>mom is being verbally abusive in her typical moodswing fashion again
I wish I didn't fall for the living with your parents meme.
>mom is being verbally abusive in her typical moodswing fashion again
I wish I didn't fall for the living with your parents meme.
You think that's bad huh. Try living with an unemployed wife.
I understand 100% where you're coming from with the mother thing though. My mother was the same way.
Truth is it's worth it to pay your own way for that financial freedom once you get a job but the marriage part is not worth it.
>Try living with an unemployed wife.
Explain pls, how can i avoid that trap
Sign her up for a yoga or tai chi class
she needs a good dicking user
get your mom a hobby. just recommend something for her.
my mom likes to play sims 4 and it keeps her calm
She's fat and ugly as fuck. I don't have the kind of funds needed to get her laid.
I got married and told my wife to quit her job and be a housewife. Now she stays home and cooks and cleans for me.
It's still not worth it.
>made peace with parents
>country fell for the immigration meme
>town filled with noisy and nasty people
end me lads
But that doesn't sound so bad. That's actually what i want
you told her to quit her job and she did what you wanted and now you're unhappy?
Yeah that's what I wanted too.
I'm not unhappy she quit her job.
I'm happy because living with women is a fucking nightmare. You people don't understand.
She's probably on her period. Don't hold her against it, it's not her fault she's a woman.
> its never the woman's fault, we should protect them and never hold them accountable for their actions and yet give them all rights and put them in positions of power
fuck off white fucking knight cuck and kill yourself.
LOL nice job completely misunderstanding what I said and getting mad about it. Neither you nor women deserve to be in positions of power.
This is actually true
all women are a terror to live with. eventually the love goes away and you are left with an annoying bickering cunt. They end up doing sneaky things and spy on you, and try to cause drama for no reason because women love that shit
Help. Me.
you might have been sarcastic but I've met people who unironically say shit like that.
>That doesn't sound bad. That's actually what I want
>How can I avoid that trap?
user. Do you see the trap now? Yeah, that's why it's called a trap. Avoid it.
> user
this nigger here is right.
women can be very abusive on their days and yet they demand the same treatment as men.
bend her over and suck a fart out of her ass
worked for me
fucking wojak it always makes me kek
I wasn't sarcastic. Getting pissed at a woman for being irrational is like getting mad at a retard for having low IQ.
so I was right you cuck.
I'm a cuck because I see women as sex objects and don't take them seriously? don't think so
you see them as little puppies who are not at fault for their behavior and that's bad.
Women are crazy sluts nowadays because of that. In the past slut shaming was a thing and they were pressured to behave like decent human beings.
why the hell u marry her
>mother was verbally abusive
>wife is also verbally abusive
>falling into the "your parents model your relationships" meme
You are supposed to have a baby in that case. Go cream your wife now user.
Thanks user. Now I know I'm not alone.
I do. I don't think we were ever designed to be married longer than 15 years. At least in the good old days you died around 40.
Yeah. You're not alone.
I believe it.
You make me want to puke. Worthless.
Found the unmarried guy...Brush yo teef, nigger.
>chose to marry a bitch
>complains when she acts like a bitch
find a good woman to breed with user, you'll instinctively know if her intents are true.
>just find a better wife user