>turning 22 this year
>have this in a 3% savings account
>adding ~$20k/yr
>no desire or need to spend it
>too scared to invest in shitcoins
redpill me on ETFs
should I dump all my money into one?
Turning 22 this year
Yes $VOO
>have over $40000 in account
Wish I was born in USA instead slav shithole where I would need to work 10 years for this kind of money
Add over years to ETFs, don't liquidate your savings account.
PS. Wondering where can you get 3%? Here in EU I'm rather lucky to get 0.5% for 12months.
Where are you getting a 3% return on a savings account? I need a new place to park my emergency fund.
At least half of that should be in a Vanguard account
honestly, put 60% of it into bitcoin and forget about it for like 5 to 10 years.
put 20% into regular index funds and the other 20% spread out over litecoin and ETH and other coins that aren't absolute trash.
and once again forget about it for 5 to 10 years. call me from your lambo.
Nigga u shittin me
If you were born in the right slav shithole just hope the border and become an EU citizen and have 4 kids
My friend makes 20% returns in his vanguard ETF account. You could be making an extra 8 grand a year there but like said don't liquidate all at once just in case the market shits itself.
God bless the united states of Australia. Fuck Im gonna get me some good ass savings account
atleast your shithole is still white european unlike america
I'm a teller in a resort town of sorts, I have seen maybe 2-3 younger looking guy with this kind of money while depositing checks. This is from 7 months of work, roughly serving 150 people a day.
Most Americans don't have this kind of money at age 22 either.
How did you save this at 22?
Housing crash soon, bigger then GFC.
why dont you run guns, drugs or organs like a normal slav to get rich
how can bitcoin go up any higher
Started with $100 im up to $3200 with constant gains on cfd's.
Was thinking of putting more in but eh no need to be greedy, I could've had a few more k but I just set and forget then skim over plat trades at night while I play some video games.
End of the month I wanna target 5k, I might pop some more money in it then.
>At least half of that should be in a Vanguard account
i'm sorry i have half in fidelity 2040 target fund and the other half in abrzx because risk parity is the proper way
Where about do you get 3%? I'm in Aus too
Put them into a Betterment account under the Safety Net.
Put rest into Build Wealth and watch yourself become rich.
Take your 40K and invest in either 5K or 10K chunks in a stable of volatile swing trading stocks. Set 'em all to limit sell at a 4-5% increase. Rinse, wash, repeat.
You're set to not have to worry about the pattern day trader rule, so have fucking fun with that shit if you have the ability to actively manage your shit
Nig im white and live in us, and me and my girl dont have anywhere near that $
It wont crash as long as they keep importing cashed up Chinese and Indians to keep funnelling money into these"safe" houses.
Can't wait until shit hits the fan and they all lose their money