why did war and fighting become a male thing?
Why were Warriors traditionally male
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Because men are physically stronger than women
Also because men can't give birth
Because even if all but one man die defending the community, the community can have a next generation. Women are far more precious from an evolutionary point of view.
well that's not technically true
in terms of say professional female fighters vs. professional male fighters
if groin shots were allowed, pro woman fighters would have a huge advantage against men
I'd theorise that it's related to the biological roles of each sex.
Why do male penguins guard the eggs while the females go get the fish? In every species sex contributes to underlying duties.
lol no
Men have longer reach, more muscle mass and more stamina as well as explosive force. An UFC man vs. woman fight would end in the woman losing to KO or submission pretty fast.
can we end this myth that men are stronger than women
but if groin shots were allowed, wouldn't woman have some advantage
>not technically true
It is technically true. Men produce more of the hormones that lead to muscle growth.
And even if your retarded idea about testicles being a game-changing disadvantage to men, you do know that groin protection exists right? Just throw a little curved piece of solid material on your dick and balls and voila.
No, because it follows that cuntpunts are allowed too. Also ask yourself this: why did mass rapes and ebslavements of women happen in history? They didn't have "no groin shots" rules.
>well that's not technically true
Yes it is
in terms of say professional female fighters vs. professional male fighters
Professional male fighters>professional female fighters
>if groin shots were allowed, pro woman fighters would have a huge advantage against men
If chopping off limbs and heads and disemboweling people is allowed, then I'm fairly certain groin shots are fair game.
I honestly don't even know if this is bait or not
groin shots are actually quite easy to defend, leg checks or just moving to the side
Didn't the Spartans fear the Amazons?
Seriously dude. Getting kicked in the balls is not as bad as say, getting fucking stabbed or slashed or any of the myriad ways one can be wounded in physical combat. Life isn't a fucking Hollywood movie where some girl fights a huge dude and totally disables him with a kick to the nads
didn't Alexander the Great lose to an all woman Nubian army.....Queen Candace
>thinking a ball shot can stop a pumped up man high on adrenaline who's on a mission to fuck you up
so is physical strength superiority the main reason why the world became a patriarchy?
would the best female welterweight at least be competitive against Manny Pacquiao in a boxing match?
No. A female fighter in UFC once complained about that trans fighter's punches that she has never felt a pain like that. A punch from MtF trans dude.
Female 100kg would be close with male 65kg
Yes. Might makes right.
I remember watching a video of the top female fighter, in an fighting style I can't remember, vs. some random back-alley male fighter, and the man won very easily.
I'm sure some user knows which video I'm talking about
This is Lucia Rijker
arguably the greatest female kickboxer/muy thai fighter ever
she only lost 1 fight......and that was against a man
Reading comic books and playing video games tends to distort how weak women actually are. Don't have a problem with having a woman kick ass in a work of fiction as long as they don't get too SJW preachy about it, but it is not realistic at all.
I am a skinny dude, like 164-165 at 6'0 with like 15% bodyfat at most. I was at the gym the other day and a woman, who was a personal trainer at the gym, was doing some exercise with like a 100 pound bar being held as if she were dong squats.
She asked me for help in putting in down gently.
Well "the world" never became a patriarchy, there's been matriarchal societies. But yes, and because women tend to take care of their children. Even if they had equal strength, every time a woman is pregnant that's 9 months when she's not doing physical labor.
Wow dude ur so strong
I am not strong at all, that is the point. I'm a skinny fat beta and she is a fitness instructor but she needed my help. The gender gap is that large
Because men evolved to e stronger and more aggressive than women, since we weren't the ones holding babies in us.
I know this is just a bait thread for feminists and /pol/ to argue, though.
I wish this were bannable.
is physical strength needed in the military special forces.....so women might be able to do well in that if strength isn't that necessary
two tribes goes to war
the first sends only men, the other sends mixed war party
the one tribe sending men have the upper hand since male bodies are in general 30 % stronger
the captured woman are used as baby makers for the victorious tribe and the men as slaves
the defeated tribe now have fewer woman in child bearing age, thus fewer children to come and the next war is even more one sided
why is this so hard to grasp ?
>Why do male penguins guard the eggs while the females go get the fish?
They switch places.
Because women did all the work and the men needed something else to do, like acquire more women.
What the fuck is your point
Why are you reaching this hard for any scrap of acknowledgement that women could in some theoretical way be considered equal to men in any single physical endeavour
The Amazons weren't real.
But if there existed a group of extremely strong women nearby who kidnapped men for use as sex slaves, though, I'd probably fear them, too.
>tfw 5'11 male who can only squat 55 kg
>if groin shots were allowed, pro woman fighters would have a huge advantage against men
This is the kind of argument a middle schooler would make. "Yeah maybe men are physically better fighters than women in every conceivable way but getting racked hurts like shit bro!".
I've read some articles about women in combat roles. In general, they simply perforn worse in most tasks compared to men. But all of these results can be explained with
>le gender stereotyping guise :DDD
So a conclusive result has yet to be reached. But I'm fairly certain future research will prove the assertion that women perform worse in combat roles. Don't forget, guns and backpacks are fucking heavy, and women compare even worse to men in terms of upper body strength.
Emperors leave males behind to guard the eggs while females go out to fish abd return when it's spring
Because if women die, it's harder to make more kids.
If all the men bar one die? You can still get kids.
If all the women bar one die? You're fucked
Oh, well, most switch places. But you're right about emperors.
Men are stronger in upper body
Women are stronger in lower body/legs
Actually nonsense. Men are stronger both in upper and lower body.
why do male powerlifters squat more?
but my gender studies teacher says otherwise
I'd consciously put myself into a position where I'd be more likely to get kidnapped
Why are women slower runners?
Sedentary women have stronger legs than sedentary men in my experience, but if men put any effort into working out their legs at all they soon move far past the average woman.
>tfw you'll never be forcefully detained by a qt female special forces operative
anyone have the video from sweden of the one dude fighting off three female cops solo? iirc they had to get a civie man who was walking by to help get him to the ground, but he left and soon the guy (from the ground) fought his way back up and continued to wipe the floor with them.
Jesus Christ this thread.
Men are not the warrior sex because they are stronger. They are stronger because they are the warrior sex.
The whole reason males are fighters is because females are the reproductive choke point.
If women fight regularly they have a higher risk of injury or death: bad for tribe.
10 women, 1 man = surviving people
1 woman, 10 men = dead tribe
Evolution favored fighting males/nurturing females because of this. A woman who can dedicate her energy to birthing and raising children will have healthier children that will go on to have healthy children.
Males who were strong and big successfully protected their tribe and secured their genetic lineage.
In essence, males are the warriors because they are expendable compared to the females.
>In essence, males are the warriors because they are expendable compared to females
This is also true and a contributing factor, but the strength gap is inherent. Few men train to be warriors of any kind these days but the average man vs the average woman in most physical activities is no contest, including and especially fighting.
>10 women, 1 man = surviving people
Inbred people
It is worth noting that there needed to be a decent balance of genders. Yes women are far more reproductively valuable, but if there aren't enough men around then they are up for grabs
Yes, precisely because of the evolutionary advantage of the social arrangement. Men became stronger and larger than females BECAUSE it allowed them to be more successful fighters. They didn't become fighters by simple merit of being stronger.
That was my point.
More like Y-chromosomal bottleneck. Finns have this. Look up Finnish heritage diseases
It was a conceptual example but even then it would still take a few generations before issues arose provided no other tribesmen were subsumed into it.
This is one theory behind the multiple different aleals that control hair and eye color in northern European peoples. The idea is that after the last major ice age the male population was very small creating severe competition. Those traits became more common because the striking features garnered male attention.
You do know a hard blow to the genital area of a human female drops them just the same as it does the male variant right? Fucking virgins.
wanted to write a reply but this guy already gets it
Women don't have balls.
No shit. But their nether region has just as many (probably a lot more actually) sensitive nerve endings than male genitelia that cause debilitating pain when subject to impact. I once saw woman drive her bike into a ditch and hit her groin to the handle bar. She cried in a fetal position for like 5 minutes.
>pro woman fighters would have a huge advantage against men
No they wouldn't. It's a lot easier to hit someone in the head or body than it is the groin.
>I'm sure some user knows which video I'm talking about
Her name is Lucia Rijker.
Lawrence Kenshin did a really good breakdown video of the fight.
fem user spotted
should a woman boxer still be allowed to compete with manny pacquiao if both parties agree
Lol no. The gap between men and women in physical sports is massive. Anecdotal I know but we used to scrimmage against the UC Santa Cruz women's basketball team (one of the best in the country at the time) in hs (men's varsity) and absolutely destroy them, and we weren't even that good compared to the other hs teams we played in tournaments.
Pacquiao would never take that fight, but it doesn't matter because any female would get btfu against any of the top boxers. It's hard to explain just how hard and fast those guys hit unless you've seen it in person.
Female sports have a place and should be encouraged, but it's delusional to think a female will ever seriously compete with men especially in a contact sport like boxing or mma at the top level.
>is physical strength needed in the military special forces
This kind of question could only be asked by a person living the softest life imaginable. Go outside
Between men/women, the ones with more capable army would win.
Lets say there are 100,000 female only army with 10 years of training and 100,000 male only army with 10 years of training.
Who would win? Men. Easily. In both long term and short term. In short term simply because men would out maneuver the female army.
Build infrastructure to lay field operations in time for war, exert more physical force in logistics of carrying resources/etc.
In long term, if an ancient country lost 100,000 females, they'd be completely devastated. If they lost 100,000 men, their females will pop those out and be ready for war within another generation.
In modern terms, you just have to look at engineering contribution between the two sexes. Men easily out contribute women in technological advances. Even with equality today, men contribute the most to the advancement of society interms of technological powers.
Joanna Jedrzejcyzk could be competitive against Manny Pacquiao in boxing
she has fast hand speed
Fairly sure Manny could take all those punches and KO this hamster in one hit.
And finally sociological reasons why women are unfit for combat roles. Take these anecdotes for what you will but every male service member has them. Women ruin the morale of a platoon and are nothing but a hindrance to combat readiness and effectiveness. Incorporating women into the military is pure foolishness and can have no beneficial results come war time.
but i think modern feminism has argued that physical strength is merely a social construction
Because men are stronger by default
>Joanna Jedrzejcyzk could be competitive against Manny Pacquiao in boxing
God you people are delusional lol. Pacquiao is one of the greatest fucking boxers in history (even with his recent losses). She might be competitive against an amateur lightweight or flyweight male (although I doubt it), but Pacquiao? Nigger be real, he's one of the greatest of all time.
Load of rubbish, Men are stronger than women in all regards.
Gender dimorphism is a thing, women are genetically weaker
Bullshit there has never been a true matriarchal society
Makes zero sense to send fragile breeders into dangerous situations.
>all the tribes that send all their pregnant women to battle went extinct, who would have thought!
>what are ANTS
1. Men are physically better equipped to handle combat.
2. Losing women threatens your population and could potentially lead to extinction of your people.
Women fighting happened, but in rare cases and mostly in dkre situations.
American have a serious issue, note only your women.
The whole purpose of war is to protect women and children, you might as well ask why it wasn't common to send young children to war.
Learn to ignore blatant bait and shitposting threads you hopeless fools.
This. Listen to him, for Gods sake!
women mostly did agricultural/gathering work
>10 women, 1 man = surviving people
doesn't sound very strong
easy pickings for any other tribe and one man cannot provide for 10 women, especially in hunter gatherer times
It obviously doesn't mean the tribe is invincible, but the odds of survival are much, much better.
Teenagers grow up in different ways
Boys can eat alot and stay normal build because their body transforms it into muscle, girls build fat early on preparing their bodies to give birth because the body relocates its resources towards the child, its storage.
Malnourishment during pregnancy leads to a lot of complex issues because the energy that goes to the baby goes first to the vital organs to keep the child alive, not development of the brain etc.
In natures world there are rules, and those rules are primitive, a womans body during pregnancy alocates those resources to the childs body because it thinks the child needs to run from prey, needs to be alert, it doesn't care wether the child is smart or not.
it lives in a primal state where it assumes humans still need to run away from predators, sabretooth tigers, etc.
hence children suffering from even slight malnourishment during pregnancy have severe learning defects because the body dictates that hey, it's better to be stupid and alive able to escape predators then to be born weak unable to escape said predators.
While men alocate all the resources towards muscle and the brain, it doesn't store anything.
>baiting this fucking hard and people fall for it
Why do some animals have stronger and larger females, or a lack of sexual dimorphism? It's not because humans are social animals either, there are plenty of social animals that have no sexual dimorphism in regards to size and strength.
Take Anthony Joshua, he is 6f6 250lb
take Lucia Rijker in her prime 5f6 140
in a boxing match
now she obviously has a disadvantage in size, but she is possibly a greater technical fighter than Joshua
if they fought would it be competitive?
But when Herod’s birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced before the company, and she pleased Herod so much that he promised on oath to grant her whatever she might ask. Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me the head of John the Baptist here on a platter.” The king was grieved, yet out of regard for his oaths and for the guests, he commanded it to be given; he sent and had John beheaded in the prison. The head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, who brought it to her mother.
>skinny fat
Xer's wrong.
Thin but out of shape.
Just your average pathetic dude that sits around playing video games but isn't actually fat.
>Female sports have a place and should be encouraged
Strg > Dex