Is this the most bloated organisation in the history of autism?
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Explain what you are implying.
Bloated? What?
What are you saying?
In my opinion it's the Righteous and Harmonious Fists, the Red Turbans, Ikko-ikki or maybe even ISIS.
The SS comes close though in terms of stupidity.
commies from /r/fullcommunism and their indiscriminate hate for everything third Reich are getting so boring and predictable desu
you can tell they're redditors by the way they call everything autism in an attempt to fit in
>If you don't like Nazis you're a commie
Reddit opinion
How crazy do you have to be to think that only commies hate Nazis?
>"durr 2 join our secwet club u must be le 100% aryan from 1750 onwards"
>"not indyans silly!!"
>"no joos alowed also guise xDD"
It was pretty retarded. Everyone overlooks how inefficient and useless the organization as a whole was because omg muh cool uniforms
Its attempts to absorb every other state agency into itself created duplicate government bodies.
It was responsible for how horrendously bad German intelligence was in WW2, the politicization of military intelligence in particular led the SS to be great at finding and massacring civilians but awful at predicting when and where the next Soviet offensive would strike.
It had a dazzling array of duplicate agencies, including 4 major bodies repetitive 1943 all devoted to resettling Germans at a time when Germanys borders were shrinking rapidly due to der fuhrers battlefield genius
The Waffen SS are another huge meme, and standard Wehrmacht units usually performed better in battle. SS units were subjected to favortism by Hitler and recieved the best equipment and supplies, and were simply more suicidal. Their "cool uniforms" and revisionism has led them to be seen as a fighting elite, when examining their performance vs. standard Wehrmacht in places like the Ardennes and Budapest reveal glaring tactical issues.
The most common defense, leveled with Reich administrative failures as a whole, is the bloated, corrupt, and repetitive nature was deliberately set up by Hitler as a type of 24DD chess to prevent opposition from forming against him. Like most wehrboo arguments it to is retarded
The SS ultimately only did three things: make neat uniforms, kill civilians, and give someone for the Germans to point a finger at for the blame of the war
If you look at the organizational structure of the SS, you see that it's a huge mess with no clear purpose and lots of conflicting agencies that all do the same thing.
All they ever did efficiently was kill civilians. And that just served to piss off Germany's enemies more
Just Imagine no SS, and Vermacht under non-retarded command structure...
A good example of this is how the Nazis managed occupied regions
In every area there was a military commander of troops in the region, the representative from high command, the representative from rival army command, a political commissar, a higher reichscommissar, and a SS leader. Now this type of arrangement wouldn't have been particularly bad, but the SS in particular had virtually unlimited powers over the others despite the others also being too powerful to touch for fear of displeasing the fuhrer. As a result you have 4-5 simultaneous heads in each region, all basically just killing as many local civilians as they could while the military commander awaited the Allies to come and blow him up. Naturally this led to disastrous results, and is an explanation for why partisan movements became so powerful in places like Eastern europe and Yugoslavia
By contrast the Soviets had a much more efficient occupation structure. The local party chief appointed by the Central Committee in Moscow was boss, and below him was a civil government administration and a secret police chief. The army in the area answered to Moscow directly and none else. This simple but efficent structure is a reason the Soviets were so much better at purging local guerrillas than Germans.
I hate this dumb meme about SS units being 'elite'. Like maybe 4 or 5 SS divisions were any good: LSSAH, Wiking, Hiterjugend, Totenkopf, and maybe one or two others.
The rest were either: local Nazi fanatics who might have had some military training, local police given a rifle or crazy criminal opportunistic fucks like Dirlewanger's division.
Still would have lost, but in 1946 or so after Germany gets nuked to hell
LSSAH, Das Reich, Totenkopf were elite, Wiking, Nord and Hitlerjugend were quite decent, rest were basicaly Volksturm with no morale, Soviet collaborant divisions are memes as well, since they spent most of the war killing people in Baltic, Polando r Belerus and gained their meme status due to (((Tannenberg))) line.
>This simple but efficent structure is a reason the Soviets were so much better at purging local guerrillas than German
Probably helped that the Soviets themselves had a great deal of experience fighting as insurgents, so they need the playbook of most resistance groups right out the bat. That and the fact most resistance groups would've been so worn out from fighting the Germans by 1945 that they would be more willing to lay down their arms and begrudgingly accept Soviet rule simply because they just wanted to go back to their homes, farms, and shops.
A line from the Polish Home Army leader in Generation War:
"With the Russians, we'll learn to get along somehow. But if the Germans win this war, it's a death sentence for all of us."
it's another reddit thread
"The battalion was praised by many Waffen-SS commanders, even Heinrich Himmler, for its combat performance. Himmler said "Where a Finnish SS-man stood, the enemy was always defeated." Neither the unit nor any of its members were ever accused of any war crimes."
Mao's Red Guards were pretty retarded too
Why would anyone reasonable hate them? Look at the state of the world and tell me it wouldn't be a better place if Hitler had won.
Even Nord was complete shit at first, failing horribly in Northern Finland and had to be bailed out by the Finns and regular german army troops when their attempted attack failed and turned into a rout, threatening to cause their sector of the front to collapse.
Please, explain how the world would be better if Hitler had won.
Less Jews, less degeneracy.
>muh joos
>rest were basicaly Volksturm with no morale,
Its always "too far" in one direction or the other
I'm jewish, so no I definitely don't fucking think the world would be a better place
I also like things like being able to speak out against my government when, and elect my leaders.
>less degeneracy
What's that?
Stop being Jewish. It's morally wrong.
This site is for people >18
Jesus was jewish.
I'm not religious at all, I don't believe in god, and I haven't been to a temple service in over a decade. None of this would have mattered to the Nazis who still would have executed me because I was born jewish.
Even if only one of my great grandparents was jewish, and the other 7 were christian, and I had been raised christian and didn't even know about my jewish ancestry I would still have been arrested and executed as a jew.
that is morally wrong
These people are crazy. They're like Flat Earthers. You're talking to a brainwashed person.
Jews are the master race desu
t. aryan as fuck and Germanic
The more I read about the SS the more I realise they were real life toys for real life mega nerds. Not to undermine their fundamentalist and brutal nature, but it's almost comic. Almost.
>I'm jewish, so no I definitely don't fucking think the world would be a better place
Understandable, and I'm not going to try and convince you that you'd be better off. HOWEVER, it's impossible to say exactly what would have happened to the Jews if Hitler had won the war and history played out in radically different manner. The Holocaust is a product of our timeline, where the Nazis ideologically had no solution to the "Jewish Question" other than the Final one.
In a universe where the Nazis were comfortably winning, it's conceivable that the Jews would have wound up in Israel after the war anyway, as a result of deportation rather than immigration. An emasculated puppet Israel more akin to a nature reserve for Jews rather than a sovereign nation, but still arguably a better fate than the Holocaust I would argue.
>Jesus was Jewish.
WAS Jewish.
t. Kraut Parasite
Jesus is God therefore God is Jewish.
>Tfw finally getting away from /pol/.
Gos damned echo chamber fanatics. You disgrace the good name of Evola.
>>"not indyans silly!!"
The Free India Legion was made part of the SS in 1944
>Soviet collaborant divisions are memes as well, since they spent most of the war killing people in Baltic, Polando r Belerus and gained their meme status due to (((Tannenberg))) line.
I'm pretty sure it was Estonians defending the Tannenberg line, not Soviet collaborators. I haven't heard of them being guilty of any warcrimes either, apart from unbacked accusations from butthurt Ruskies.
>less degeneracy
fuck off stormfags. Go shitpost your faggy jpegs and youtube videos somewhere else.
I heard he wanted to ship them all off to maddagascar, whats that all about?
>less degeneracy.
>he says on a site that is famous for appealing to NEETs
A bunch of them would have died because Madagascar couldn't accommodate that many people.
But isnt that more merciful than what actually happened? I mean, at least in that scenario they would have more of a fighting chance...
Also, it would just be 'Jews living in africa'...
...wait, was Hitlers main goal to have the surviving jews breed with blacks and thus Proper jews would no longer exist?!?
Jesus, that would be worse than death camps, at least being exicuted you could die with dignity as a people but in that scenario your a humilated and defeated people.
Very close. NatSoc are fucking atrocious However I think we all know the real crown of autism is
>ok remember guys, racial purity
>sir a bunch of Hindus want to join
>awesome, who do they want to fight
>not the British
>hook them up with some guns and put them opposite the British, they'll never see each other there
>the Arabs are here too
>man what a great day to be Aryan
Racial purity meant racial purity for Germany, as in
>Germany for Germans
>Israel for Jews
>Middle East for Arabs
Speaking of the SS, 50% of the Waffen SS wasn't even German. Not only that, they also had Blacks and Middle Eastern's fighting in non segregated units.
So yes, Racial purity, Germans are best...for Germany.
>Why would anyone reasonable hate them?
shitty bloated bureaucratic mess of a country, authoritarian dictatorship, war mongering, genocidal, led its people into slaughter after needlessly starting the worst war in human history
but by all means, you need to be an edgy LARPer
>starting the worst war in human history
I believe you meant preemptive strikes against foreign aggressors.
Dubya pls.
Right, so I guess the Soviet Union wasn't invading and conquering Eastern European countries after the Polish invasion and France wasn't threatening Germany with mass amounts of troops and armor at the border due to France seeing Germany as a great threat to there Empire and colonies. I guess Germany should've just let them fuck them AtM.
>Right, so I guess the Soviet Union wasn't invading and conquering Eastern European countries after the Polish invasion
you mean the deal that the nazis offered to them? fuck off stormfag
Why did they not fight a defensive war then?
What is your argument here?
The Soviets didn't illegally annex those places 'cause it was Adolf's idea?
>Soviet invasion of Bukovina
You mean the deal that the Soviets broke instantly
When you know war is imminent, why fight defensively on the enemies terms when you can strike first and fight on your terms.
For the moral high ground obviously.
Don't know if agreeing with me or being a jackass, either way, got a nice chuckle-rino out of that
>Hitler was acting in self defense against an expansionist USSR!
Except the ONLY reason they were expanding in the first place is because Hitler approached them and offered to split eastern europe between them. So your argument about them just acting in self defense with some preemptive strike is complete horseshit.
>Soviet invasion of Bukovina
This was not part of any deal, the Soviets just up and invaded a fucking country for shits and giggles throwing the entire deal under the bus.
>He says, while posting a flat-chested anime girl