You guys keep saying that Germans are evil or barbaric or whatever. I think it's different.
I think Germans are just very obedient and complacent. They do whatever they are told and whatever they are given, to the best of their abilities.
Consider the fact that Germany has never had a major civil war or successful revolution, apart from the parliamentary nonsense of 1919 that the average German didn't care about.
For Germans, rebelling against authority isn't a concept. When they get told to do something, they do it and they do it to the best of their abilities.
Like, when someone like Hitler tells them to go kill all the Jews, they all know it's a bad thing, but they do it because orders are orders and they intrinsically can't disobey orders. And they go over the top with it. Whereas countries like Russia when they sperg out at the Jews, they do it in isolated uncontrolled outbursts and pogroms. When Germans get a general order to kill the Jews, they organise this highly efficient and neat structure to doing it to maximise efficiency.
If Russia wanted to kill Jews, they'd just send some angry peasants and soldiers to do it. When Germany wants to kill Jews, they build a huge network of railways, build all these factories, create a huge beuracracy to manage it, autistically keep paperwork and documents for each minor thing.
After the war they get told that nationalism and racism is bad. They accept that and go over the top with it, shunning the flag, banning patriotism and flooding the country with foreigners.
They get told to march to war they don't want and know they'll lose, but they go and fight to the death in it anyway.
Whenever a tiny dispute arises, whether it's Denmark, France, Russia, Poland, the answer is always full fledged open war. There's no concept of middle ground for them, it's either all in or nothing.