single world power
>what were the Axis powers
Wew lad.
>B-b-but Nazi Germany could've won if it wasn't for reality!
>b-b-b-but muh k/d ratio!!
lol, nazis have no idea what actually matters in war, no wonder they lost
>its another le fuck dumb germs thread
this shit was funny the first 7 million times you fags made a thread about it but now its just clutter on this massive r/historians hugbox
Oh boy....
The truth is still the truth. Germany ruined Europe while barely contributing to the world.
All pointless because Germany met none of their long term goals throughout the war.
> vastly more resources and manpower
> b-b-b-b-but Germans still can 1 vs 1 anyone!!!
Thank you Germany
>for killing the most whites in Europe
>for ruining nationalism
>for forcing half of Europe under Communism
>for making the EU America's bitch
>for completely cucking Europe on the world stage for the next 70 years
>Germany ruined Europe
More like euros ruined europe tb.h
Better than "le j00s" thread #857
>for ruining nationalism
>forcing half of Europe under Communism
both americas fault
french should be exterminated for starting the eu
>completely cucking Europe on the world stage for the next 70 years
euros did that for being retarded and focusing more on beating up germany then trying to fix the world after ww1
Thank you, Germany
... for throughly discrediting the merits of fascism
... for associating nationalism with genocide
... for ensuring the partitioning of europe
... for failing to find a worthy despot who wouldn't be so utterly destroyed
... for allowing the genuine will of the people to be defied.
... for making one of the most convincing arguments against authoritarianism
... for ending the economic power of Europe!
Fuck off, don't blame us for not starting WW3 because the Germans were stupid enough to let the entirety of Southern and Eastern Europe get drug into the war. Would you want to die in some field on the other side of the planet to save some Slavs from Stalin?
> america give lenin money and let him into russia
fritz please
>Would you want to die in some field on the other side of the planet to save some Slavs from Stalin
would not have happend if you did not do l*nd le*s bullshit
soviets would have won east due to germany having a low manpower pool and no winter clothes
besides soviets had already invaded the batics poland and mongolia and finland
could have killed two birds with one stone
> america give lenin money and let him into russia
honestly irrelevant ice pick mane would run the show russia went full retard by joining a war even after they were beginning to have bread shortages
Leon was also german spy
why didnt he stop after czechoslovakia
We lost twice and yet we ended up ruling Europe
funny, isn't it?
Well, you've worked hard to make it irrelevant so nobody would care.
Yeah, until government or government-affiliated forces take over your business and place their homeboy Boris as the new manager, possibly throwing you in jail on made up charges.
Isn't that that happens over there to succesful new businesses, Ivan?
>no because derp derp not refuting the fact plus here's some propaganda
that's nice, hunnie, but it didn't refute his post
>pretty much
He was autistic
>Denying Hitler's last speech
>No nation alone could stand against Germany
Downright retarded. Even Germans acknowledged US would wipe the floor with them if they wouldn't have a frontier in Russia in resources. Read a book.
>take on the entire world
>upset at being outnumbered by the entire world
Maybe attack Russia after you settled score with UK?
Don't you mean middle-eastern society?
>>only a coalition of every single world power can take you down
the USSR alone destroyed 85% of Germany's forces, so no
goering really was the most detestable of the leading nazi figures. no redeeming qualities, a drug addicted buffoon
oh boy another wehraboo thread. Reminder that all the claims of German top aces like Rall, Hartmann, and Barkhorn are ridiculously over-reported.
>muh 1,000 kills in a month
>Muh lend lease
It's fucking nothing. Even if we told the Soviets to go fuck themselves and let them fend for themselves it would have delayed the end of the war by a few months at most. No matter what we did Hitler had already unleashed the monster that was the Red Army on Europe. We couldn't have prevented that.
>attack all the world powers
>lol took 3 of you to beat me
The USA outproduced Germany alone. They would of lost in a one on one with the US eventually. The whole world part is literally just Hitler "muh master race" autism