Space Race

I have yet to see a good Space Race thread

I have an important university paper on the matter. It seems the USSR 'won', but also that Americans view their involvement very positively as well

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the soviets were the hare that made it to the very end then took a nap
the americans are the turtle that followed that path and crossed the finish line (landed on the moon)

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Tripcodes are still pretty much anonymous

It makes sure nobody usurps your posts

Tripfags are obnoxious but this is far more so.

They won the space race in the same way nazi germany won the second world war




There is only one flag that's careening outside the solar system and it's not the Soviets'.

Hilarious moving the goalposts like this

Space race, race into space. You know who got into space first? USSR

Some runt is going to say one day "well akshully the US gave up halfway while we won the race by starting a Mars colony"

I'm not even trying to favour one side, these are the facts.

Your university paper is asking who won the space race? That seems like a really immature way to word the problem. Just write some bullshit about how Amerikkka is racist and evil and the wonderful communist Soviet Union was the real hero. Your professor will eat it up.


>The space race ended with the start of the space race


>First retrograde launch
>First lander on Venus
>First lander on Mars

Add these

but going to the moon is waaay harder than just orbiting the earth

Alright mate you won the man-on-the-moon race instead of the space race


Its less like a race and morel ike high jump. Each competitor seeks to raise the bar to a point the can reach but their opponent cannot

The americans did this with the moon, they raised the bar and the soviets could match it

Every achievement the soviets made elsewhere was matched or mirrored by the US

> You know who got into space first? USSR
Space is arbitrary defined anyway.

i am a german, i didn't win anything (unless you consider Werner von Brauns contributions to moonshot).

Anyways, my point is, Americans managed to do something that the Soviets were unable to reproduce (to this day)

>w-w-well you see it's not REALLY a race to space, it's more of uhh, a high jump! And the finish line keeps moving because I say the race isn't over!

Looks like Russia won in the end as Shuttles aren't used anymore.

Yes that's very nice, but it's not the space race

There was never a defined agreed on goal. The americans picked the moon because it seemed like a logical step but there was and is no clear end point

In reality the space didnt end it just fizzled out when both parties stopped caring very much about pursuing it

flying to the moon is not space race?

Imagine two people racing to an infinitely tall tree

The first person touches the tree first
The second person arrives later, but climbs up a few branches

The second person declares that he has won the race to the tree

i think the problem is that nobody defined the exact rules of the race
but the fact that Americans managed to do something that Soviets couldn't replicate shows that they won the race

He climbed higher than the other person has ever been able to climb and both parties stopped trying

Person 2 really did win

No reasoning with you people, no doubt the same type who think the US won the Vietnam war

USA won the space race but lost Vietnam war

Fuck off trip code using cunt.

Ur joking right. U know the moon is in our solar system right.

The real winner was scientific progress

It isn't over yet. Russia had a strong start, now America is the leading nation, but it could be China who takes the next big step (permanent off-world colonies) and it will probably be a "United Earth" which tackles the real challenge of travelling to another star.

I think who won the space race is just a dick waving contest, the space race showed more than anthing that monopolies on power become stagnant, competition between nations of roughly equal power makes our lives better.

I'm sick of contrarian Western kids idealising the Soviet shithole. Yes, yes, comrades, they won the space race, they beat the fascists, such wins, great system. Hail Trump, amirite?

No one cares who crosses the 90 yard line in the 100 yard dash.

America won. We got to the Moon.

>Space race, race into space

I don't believe the space race was ever defined as this. Got a source?

The Voyager probe has a US flag on it, dipshit.

to stupid to live to retarded to kill voyager he's talking about the probe that left the solar system

So why isn't it called the moon race?

>uh-uh-uh well you see, when people say 'space' they really mean 'moon'

Soviets weren't 100% bad, unlike Nazi scum.

>First human space mission that landed with pilot still in spacecraft and thus technically completing the first complete human spaceflight

b-but muh gagarin

It's just a name, u fucking cheese dick. Landing on the Moon is a way bigger feat

Kek, I bet you forgot to change your tripcode. Don't worry, that usually happens to fags.

"Space Race" sounds better.

So if someone lands a person on Mars the race suddenly starts again and the last race never ended at all, meaning nobody 'won' until then.

Amazing logic

Putting a human being on the Moon was always understood to be the finish line during the race itself; else why would the Soviets have tried (and failed) so hard to get there first?

The race to get a man on the Moon was the last time anyone put emphasis on getting anywhere or doing anything first. Ergo, it was the end goal.

>i am a german, i didn't win anything
You guys built the first object to reach the Karman line and go into space.

No, the space race is over now. The Americans won. They're also the one country that actually survived to this day.

'The race to get a man on Mars was the last time anyone put emphasis on getting anywhere or doing anything first. Ergo, it was the end goal.'

I'm not going to bother any further

Are you implying the space race couldn't be won because space is indefinitely big?

>Soviets do something first
>Americans replicate it a month later

>Americans do something first
>Soviets replicate is a month later

>Americans go to the moon
>Soviets do nothing


Soviets win the "gave the most fucks about Venus" award.

American sorcerers made a powerful curse that makes Mars unreachable for Russians. The last probe to Phobos showed that the curse still works, and I'm not sure if Americans themselves are able to lift it.

USA. USSR gets a participation award, though.

>USSR has a giant lead at first with Sputnik and whatnot
>us catches up and overtakes them by landing on the moon
>soviets begin collapsing before they ever get near that point

Space race never ended, heaps more shit to do.

Both participants just stopped running though.

Americans have advanced computers.
Soviets have strong spaceships.
Imagine if the two powers cooperated at that time, we would've gotten to Mars for sure.

What would have happened if the N1 had worked and the Soviets had made lunar landings in the early 1970s? Mars would have become the finish line?

> Imagine if the two powers cooperated at that time

>Russians send people in space to this very day
>Americans do nothing

More like the tortoise got help from the nazi pig.

That's the stupidest fucking image in the history of Veeky Forums. It makes no sense.

Makes sure that everyone filters you reddit ass*


That's autistic. Its like saying that a marathon runner is more of a winner than some sprinter

S-stop talking about all the good things about the USSR,here have some free market

How is putting one man on the moon more important than everything else the Soviets did ?

Everything about your reply is just wrong

More like one country realized they still don't have to use tech from the 70s

>Russia beats them for first manned flight several months ahead
>US tries to recover by toting Shepard as "FIRST FREE MAN IN SPACE"

>implying the Soviets didn't either

I like how the commies ITT completely ignore this

They weren't wrong.

>failed to reproduce
To be fair the USSR was leading the way the entire time, they very well could have been first on the moon if it hadn't been for a mechanical failure that lead to their rocket exploding and destroying the launch site in central asia. This delayed them by 1-2 years and gave the americans time to snatch the prize, and once the americans had gotten to the moon there really was no reason for the soviets to do the same. Space programs are fucking expensive, and it had lost its prestige and propaganda value.

>winning race
>trip and fall through your own incompetence
>lose race
>tankies cry years later that you won even though you never crossed the finish line
Sounds about right

I never mentioned winning or losing, just arguing the fact that they wouldn't have had any issue recreating the moon landing if there had been political will to do it, this in contrast to the rednecks who claim they were unable to.

>I never mentioned winning or losing, just arguing the fact that they wouldn't have had any issue winning in Vietnam if there had been political will to do it, this in contrast to the liberals who claim they were unable to
This is what you sound like.

It's more like the race to climb an infinitely tall tree.

The red racer has an early lead
Eventually the blue racer catches up, hitting all the same branches red racer did
Then blue racer surpasses red racer
Red racer doesn't catch back up but instead suffers cardiac arrest and dies
Blue racer keeps climbing but at a much slower pace

Who won the race?

That is absolutely true though, what point are you trying to make?

1960s failure rates:





All time

Remember that only way to put people in space now is with the soyuz

1. Literally not true.
2. If there was no Soyuz NASA would still send astronauts to space with their own old spaceships.
3. But there's no need to, since there's Soyuz. So they can take their time to develop new spaceships. Like the Orion, which has already made its first flight to a very high orbit. But it's developed for lunar missions, and sending crews to the ISS is supposed to be a job for private companies like SpaceX.


Ever hear of the Challenger?

>u n m a n n e d


The space race was the US and the USSR trying to shift the super power dick measuring to a friendlier subject. Yes, the USSR hit the mile stones first, but its not like anyone was throwing up a flag and saying "I claim this in the name of ...", we put flags up to rub it in each others face that they were second.

It was a dick measuring contest, there was no finish line, that's why its The Space Race, and not the Race to Space or Race to the Moon.

Because it's a RACE THRU SPACE

The soviet missions to venus are by far my favorite.

>The Venera 9 and 10 landers had two cameras each. Only one functioned because the lens covers failed to separate from the second camera on each lander. The design was changed for Venera 11 and 12, but this change made the problem worse and all cameras failed on those missions.

>Venera 13 and 14 were the only landers on which all cameras worked properly; although unfortunately, the titanium lens cap on Venera 14 landed precisely on the area which was targeted by the soil compression probe.


>mfw people think American Pigshits and Russian Rapists won the space race.

Got good news boys Nazi Germany did.

>Created V2 Rocket,the first rocket to reach sub-orbital flight.
>Americunts took Nazi scientists back to Burger land and put them into NASA during Operation paper clip

>Russian CCCP did the same thing.


Because even today Russia isn't able to accomplish a moon landing, while the US far surpassed any meaningful accomplishment the Soviets did by the time they landed on the moon.

Oh, and that's also the reason why the Space Race ended at the moon landing, because the Russians weren't able to continue it.

>>Americans do nothing

>Space Race

This terminology and the autistic manner it's applied literally to the situation is the problem. It was a "race". It was a dick measuring contest. The Russians may have gotten fully erect first, but that's only because the US had 3 more inches to grow by the time Russia peaked.

Arguing the Russians won the space race is like arguing they won the nuclear arms race because they made more bombs and the bombs were bigger. If money wasn't an object, no one would take Russia's numerous and big, but stupid bombs over the US'.

The Russians won, the US moved the goalpost all the way to the moon
If you want to be autistic then the Germans won

You win if you establish a self sufficient colony on another planet. So far this race is open and may see no winner at all.

Those Germans you're so eager to ballwash based their work what the American rocket scientist Robert Goddard pioneered decades earlier. He published groundbreaking rocket patents in 1919 when Wernher von Braun was only 7 years old. He was making liquid-fuel engines by 1921 when the idea of Nazis taking over Germany was still a twinkle in Hitler's eye.

>At the time, Germany was highly interested in American physicist Robert H. Goddard's research. Before 1939, German scientists occasionally contacted Goddard directly with technical questions. Wernher von Braun used Goddard's plans from various journals and incorporated them into the building of the Aggregat (A) series of rockets. The A-4 rocket would become well known as the V-2.[28] In 1963, von Braun reflected on the history of rocketry, and said of Goddard's work: "His rockets ... may have been rather crude by present-day standards, but they blazed the trail and incorporated many features used in our most modern rockets and space vehicles."[11]

"Don't you know about your own rocket pioneer? Dr. Goddard was ahead of us all."
- Wernher von Braun, on being questioned about his WW2 rocket designs

The Soviets more or less gave up on one-upping the Americans after it became clear they couldn't reach the moon and refocused on space stations instead. They also couldn't manage to build a working space shuttle, so there's also that.
