What does Veeky Forums think of anarchy?
What does Veeky Forums think of anarchy?
So many different types its hard to say.
"No gods, no masters" is pretty sick though
It's a joke.
Anarchy is the objective reality of power relationships.
Mostly subscribed to by high schoolers
That's communism actually
Chaos can be beautiful, but it can never last.
wtf im an anarchist now
It's a really good way to lose wars.
OPA for life!
depends on what you are talking about
>actual anarchy
not only is it needlessly dangerous it allows pretty much anyone to take power for itself and will probably create a tyranny much worse than the one you just destroyed
>basically just a fancy word for communism
too utopian, anyone in charge of keeping the peace will probably try to take power for itself
meme philosophy
I dont understand anarchy. Why do people hate order? What can humanity accomplish in the absence of order?
thats stupid
anarchy =\= chaos
its some meme that highschooler fall into becouse of muh rebellious stage.
anarchy can be sustained with small population and everyones agreement to keep their buisness to themselfs. otherwise it just become irrelevent in the long run
they hate gods and they hate masters.
I like Tolstoy's version.
Passivism arnachy could work in an ideal world
Anarchy is the most memey political ideology out there.
Poisonous and toxic, worst than Communism and Nazism, but still better than sex degeneration.
Because immoral activities, such as theft, are used against us daily. A small part of it is used to placate the people with bread and circuses (welfare and sports) while much of it is simply used for our rulers personal gain or spent to prop the banks and military-industrial complex. Couple this with the illusion of freedom and voting and it gets worse. Once you realize most people's reasoning and intellect is guided by propaganda, entertainment, celebrities, and appeal to emotion, you begin to realize why things are in such a sad state. These people, while not impossible for them to elevate their rationality, often stay here and parrot what our rulers tell them via the media. These people, basically beasts, need this order to function daily becausw they can't do basic things themselves, like saving money or deferral of gratification. Religion, whether true or not, is an additional set of rules to keep people in mind, because they probably don't read philosophy or anything, really. An anarchistic society seems attractive because true freedom is appealing. However, those lacking in education or virtue would muck it up for the rest of us, by commiting crime or even by attempting to establish a state.
Tl;dr We are self aware enough to realize that we are enslaved and stolen from by stupid people and greed, and anarchy seems like a good option because we know we have the power of self-government. However, most people need government on a social level to keep them in check.
It's communism, anarchism and fascism. Teenagers are emotional contrarians that are drawn to radical fringe ideologies.
>Because immoral activities, such as theft, are used against us daily.
And they'd be even more prevalent without a code of law to define theft, and a monopoly on force to resolve disputes.
There is NO reason a warlord would have to subject himself to an "arbitration committee" or "DRO" in anarchyland. He would just become the new government, with none of the stability from rule of law or other longlasting spooks that are maintained by a public faith in order and tradition. Revolutions always end in mass bloodshed, followed by a more brutal leader, and anarchy is no different. The only suitable option is reform of existing states.
>However, those lacking in education or virtue would muck it up for the rest of us
Lmao. Everyone's virtues go to the shitter when a social order collapses. Barbarism is literally just what sheltered people call survival and entertainment in the absence of prosperity and rule of law.
This is why it would never work. Many people are guided towards what helps them, and are not guided by principles. People who would not die for their principles are the problem here
Isn't the goal of a communist revolution ultimately using the state as a means to shape society so that anarchy works, with the state eventually dissolving? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this requires communism to be international in order to get rid of states that are a barrier to this utopian ideal
Yes communism is supposed to be worldwide.
The excuse and justification for white, middleclass european teenagers living in a first-world country to behave and contribute to society in a fashion similar to third-world monkeys.
Literally well-behaving negroes in Africa have more sensible ideas and priorities than ''''''''anarchists'''''''''
Also most advocates for anarchy wouldn't last a day in a complete collapse of the state, end of all law and order-tier anarchy.
The ethical underpinnings of anarchism are somewhat admirable, but I'm pretty sure that syndicalism and all the other anarchist theories would degenerate into Soviet-style command economy, or just simple slavery very quickly.
Meh they're pretty cool. They're leftfists(generally) and have always been allies of the socialists . CNT fair was cool
Unfeasable. If there is no law, there is no justice, and therefore is not worth living in.
>However, those lacking in education or virtue would muck it up for the rest of us, by commiting crime or even by attempting to establish a state.
It's interesting that you say that, because:
> These people, basically beasts, need this order to function daily becausw they can't do basic things themselves, like saving money or deferral of gratification
indicates that in an anarchist society you (the person recieving this (you)), would either be cowering at home due to their innate cowardice, or killing and stealing freely from the "beasts". You don't have respect for your fellow man, or you wouldn't refer to them in such a way. You consider yourself above the common man in intelligence, virtue and education, and would be absolutely unwelcome in an anarchist society.
[spoiler]I wouldn't be either, but crucially I'm not advocating it.[/spoiler]
12 year old pseudo-but-not-edginess - the ideology
This thread is about 2 people from r/anarchism. Jesus Christ, how did Veeky Forums take such a downturn to this cancer?
>Gandhi was a self-described philosophical anarchist,[222] and his vision of India meant an India without an underlying government.[223] He once said that "the ideally nonviolent state would be an ordered anarchy."[224] While political systems are largely hierarchical, with each layer of authority from the individual to the central government have increasing levels of authority over the layer below, Gandhi believed that society should be the exact opposite, where nothing is done without the consent of anyone, down to the individual. His idea was that true self-rule in a country means that every person rules his or herself and that there is no state which enforces laws upon the people.[225]
You should probably explain how it is supposed to work.
All I have is "we make money illegal and then crime will go away and everyone will be happy and well fed and housed".
In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21:25)
anarcho syndicalism as described by rocker would be pretty nice tbf
I am attracted to anarchism but it doesn't seem practical in any realistic world. I think the closest you can realistically get is liberalism/minarchism with the state having a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence (with exceptions for self defense and such) and an arbiter of Justice. Social reorganization could still occur within this framework but it would require the voluntary spontaneous formation of collectives. Forced collectivization goes against the spirit of anarchy. If it is truly a viable system it must be able to compete for ideological supremacy with alternatives
Minarchism is 10 times better. The only thing i find worse than a totalitarian government is complete absence of government.
Any country without government is asking to be conquered
It's for people who had given up since day 1.
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Seems pretty okay to me. I'd take any of them. It seems to me like the biggest problems of anarchist territories is that they're so threatening to the statists that surround them. At this point I think statism is so firmly entrenched that it's probably impossible to ever have a stable anarchist territory without first having a global catastrophe.
That's because you're a smooth-brained imbecile who thinks anarchism = anarchy.
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul to waste
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast
Congratulations, you're an accelerationist
For the words of the profits
Were written on the studio wall
Concert hall
And echoes with the sounds, of salesmen, of salesmen, of salesmen
Sounds about right. My favorite plan for the future is when Google's advertising algorithm becomes so accurate that it can perfectly predict exactly what you would spend your money on, how much you would save or invest, etc, and automatically spend your money on those things, so you receive exactly what you want, when you want it, in equal amount to your contribution to society.
If by "favorite" you mean "most likely to bring about the collapse of globalist society," I agree with you.
It is ineffectual at consolidating gains for the working class the way state socialism is.