Why is black Americans European heritage so extensively downplayed?
European heritage
American race dynamics are all loads of fucked.
the blacks themselves downplay it. they would rather name their kids after random african words then embrace their true heritage.
because it's not as significant as people make it out to be. I think it was like 58% of Blacks have only 12.5% European ancestry (mostly barbaric Europeans like scotch-Irish) and the percentage of Europeaness goes down the higher the number of Blacks you are testing.
The average across the board is 25%, and if you exclude actual African-Americans ie. African immigrants, it is likely significantly higher.
It seems like people don't even know.
* According to Ancestry.com, the average African American is 65 percent sub-Saharan African, 29 percent European and 2 percent Native American.
* According to 23andme.com, the average African American is 75 percent sub-Saharan African, 22 percent European and only 0.6 percent Native American.
* According to Family Tree DNA.com, the average African American is 72.95 percent sub-Saharan African, 22.83 percent European and 1.7 percent Native American.
* According to National Geographic's Genographic Project, the average African American is 80 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 1 percent Native American.
* According to AfricanDNA, in which I am a partner with Family Tree DNA, the average African American is 79 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 2 percent Native American.
29% European and 19% European is a gap of 10 points. I've heard numbers quite lower than the ones listed here. Maybe when the science is more certain American Blacks would have more cause to celebrate.
Lads, it's America
>Why is black Americans European heritage so extensively downplayed?
Because America invented the one-drop rule and also this
Why is black Americans Jewish heritage so extensively downplayed?
Weren't the original slave-owners of USA mostly of hebrew origin?
Because it's too painful. Trust me, I'm black myself and see it all the time.
I knew a KANGZ tier BLM guy who took a DNA test to great pomp and excitement on Snapchat. Guy was dressed in a dashiki and egyptian headdress while reading the results.
Turned out he was 65% Scottish. I mean the motherfucker had bright green eyes & light skin but he attributed it to "african genetic diversity where anything can happen".
Tried to hang himself after learning he was one of "the oppressors".
Semetic blacks are the ones who have to deal with culture theft in that regard, not black Americans.
Most Atlantic slavers were white
>. I mean the motherfucker had bright green eyes & light skin
Tbf he could be part arab. If it was blue eyes then I'd understand.
Isn't Tyrone actually an Irish name? I think they just can't tell African from European at this point, to be honest.
That's fucking hilarious, do you have a link to that.
Jew aren't white now?
they were a very small minority in the south. you're thinking about slave traffickers.
The original Hebrews originated in Ethiopia, not Israel.
Yeah sure, we wuz Izrael and shit.
White "Jews" are larpers and culture thieves.
It's a really good point
I didn't believe it at first, but then did some research, it is real. Israel in its current incarnation is illegitimate.
relevant video
Did ya miss the part about the DNA?
>Scottish niggers LARPing as Egyptians
What the fuck is wrong with America
No, owners were mostly white. It was slave TRADERS who were jewish.
The "education" system, and boomers
Jews never were white
[citation needed]
Read a book, faggot.
Anything claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
The burden of proof is on the one who makes assertions
It's a contentious land. It has been from at one.
If you read old Pilgrim diaries it was something like this
>Puritans are certainly the agents of Satan. The Children of God are in constant danger - Man from Jamestown speaking of those from Plymouth
>There has never been a people more cruel, duplicitous and ungodly than those Anglican scum! - Man from Plymouth referencing colonists from Jamestown
Hebrew Israelites please go
it's common knowledge. there were many jews in spain and the spanish profited the most from the trans-atlantic slave trade.
>people still thinking Puritans had a noticeable impact on American psyche/culture
This is the one widespread meme that just refuses to die even though it's not rooted in reality. I wonder who started it, was it Tocqueville or Weber?
C'mon lad
The Scottish have been LARPing as Egyptians for a while now
>Scota is the name given to mythological daughters of two different Egyptian pharaohs in Irish mythology, Scottish mythology and pseudohistory. >Though legends vary, all agree that a Scota was the ancestor of the Gaels, who traced their ancestry to Irish invaders, called Scotti, who settled in Argyll and Caledonia, regions which later came to be known as Scotland after their founder.
Plus there's many accounts of blonde haired blue eyed white girlas used as sex slaves by the masters in America because they were 1/10000th black.
[citation needed]
Jews were expulsed of Spain about the start of the 16th century, and they only exported blacks for mines or in the caribean isles.
Netherlands too. Jews didn't dominate just slave trade but trans Atlantic trade as a whole.
[citation needed]
>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.
This is literal /pol/. If you want to /pol/post, go to /pol/. Veeky Forums is for History & Humanities.
I wasn't replying to you, Schlomo
This is the face of autism
>Why is black Americans European heritage so extensively downplayed?
Why care about a people who will always hate you? It's common sense.
Jews just rented out their ships. Black and Arab Africans profited the most off of the slave trade.
It's not about hating or liking people, it's about having a complete understanding of who you are.
Maybe because it's doesn't exist?
>tfw 6% black
It comes from the Mestizo social system that's prevalent in all former colonial nations and the general inferiority complex that colonials posses
>Why is black Americans Jewish heritage so extensively downplayed?
Because there were barely any whatsoever.
>In 1830 there were only four Jews among the 11,000 Southerners who owned fifty or more slaves
four out of 11 fucking thousand. this is how far stormfags will reach. all the first jews in america were sephardic jews, a lot of em owned slaves but no more than any other southerner. half of these "jewish slave ships" photos are bullshit and when you look up the people, they aren't actually jewish.
>in which I am a partner with Family Tree DNA,
What did he mean by this?
Why does the Talmud say that they cursed Ham with black skin then? That part was written in 500 BC... Why would black israelites write that? The Ashkenazis didn't write the Talmud
Because colorist has always been a thing amongst black people.
First off, that's not all the slave ships.
Secondly, a lot of those aren't even Jewish. That picture is objectively false.
There is nothing that says he's Jewish besides Stormfront.
It's not /pol/faggotry to say jews played a role in the trans-atlantic slave trade. jews themselves will talk about. africans talk about it. I recently heard the scholar bill warner talk about it in his a lecture on 'political islam'
>Why does the Talmud say that they cursed Ham with black skin then
It doesn't. It wasn't even Ham who was cursed, it was his son Canaan.
The Old Testament passage reads:
>And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
There is no mention of skin colour, only of subservience.
I find that Dominicans and brazilians have a more balanced view of themselves as ethnic groups. They understand that they are a unique product of new world ethnogenesis.
>It's not /pol/faggotry to say jews played a role in the trans-atlantic slave trade.
That's not what he said. He said most African-Americans have Jewish heritage which is completely /pol/ bullshit. Most of them have Irish heritage.
>jews themselves will talk about. africans talk about it.
What does that prove? The majority of Jews were in Europe in ghettos while this was happening I don't see why you expect them to apologize for what Sephardic jews did. They have completely different cultures, it's like saying an Ethiopian Jew is to blame for what they did because they have the same religion. It's absurd.
>The majority of Jews were in Europe in ghettos while this was happening
And the majority of Europeans were farming when this was happening.
I can agree with that, but as it's as bill warner said on the history of slavery, no religion comes out clean. although I think the point he was trying to make was the muslims were particularly ruthless.
You're missing the point.
>Jews played a very minimal role in both the transatlantic and arab slave trade in comparison to Christians in Muslims
>On top of that, most of them had nothing to do with it
I don't see how you can shift the blame from the Portugese and the Arabs and other groups and shift it the Jews. It just doesn't make sense.
I agree. All Abrahamic religions are seemingly okay with religion, I just hate when people try to act like one is more guilty or dominated over the others.
seemingly okay with slavery*
>>On top of that, most of them had nothing to do with it
Why blame any ethnicity for it then? Why is it that the whitey gets singled out?
>Jews played a very minimal role in both the transatlantic and arab slave trade in comparison to Christians in Muslims
Is that true though? Alot of middle men and laborers may have been Christian or Muslim but the ones on top, selling loans, owning ships, ect have more influence than a random sailor. If Jews were more often than not on the higher end of the command chain they have more responsibility than minimal.
You're right. The issue with "white" is it was created by some random southerner. It's more broad, and technically Jews, Arabs, and everyone else is white so it covers everyone.
>Why is it that the whitey gets singled out?
Because it fills everyone
>Jews = whitey
>Arabs = whitey
>Portugese = whitey
>British = whitey
>Dutch = whitey
When I say whitey, Jews are included.
>Arabs = whitey
That's just disingenuous. Most of the Arabs involved in the slave trade were Brown or Black themselves.
>owning ships
most of the .jpgs that list a bunch of ships and say they were jews are bullshit. all it takes is a google search.
>If Jews were more often than not on the higher end of the command chain they have more responsibility than minimal.
I disagree. Jews weren't the ones who went to the African tribes and made slavery popular. Jews might have profited off of it, but it means very little when you have no objective analysis to prove they actually dominated it at the top levels.
Arabs are Caucasoid. I'm black I consider Arabs whitey all the way. They have done everything whites have done.
>They have done everything whites have done.
Almost every civilzation has done things Whites have done as actually capable people aren't too dissimilar. Europeans have alot of analogues with Indians and Asians for this reason too.
Only Blacks and Abos never accomplished anything of note and therefore can't say they have analogs with the other races of the world.
There isn't a sharp distinction between blacks and Arabs in that part of the world.
>my stupid as fuck American view on ethnicity makes me blame people for their ancient ancestors' misdeeds
Boy aren't you stupid
>There isn't a sharp distinction between blacks and Arabs in that part of the world.
just read this
Alot of those scholars are Persian ya mook.
To you. They see themselves being quite different.
You do realize the Spanish Inquisition wasn't just a Monty Python sketch?
>very minimal role
that's debatable. somebody said in the thread earlier they rented out ships which is a pretty key role, and some of these spanish christians were jews who's family had converted to avoid being thrown out the country, but when they landed in places like america they were free to identify themselves as jews, so you have conflicting some records
if the jewish people want to disown these spanish converts I can't blame them. they were coerced but they converted nonetheless.
ctrl+f "Jews"
Can /pol/ please leave? This isn't about Jews
Black/Arab hybrids are and have always been very common in he Sahel.
>"The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, owing to their low degree of humanity and proximity to the animal stage. Other persons who accept the status of slave do so as a means of attaining high rank, or power, or wealth, as is the case with the Mameluke Turks in the East and with those Franks and Galicians who enter the service of the state" - Ibn Khaldun
>The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes
Not true, look
>was an Ifriqiyan (North Africa) Arab Muslim historiographer and historian
But they aren't White. In fact, to lump all those groups together even without Arabs is a gross simplification I would avoid. The world is more complicated than Black and White.
They're completely different culturally so of course they distinguish themselves from pure paganistic jungle people, but in America or the west at large, in passing are seen as black.
It's crazy how depending on the argument either nobody's white or everybody's white.
If you count under 50, the number is vastly disproportionate.
>15 slave ships were operated by Jews
Stop the fucking presses
>depending on the argument either nobody's white or everybody's white.
I've never argued that. I've made the point that it's ignorant to draw the line of White at Europe because some Europeans are dark enough to be considered non-White and some Asiatics or North Africans are light enough to be considered White despite being non-European. Ethiopians are Caucasian which range from brown to Black. The famous coastal Ethiopians were brown Caucasoid, yes. They weren't White.
It was still a low amount. The craziest statistic i've heard was like in 1840 in 40% of southern jews owned atleast 1 slave. however there were so little jews in the south that they couldn't even make an effect to even be a significant minority of the slave owners
The inverse argument applies equally to black people.
The real question is why do whites try to use reductionism to define black people for certain/most arguments. Which comes back to my original question of why do black Americans(a mixed people) only get attached to their jungle people roots by outsiders that discuss them.
It all comes down to their fucked up psychology. They see whiteness as an indicator of bullshit spooks like civilization and how /pol/ perceives your intelligence.
>The real question is why do whites try to use reductionism to define black people for certain/most arguments.
I disagree that Whites do this generally. The answer as to why people are inconsistent when it comes to racial classification is because they are ultimately subjective. White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Orange and Red aren't very well defined when you mix in genetics, ethnicity, culture, geography and physical phenotype.
I personally have no problem considering all Ethiopians "black" in a social sense. I've seen on this board that they themselves don't see it that
Negroid and caucusoid features exist on a spectrum, because they have always been sexually compatible. There are plenty of blacks with caucusoid features and vice versa.
way. lighter skinned Ethiopians don't see themselves as Black.
>Negroid and caucusoid features exist on a spectrum, because they have always been sexually compatible.
Very true. You do find pure specimens around the world though.
Cool pic.