How'd they figure that one out?
Which groups picked it up first?
How'd they figure that one out?
Which groups picked it up first?
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I try not to think about these things
I mean, who was the first guy to leave some cheese in a jar, forget about it until it solidified, found it again, and thought "hey, I'm gonna eat that"
>leave some *milk in a jar
*digested milk in the stomach of a recently killed young animal
I guess it is less "I'm gonna eat that" and more like "We got nothing else to eat anyway".
Can you imagine the first guy who is like "I am gonna drink milk from cow breasts"?
>be a tiny malnourished 12 year old mother
>tiny tits produce almost no milk at all
>the sheep seem to produce a lot though
>give it a whirl
weren't humans unable to drink cow milk until relatively recently because it was dangerous and we learned how to make it safe?
I don't get this meme. We can see countless examples of interspecies nursing, and humans are reasonably intelligent and crafty for animals. How is that surprising at all? I mean, chimpanzees figured out that frogs make good sex toys.
This. I'm assuming the same goes for a lot of things, such as oysters.
>FDA has americans cucked this hard
I found what I was referring to:
Like said, you're cucked. Humans have been drinking milk long before Louie Pasteur existed.
>days/weeks old unrefrigerated milk is dangerous
really forced me to consider
What about language, why did someone just decide to start speaking one day and teaching his tribes people.
Pretty sure that autism was involved.
How did this thing became a thing? Did they just keep trying to cook and eat it until people stopped dying?
you don't have to say cucked just because I was ignorant of that detail. I had assumed that the connection between milk and dying in the past had made people stay away from milk until that was discovered. its probably a common mistake people believe internationally
>the prime cause behind evolution of human communication
Not sure if bait
>western individual-centric society has has cucked you into being this shameless about your ignorance
knowing when people started drinking milk is such an irrelevant and harmless fact that the appropriate response is to be shameless about my ignorance of it and simply adjust my knowledge of the topic to that new info. When you realize you've been mispronouncing a word all of your life do you beat yourself up over it or simply realize your mistake and adjust accordingly? It would be an inappropriate response to beat yourself up over something like that imo, and I feel the same way about this.
The development of the allele that allowed people to drink milk regularly is a famous part of early history and the evolution of agricultural society. It's not remotely obscure unless perhaps you're of African or East Asian background and don't possess superior lactase expressing properties.
pronouncing a word incorrectly isn't remotely obscure either yet it's still a harmless mistake not worthy of being ashamed of
>FDA approved mercury filled vaccines cucked you into being this obstinately autistic
I said this wrong. I meant to say: pronouncing a word correctly isn't remotely obscure either yet it's still a harmless mistake to pronounce it incorrectly and not worth of being ashamed of
No idea what you're talking about now bro, you seem very upset, don't take my cuck remark too personally, I'm sorry if I've hurt you.
/pol/ quality posting as always. Do you people have anything besides
>muh conspirwacy
>muh nigger
Your post implied that if some fact isn't remotely obscure then it is appropriate to be ashamed of it not knowing it. I responded by pointing out other facts which aren't remotely obscure and consider to be unworthy of causing shame if someone doesn't know it.
>Vaccines are bad
I'm , what do you think I said that was /pol/? I think there are plenty of great Africans, but it's a simple fact that they can't digest milk as well as whitey.
It was more because you actually found a Wikipedia article that should have made you realize your initial belief was wrong, yet you didn't actually apply critical thought to realize that you were wrong.
>"bad" exists
stop believing you believe you exist
I did realize I was wrong by the time I posted the article. Although I didn't spell that out at the time I posted it I didn't stick to that belief in any of my future posts so it should have been clear to you that I changed my mind at that time.