Why is the holocaust viewed as a significant event? Man has been killing man since time immemorial, it's not unusual at all.
Why is the holocaust viewed as a significant event? Man has been killing man since time immemorial...
Either this is bait, or you are a sociopath.
(((they))) matter more than ordinary people
Because the international Jewish community has been pushing it since the war. Hell, before the war even. There's old newspaper articles of Jews crying about 6 million Jews in Soviet Russia being in danger and being killed.
Because it was the most highly industrialized genocide to date. It was an unusually methodical attempt to eliminate millions of people because of their identity.
Because it was a sanctioned effort by the state with infrastructure built solely to contribute to it. It's one thing to kill an enemy combatant with a spear or a rifle or a tank, it's quite another to round up millions of your own citizens to have them imprisoned, worked to death, or executed by the state.
Because the jews control the banks and the media.
Because as time advances, people usually care about other people, look at the enlightenment, ideas such as liberalism and constitutionalism developed,
Absolutely this.
Yeah, that's exactly why the Jews get this special treatment, while the victims of the Soviet Union, Holodomor and others are pretty much just forgotten.
They didn't even did any action against those poor Ukrainians.
>haha these articles don't specifically mention the holocaust or the 6 million number so you're wrong!!!
Are you dumb or something, user?
>another one of these threads
You'll never let us off the ride, wont you /pol/?
Basically this. And since the media is controlled by (((them))) you get what we have today.
No-one can forget about the Holodomor because it's constantly being brought up.
It's almost as if people are more concerned with western europe than eastern europe in general.
Jews have nothing to do with Western Europe, they are rats from the Middle East.
There's no satisfying you tards, is there?
Why are the refugees viewed as a significant event? People has been migrating since time immemorial, it's not unusual at all.
Alright, let's say they are rats, if i were to devise a method of killing rats that involved their long term sufferering, like forcing them to run on a hamster wheel until they die of starvation and exhaustion, or if they aren't ableto, i spray draino in their face until they die, i think most people could look at that system and say that it's not very ethical.
>Say these news articles specifically say holocaust and six million
>Opposition pulls out evidence that I am lying
>I never specifically said six million!
>Go on damage control
It was industrialized murder, whereby an enormous number of people were implicit to varying degree. Someone had to give a list of names, someone had to write them down, someone had to sign the orders to remove them, someone had to drive them to their destiation, someone had to build the camps, someone had to pull the lever, and someone had to clean up the mess.
Because the allies wanted to glorify themselves, if the axis won they would have demonised the westerners for their bombing of civilians and the Gulags of the Soviets.
It was significant in history of eastern and central Europe and the middle east.
It really is a footnote in history.
There have been plenty of disasters, anthropocentric or otherwise, which have had more profound and far-reaching effects than the holocaust.
6,000,000 is a high end estimate - Germans done it (enlightened sophisticated rational people), it's seen as especially troubling/obscene if it's done by a people who aren't regarded as savages.
>It was perpetrated, at significant cost, during a time of total war despite the vast majority of jews being non-hostile. troubling implications again.
>There was nothing rwandan about it, it wasn't ad hoc or frenzied but thought out and thorough.
>Fits in well with the promotion of white guilt.
>Jews really are massively over-represented in media, government and academia and unsurprisingly place a greater onus on their story.
>How liberals can justify the greatest war in human history & the preventable deaths of millions.
go back to /pol/ and stay there.
industrial scale genocide and ethnic cleansing on that scale was unprecedented
personally i find the bureaucracy that led to the holocaust fascinating
It was the first and only mass scale industrial genocide in western Europe. There were others who are frowned upon just as much, you just don't hear about them as much in the west.
You guys are pretty dumb if you think there even was an actual "Holocaust" That was a made up word to demonize an event that didn't happen. The reason many people died in the camps was due to Allied bombing of supply lines, which cut off vital supplies and medicine to the camps. Once the disease broke out, there was no help to stem the tide of death and wide-spread suffering. You can thank Allied bombing for all those deaths.
It happened "closer to home". Western Europeans don't give a shit about things that happen in the wider world.
>being this vulnerable to neo-nazi propaganda
>>Germans done it (enlightened sophisticated rational people)
I cannot agree with you on this one. I think that during the first half of the last century Germans were not seen in a bright light by the people of a large part of Europe, with all the "Halt the Huns" propaganda.
Fortunately, the Nazis anticipated that by building enough cremation capacity to incinerate the camp populations in about a week!
if you want a non-meme answer: it's because of the industrial scale of the Holocaust, it's easier to look the other way to a major famine or disease outbreak that kills people, but having factories that were purpose-built to kill people was new.
previous genocides were to let disease/starvation/thirst do the job for you, it was a different beast altogether for an entire society of people to be built around the extermination of Poles, Russians, and Jews as well as any other qualifier that made Nazi targets less than human.
Come to think of it why didn't they just put them in the camps and not give feed them or give them water? They'd still die and could deny their guilt if caught saying it was a logistical mistake in not getting food there or something.
Some need to work. Some need to be transported.
>A bunch of unrelated references to 6 million Jews before 1945 means that the Holocaust is a lie.
>none of those mention the holocaust at all
BTFO stormfags is my favorite part of Veeky Forums
>why is a western and developed country acting like primeval savages and conducting an industrial scale genocide significant?
you dumb dude.