Why was he such a dick?

Why was he such a dick?

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Because he was alpha

He also built an epic bathhouse

Was he the most alpha dick-Roman?

I mean.. Mark Anthony was fucking alpha but he wasnt such a dick.

Is Caracalla unironically the Emperor with the highest dick-alpha-coefficient?

because roman historians liked to hate on short-lived and unpopular emperors

pic related


Calligula was literally Elliot Rogers × Joffrey

> pederast Hadrian
> alpha

Where would you place August?

Its just a draft. Additions and changes are welcome

Some additions
>add Julius Caesar as a little less of a dick than Caracalla, but just as alpha as Trajan
>Diocletian as a dick who is reasonably alpha
>Marcus Aurelius as 0% dick, but 100% alpha

he fucked the shit out of those little boys

I liked how they even got an actor who looked like him

How was elagabalus a dick? Craving dick doesn't make him a dick

Cmon nigga. Dissin' everyones religion aint cool

Honorious belongs high up on the Dick side and so far to the left of the Alpha side that he's technically a Pussy.

Having no care at all beyond your own whims is pretty dickish, especially when it involves sacrilege like marrying a Vestal Virgin.

Also Alexander Severus belongs in the bottom left hand corner: not a dick but sweet, bookish momma's boys don't get to be alphas either.

It annoys me more than it should that Joffrey is clearly Caracalla, rather than Elagabalus, but Tommen was clearly Alexander Severus and not Geta at all.

>die like a bitch

His father Septimius Severus was even more so.

>final words on deathbed
>" Enrich the soldiers, ignore everyone else."

Joffrey is not Caracalla. Caracalla was a soldier, first and foremost.

He also won a fuckhuge 3 way civil war by outplaying and backstabbing the 2 other participants.

I'm also pretty sure he cut off the balls of the Praetorian guard.


>This battle is said to be the largest, most hard fought and bloodiest of all clashes between Roman forces.

He pretty much got lucky because he came thiiiiis close to being killed on the battlefield and then we'd be talking about Emperor Clodius Albinus and Albinian Dynasty or something.

Of the even better solution is that Severus isn't a backstabbing scumbag and formally adopts Albinus who ascends to the purple when Severus dies and then Caracalla and Geta are killed.

He might have actually been a sociopath.

>Literally believed he was Alexander the Great reincarnated

I love how megalomania in Imperial Rome was basically synonymous with equating yourself to Alexander
