ITT: Truly, truly messed up/disgusting shit from history.
Stuff that's nauseates one while they read it.
Things that not even the most extreme individuals on Veeky Forums could approve of.
ITT: Truly, truly messed up/disgusting shit from history.
Stuff that's nauseates one while they read it.
Things that not even the most extreme individuals on Veeky Forums could approve of.
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that japanese school girl who got kidnapped then raped and tortured repeatedly for months until she was killed
Oh god, I remember reading the mango of that thinking I'd get a guilty fap from it. I didn't, and I couldn't get it up for a week afterward.
Somebody actually wrote IRL fanfiction where she gets rescued in the nick of time.
In a weird way, that seems more disrespectful than
>Stuff that's nauseates one while they read it.
Huh, I'd really have to think about that.
>Things that not even the most extreme individuals on Veeky Forums could approve of.
Oh easy. The fact that the holocaust never happened.
The mangaka felt traumatized so they made a "happily ever after" doujin
Pretty much everything that the CIA did
I recall reading about how Persians or Greeks or Chinese or some shit used to tie people to rafts, feed them till they were full, cover them in honey, then set them to drift and eventually they would get covered in flies and wasps that would burrow inside them
Japanese people are all kinds of fucked up
Serrated Bayonets?
Dirlewanger or however you spell that ed gein homo fucks name
Man... that's a though one.
Also the rape of Nan'King I suppose.
> that one crazy soviet experiment where dog head was kept alive
> that other crazy experiment where monkey was put in pit of despair for years
There is probably even more messed up things here.
Just go read about the things that the Assyrians did to people. There was a mosaic with a King, a consort, and a head on a stake. The head on the stake is presumed to be a king and the woman is presumed to be his wife.
> he ate a meal intended for 15 people in a single sitting, ate live cats, snakes, lizards and puppies, and swallowed an eel whole without chewing.
Tarrare was one of the most messed up guys in history.
Unit 731
Security Prison 21
>Things that not even the most extreme individuals on Veeky Forums could approve of.
Unfortunately, not sure that's possible. Lots of sociopaths on Veeky Forums...
Take our life from us. We laid it down. We got tired. We didn't commit suicide, we committed an act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world.
Man, that's messed up. Poor woman...
> So, before leading my troops into battle, we would get drunk and drugged up, sacrifice a local teenager, drink the blood, then strip down to our shoes and go into battle wearing colorful wigs and carrying imaginary purses we'd looted from civilians. We'd slaughter anyone we saw, chop their heads off and use them as soccer balls. We were nude, fearless, drunk yet strategic. We killed hundreds of people--so many I lost count.
He is Christian preacher on Facebook now, so it is okay.
2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich and what they did in Belarus and other conquered areas during the war.
those are comfy for some reason
"Lurid stories of his killings and flayings were given in various accounts. According to Shu Bi (蜀碧), an 18th-century account of the massacre, after every slaughter, the heads were collected and placed in several big piles, while the hands were placed in other big piles, and the ears and noses in more piles, so that Zhang Xianzhong could keep count of his killings. In one incident, he is said to have organized an imperial examination ostensibly to recruit scholars for his administration, only to have all the candidates, which numbered many thousands, killed. In another, to give thanks for his recovery after an illness, he was said to have cut off the feet of many women. The severed feet were heaped in two piles with those of his favorite concubine, whose feet were unusually small, placed on top. These two piles of feet were then doused in oil and set alight to become what he called "heavenly candles".
>"He was also reported to have ordered further massacres before he abandoned Chengdu in advance of the invading Manchus.[17] The massacres, a subsequent famine and epidemic, attacks by tigers, as well as people fleeing from the turmoil and the invasion of the Manchus, resulted in a large-scale depopulation of Sichuan."
XD this is why Trump is president
Link to monkey?
Stop getting triggered by things that happened in pop culture you autistic faggot
He was in probably one of the two good vice reports
Ukrainian school child was killed, pickled in a barrel, and eaten by his parents during the Holodomor. Don't know if it's true, I was never able to find a source.
But there really were people dressing up and scaring people
At first I thought this was going to be some ancient tribe, maybe from the Indus Valley when I read it, then I realized at the end that this happened recently.
>In the 11th month of 207 BC, Xiang Yu led his army to the city of Xin'an (新安; in present-day Yima, Henan) and made camp after his triumph over the Qin army.
>He perceived the 200,000 surrendered Qin soldiers as disloyal and suspected that they might start a mutiny, as well as seeing the Qin soldiers as a liability because of the strain they would put on his army's food supplies.
> So he had them all buried alive at the south of outside Xin'an.
I don't know why but the dancing plague gives me chills
It seems like a lot of effort to just bury them alive. I'm not sure why he didn't just kill them with spears and swords instead of spending a few days digging deep holes all over the place.
>A popular account of his life has it that he erected in Chengdu a stele, which came to be known as the Seven Kill Stele (七殺碑), with the following inscription:[23][24][25]
Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
ow the edge
adults eating their kids during famines is fairly common. Kids are easy target and you can easily cover up their deaths when everyone else is dying in a famine
Having watched the Vice doc, and being Christian, I do buy that he is a good person now. That said- dang.
Chinese history is fucking metal, i really need to get into it.
>o give thanks for his recovery after an illness, he was said to have cut off the feet of many women. The severed feet were heaped in two piles with those of his favorite concubine, whose feet were unusually small, placed on top. These two piles of feet were then doused in oil and set alight to become what he called "heavenly candles".
Fucking footfags.
Love makes men do terrible things.
>that experiment where they verbally abused orphans with stutters
What did he mean by this?
These, at least, are all the result of one evil parent or one horrible monster's actions.
Granted, it is depressing to think on how often this shit must happen, where the end result is usually that the victim is dead or never found, thus it doesn't make good enough a story for anyone to really remember - thus we never hear about those.
I originally thought six guys did this, without government motivation, without one of them trying to stop it, and that'd be really depressing. Seems it was really just two of them though, with one of them being the dominant psycho, which would be slightly less depressing, but it's not as if I delved into details.
Same thing practically happened at my school.
We had these twins come in who were entirely orange. Not like jaundice orange, but seriously, life jacket orange. They also seemed border-line retarded and were failing the class.
Turns out it was child abuse... Crazy mother was feeding them a diet of nothing but carrots, thus they had extreme carotenosis. Probably never would've found out if one hadn't collapsed in class.
I don't understand. It says there were three more unknown men involved?
...and y'all thought it was bad when they were just eating dogs.
I remember back in the day, Adam Carolla had a radio show where he would play "Florida or Germany" - read off some horrific news story, and folks would call in and have to guess whether it happened in Florida or Germany.
Clearly he should have worked China into this, but I think the bamboo wall was still up.
>In 1971, Harlow's wife died of cancer and he began to suffer from depression. He was treated and returned to work but, as Lauren Slater writes, his colleagues noticed a difference in his demeanor.[6] He abandoned his research into maternal attachment and developed an interest in isolation and depression.
The Colleen Stan story is kinda hot.
And, man, those fucking jackasses trying to save those evil niggers with accusations of racial bias are nearly as bad as the criminals.
Really. It doesn't matter the Goddamn race, when you do something that evil, you deserve death.
How did nobody stop that fucker by week two?
It's just science brah.
I've spent less than a year working at an oncology research lab and I've killed hundreds of mice to have a closer look at a the cancerous tumours we've induced in them.
Heaven is benevolent and gives us everything, including life. All we do is piss on it. People need to die.
*In fact when I've first read about the guy's experiments my initial thoughts were that the sample sizes were kind of small and he should have used more monkeys.
It was only after longer reflection and seeing the reactions of other people that I've considered the ethical aspect.
this chair is an eyesore
>social animals wanna die when they're in a metal pyramid with no escape or stimuli
Where would we be without harlow
A few steps back in understanding how the specific mechanics of such problems arise, how social behaviour develops, what therapies might be effective, and many other related areas.
You're acting as if a wikipedia overview constitutes the sum total of his research results.
I know we now live in a society where people consider having heard of a topic as substantial basis for having an opinion on it and having skimmed the wikipedia article on it as a claim to expertise, but come on.
Didn't he also kill and eat a toddler? And your forgetting he used to eat those animals live
Case in point.
Gotta bury the dead anyway...
says who?
tfw its now known as the monster study
This is the most fucked up thing.
Please tell me this isn't an actual academic source?
You are like a baby.
*watch this*
God. New Guinea sounds like it's in the middle of the post-apocalypse. Really shows you what happens when people in a society aren't given equal footing and opportunity to succeed...
Casual. I had a good fap to that.
Didn't feel so good after I came, though.
>He was described as having unusually soft fair hair and an abnormally wide mouth, in which his teeth were heavily stained[9] and on which the lips were almost invisible.[10][11] When he had not eaten, his skin would hang so loosely that he could wrap the fold of skin from his abdomen around his waist.[9][10] When full, his abdomen would distend "like a huge balloon".[6] The skin of his cheeks was wrinkled and hung loosely
>He tore the cat's abdomen open with his teeth and drank its blood, and proceeded to eat the entire cat aside from its bones, before vomiting up its fur and skin
>he would sneak out of the hospital to scavenge for offal outside butchers' shops and to fight stray dogs for carrion in gutters, alleys and rubbish heaps.[2][17][20] He was also caught several times within the hospital drinking from patients undergoing bloodletting, and attempting to eat the bodies in the hospital mortuary.
>At the autopsy, Tarrare's gullet was found to be abnormally wide and when his jaws were opened, surgeons could see down a broad canal into the stomach.[21] His body was found to be filled with pus,[17] his liver and gallbladder were abnormally large,[17] and his stomach was enormous, covered in ulcers[10] and filling most of his abdominal cavity.[17][20]
Jesus Christ, this guy had all the fucked up characteristics of a horror movie monster.
Also, the French tortured Vietnamese women by shoving electric eels in their throats and vaginas. The effect of being in such confined space made the eels bite and shock the victim in an attempt to escape.
The weird part to me is
>Despite his unusual diet, he was of normal size and appearance, and showed no signs of mental illness other than what was described as an apathetic temperament.
And then they tried to use him as a spy, in a way that seemed pretty smart, but he didn't speak german. Whoops!
Yeah, there's this weird disconnect about it, too. Like in terms of what his body could do, he's like a fucking horror monster
>His body was hot to the touch and he sweated heavily, constantly suffering from foul body odour; he was described as stinking "to such a degree that he could not be endured within the distance of twenty paces". This smell would get noticeably worse after he had eaten, his eyes and cheeks would become bloodshot, a visible vapour would rise from his body, and he would become lethargic, during which time he would belch noisily and his jaws would make swallowing motions. He suffered from chronic diarrhoea, which was said to be "fetid beyond all conception". Despite his large intake of food, he did not appear either to vomit excessively or to gain weight.
but then at the same time, apparently he was thin and otherwise 'normal' looking, and mentally, at least what could be figured at the time, he was just mentally normal besides a lack of ambition. Unless you count the "When he was hungry he'd just eat trash, live animals, and then attempt to eat corpses and apparently live toddlers." part.
>mfw reading this
The murder of junko furuta? The guys who did it are out of jail iirc
How Pavlov really treated his dogs is really mean, and I think I forgot it on purpose except for the part to not read about it again.
>Females in New Guinea are treated brutally. Since they are routinely viewed as secretly being witches “who can kill simply by staring at a person”22 (Killer Mother alters), they are often killed simply because they are imagined to have poisoned people.23 Mothers in New Guinea are horribly abused as girls, being routinely raped by fathers, brothers, visitors, peers, gangs. When they become wives they are treated brutally by men and have suicide rates as high as 25 percent.
am I reading 40k lore
>yfw out of all the world's religions, those guys are actually right
this is all some disgusting shit
l-link to the manga please?
>Harlow devised what he called a "rape rack", to which the female isolates were tied in normal monkey mating posture.
I'll admit it, I keked a little
that story is embellished to the point of ridiculousness
What the fuck is this shit?
This can't be real. I feel like I saw a bunch of red flags reading through this, which makes me doubt the validity of it all- both what the author is saying and what they are citing.
General buttnaked?
Gotta love the "forgive everything" part of christianity.
It must've been horrifying. One a side note, it also pretty much discredited theodicy forever.