Philosophical Edgelord No.1
Philosophical Edgelord No.1
Edgy from a modern perspective maybe. His views were only those that, prior to the french revolution, every well-born person considered sane and normal.
>well-born person
by which he means someone with a noble pedigree, so 1 or 2% of the population, who just happened to be the ones in charge at the time.
The 1% is still in charge. Just bankers and investors instead of noblemen. YMMV on who's worse.
>by which he means someone with a noble pedigree, so 1 or 2% of the population, who just happened to be the ones in charge at the time.
Yep. That's how societies always worked and continue to work to this day.
Bankers, lawyers, career politicians, generals. the point is however while many of these are from the upper crust several are also scions of the middle classes.
Not even going into the political reforms yes I find that preferable
>directly quoting him
But most people back then respected nobility and understood its value.
>not quoting Evola daily
>several are also scions of the middle classes.
The same was always true. You had merchant republics. You had many towns and villages which had no nobleman.
Am i ridiculous if i think this is an actually correct analysis of both systems?
Not when they abused their power.
It's not. Capitalism is only implicitly materialistic, because there's no way to explain the image of a good capitalist by purely materialist reasoning.
A man who is willing to start a company and work 80 hours a week until he drops dead just to see his company flourish is not simply being materialistic.
>A man who is willing to start a company and work 80 hours a week until he drops dead just to see his company flourish is not simply being materialistic.
Except he does it exclusively for material gain?
>Except he does it exclusively for material gain?
Does he?
Would you work 80 hours a week for 40 years simply for material gain?
I certainly wouldn't.
Perhaps he's attempting to fulfill the gaping whole in his heart from capitalism removing all senses of community and God from modern life?
Yes, qua capitalist, that is exactly what he's doing.
Also you are not evidence.
No, I'm pretty sure it's something metaphysical going on.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was motivated by death anxiety, and a wish to be immortalized.
In all honesty I should have put neo-liberalism instead of capitalism. capitalism is just a form of the market. Neo-liberalism is the real problem.
Evola is not edgy at all unless you think rejection of philosophical materialism is edgy. If you want true fedoras try Nietzsche and Stirner.
He's edgy when it comes to Christianity. At least in his early years. In his later years he has less emotion driven and more reasonable critiques of Christianity.
>Yes, qua capitalist, that is exactly what he's doing.
No, that's simply how it appears to you from the outside.
t. Mind reader
People have different motivations that change with time and we can't possibly know. All that matters is what they objectively do, not what they think they do.
I think you are trying to say this
>t. Mind reader
You're the mind reader here tbqh. I was literally asking you here if you personally were willing to do what a capitalist does, and you didn't answer the question.
And the reason you didn't answer the question is because you probably think there are more important things in life than working 80 or 90 hours a week for 40 years, and hence there needs to be some other explanatory reason for a capitalist's insane drive other than wealth.
But their motivation is irrelevant. Capital accumulation is materialistic gain by materialistic means. The end result is the same.
The market makes a better servant than master.
Talk about moving the goalpost. First you say his motivation is material gain which is why they do what they do, and now you say the motivation is irrelevant.
Kill yourself faggot.
>moving the goalpost
I said here >All that matters is what they objectively do, not what they think they do.
No surprise you have poor reading comprehension and low attention spam.
>Except he does it exclusively for material gain?
>Yes, qua capitalist, that is exactly what he's doing.
Row row row your boats, gently down the stream.
Just because different motivations produce the same result, doesn't mean motivations don't matter.
>lvl 39 Aryan mage
>level 39
>some leftist balding numale kvetching
You sure showed us
He's still by and large correct.
No he isn't. The inbred remark in particular, most aristocrats weren't Spanish Habsburgs and the average peasant was far more inbred than the average nobleman. Wouldn't surprise me if this Kriss dude was a resentful jew as well.
Which is why I use the term by and large. If we ignore the inbreeding comment (which is all you conveniently answered) he has just accurately described the power dynamic that existed for 1900 years in Europe. Since this went on to influence Western law and culture, which then imposed itself upon the world, this dynamic has a somewhat global importance.
Modern western law and culture was created as an antithesis to tradition, which explains the shit the west is in right now.
Not to the same degree. for instance many of my family members are military officers, positions once mostly restricted to the gentry. The last president was the illegitimate son of an unnotable academic.
The merchant republics were dominated by a few powerful families, not much different than Rome.
Not that social mobility is easy today but there is more of it, and our current political system means even the high born leaders have to suck up to the middle class and working class every few years. Something "well born" commentators in the early American republic found extremely distasteful
>he has just accurately described the power dynamic that existed for 1900 years in Europe. Since this went on to influence Western law and culture, which then imposed itself upon the world, this dynamic has a somewhat global importance
Conspiracy-tier trash born out of resentment.
What did the compsci student who plays videogames all day ever did to anyone?
Compsci are the biggest faggots of all students.
I'd rather call him 'a little' contrarian, I wouldn't call it edgy.
Yeah, but you knew who to blame. Who can you blame today? Faceless bureaucrats with no skin in the game and temporary leaders with short term goals and false promises.