Back again boys, remember the rampant shitposter bragging about his shorting? Well I just made another $40,000 shorting Ethereum from $216 to $193. I may have left some money on the table, but honestly I couldn't care less at this point. I've made over $250,000 since the crash happened, and the stupid thing is that was with a $20,000 initial investment at the top, which I funnily enough got from a bank loan.
It's a shame you have heavy bags, but thank you for holding those for me. I never had the money to invest in crypto, but thankfully my credit building for the last few years paid off and someone threw me a line. Thanks guys, when I go long and ride this back up and probably increase to $500k -> $1million I'll give away one bt- oh wait, actually I'm an anarcho-communist, but you guys are capitalists/neo-fascists. I'll use your logic and give nothing back. Thanks for your money, shitbags.
Christopher Collins
if you want retards to believe your stories at least make the numbers reasonable
Luke Richardson
I love a good larp story
Nicholas Murphy
You're so cool user
Cooper Gray
Yw pleb
Lincoln Long
sign a message with your bitcoin key or gtfo with this shit-tier larp
Sebastian Watson
Spare some Bitcutter me brutter.
Then I'll believe you mate.
Tyler Gray
If I was trolling you I'd have made up numbers that were reasonable. My profits have been disgusting as I've been margining every single dip and rise since June 10th or so. Go do the calculations yourself m8, compounding what I've earned shorting (no chaincoin meme bullshit) is $253,937.
The fuck do you mean? I know this may spook you, but I just went Coinbase(cuck) to Poloniex. I don't know anything by the magical numbers I keep getting. My hardware wallet will be here in a few weeks apparently.
Jaxon Roberts
Screencap your trade history. If you weren't larping you'd have done this by now
Jackson Hill
>Screencap >Muh it's manipulated scheme What's the point? Besides, due to lending fees there's only one actual leverage per page, which would make it even easier to fake.
Thanks for your money bb
Matthew Kelly
If you don't reply with a screenshot of proof I'll assume you're a LARP faggot.
Hard mode : No changing page elements.
Asher Phillips
Sure you did dumb frog poster
Aiden Carter
I challenge you to use the potty, pajkeet. >nightmare mode: the street is not the potty.
Thing is, I understand the irrationality and senseless behavior of the market, and the idiocy of the majority. I knew it was crashing in the first day of it happening, as it was a clear reversal.
I honestly planned on just taking the loan and riding ETH to the moon, but then I saw that reversal and tuned into the disgusting depravity I've learned which runs this corrupt system called capitalism. While you were in denial, I had a plan. While you were doubting, I was confident. While you were losing, I was winning. Easy money, you're right.
Adrian Diaz
>communist So we all get an equal share of your production, right comrade? Since you and I are the only ones with this brilliant ideology, I'll take half of what you made. Thank you for your work tovarish!
Isaac Parker
Good for you man! Your anarcho-communism is almost cured and soon, with your new perspective, you'll finally be free from that vicious mental illness.
Hunter Clark
>this non stop larping >no proof Ok sure thing commie shit
Carter Ward
You bought the dip and sold at high. Big deal.
Dominic Kelly
I'm going to reinvest the money as crypto rises, with some hedged in Silver (making that switch in a week or two when I'm less confident in the market) and then I'm going to short the stock market, which is definitely going to be dropping soon as it's way overvalued. Maybe I'll just forex instead, haven't decided yet.
Once I get up to the million I'll start funding protests with free things and handing out masks/black t-shirts to libruls, etc.
The funny thing is the entire reason I can play the market is because I'm not affected by it anymore and understand how it truly operates. All this is doing is making me wealthier and more powerful and thus giving me the moving force to encourage a revolution. The market is still horridly inefficient, irrational, unbalanced, and simply a redistribution scheme. That is only further proven by my experience.
Samuel Hall
You could always livestream your position. But I don't think you'd do that due to LARPing
Leo Rivera
I have a computer parts coming in the mail, when they come if I bother to shitpost again I'll do that. Currently I only have a $200 labtop that has a 1.4ghz processor and can barely even handle poloniex. I can't stream on this garbage.
Hudson Scott
No! Dont cause teh revolution! think about the kittens and shit! plz dont destroy the world ok?!
Jose Robinson
>believing in anti-soros memes He literally doesn't care about people at all. He's just another average elite who has tons of money and funds establishment candidates. If he actually did something you'd see armed rebellions all over shit-europe.
Gabriel Foster
the roleplay board is actually /k/
Michael Cook
plz dont be a badguy dont fund any revolts and revolutions n shit. that makes me sad ok? dont ruin everything for everyone.
Lincoln Russell
I really don't understand LARPing, especially guns. It's a tool you fucking idiots, it's nothing more than that.
Cooper Sanders
why would someone come to the internet and start telling lies?
Zachary Powell
You think people would do that, just come on to the internet and tell lies?.jpg
Daniel Edwards
See You can do it mate, I can believe you!
Levi Mitchell
Why are people replying to this thread without saging at the very least?
>anarcho communist I mean come on, just let this thread die, that's the part where the bait becomes shitty bait.
Luke Jackson
>Giving monies to shitcunts Sorry mate
>muh neo-fascism kys
Christopher Russell
t. ETH bagholder
Michael Wright
Stop breaking my immersion you BTC-cult cuck
Matthew Mitchell
just made $1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 shorting ETH feels a little underwhelming tbqfh senpai
Benjamin Campbell
Nigga I made the entire universes' GDP shorting ETH get on muh lvl
Hudson Harris
Nazi here, made some good trades in the past few days, now my account BTC count is over 9 thousand. Feels good having those commi fags take some bags off my hands.
Jaxson Lee
Pleb, Not the multiverse.
Evan Brown
>makes money fleecing gullible normalos in an unregulated market >calls himself anarcho-communist you're one step above antifa burning working class cars, but just one step
Jayden Rogers
I'm not a shitcunt I promise mate.
Kevin Nguyen
Lucas Evans
cmon user
Josiah Barnes
Yes you, the anarcho communist, managed to secure a 20k loan from a bank.
Ryder Harris
Caleb Scott
Anarcho-capitalist is fucking top-tier bait lmao. 10/10 enjoy your gains you earned them. Fortune favors the bold friend.
Ethan Bennett
Isaiah Nelson
Jordan Cooper
Carson Miller
I shorted ETH and made $4.48. Unfortunately I don't have enough capital for serious gains.
Camden Gomez
Confirmed LARP.
Enjoy poverty, nocoiner.
Jason Bailey
>can't sign a message with his wallet wow how convenient!
David Stewart
an anarcho-communist would be too low IQ to even figure out how wallets work