What if world governments are running crypto eugenics and underground breeding programs to breed and groom their elites and we're all just tax and debt cattle and cannon fodder to them and we don't even know?
What if world governments are running crypto eugenics and underground breeding programs to breed and groom their elites...
High how are you?
yes, it´s this humanities board again, ktbye
That's 9gag tier redpilling you have to go deeper
The creator of Quantum computers recently posited that within 50 years we would have machines that will outpace us in every aspect.
He says this with glee. And why not replace the bulk of humanity with machines?
I would replace the bulk of humanity with machines if I could. So no hard feelings.
How asleep are you?
Nigger see
You're either high or 14. Or both.
>According to a secret CIA dossier, President Trump's youngest son Barron Trump is actually a clone of the President. He was not only born through artificial insemination but also in an artificial womb without a mother in a lab of the University of Chicago.
>The dossier further says that Donald Trump's 3rd wife Melania Trump is a transgender woman who still has her male genital parts. According to the dossier, Barron Trump was born through a revolutionary technology where Donald Trump DNA was used to create artificial sperms which were then shoved into the artificial female egg which was created out of the DNA of President Trump's mother through the process of artificial insemination. After this process, the egg was put to fertilise in a revolutionary artificial womb for almost two years until Barron Trump was born.
>According to the report, Donald Trump's youngest son Barron Trump is 95% copy of Donald Trump and the experiment is considered a success. The report further says that Donald Trump is also funding a research through which he would be able to transfer his consciousness into Barron Trump when the time will come. The reports further say that scientists are also developing a way to enhance the abilities of Barron Trump like giving him super human strength and super intelligence. The report says that the entire research is kept highly secret because it will unleash a great outpour of common people that such kind of project is unethical. The report says that if everything goes according to plan it will revolutionise the aristocratic classes of the world and they would be able to rule over the commoners and peasants for eternity as gods.
am i on /x/?
How will he transfer his consciousness ,genius?
Brain transplants have never worked.
Considering how ugly most if these elites are they aren't doing a very good job
what if man
what if
What if the furries are right?
That's because of graft-vs-host, and the problem of the blood-brain barrier preventing immunosuppressants from working well. No such problems with a clone.
That sounds about right.
It's not crypto. There's a literal new York banker who has 700 children because people like his "stats" when they choose sperm for a fertile wife but sterile husband.
So eugenics already has a hidden push. When custom babies become a thing...
What happens when two equals fight over the remaining chair as the music winds down?
Could it be that all ruling houses, monarchs, and emperors were all related in some way or another?
>crypto eugenics
Dude, it's completey overt
Go to the website of a high quality semen bank and try to fill their donor's questionnaire.
I remember one of them asking
>How many degrees do you have?
Like, not "have you got a degree", how many.
>crypto eugenics and underground breeding programs
Genetic modification would also be used. Selective breeding would be something used to weed out failed experiments and it is difficult due to the long time it takes humans to mature. Their only advantage over the rest of the scientific community would be their willingness to experiment on humans so it is doubtful they would be far in advance of everyone else.
The elite seem to view themselves as a boat floating on water. For example if a member of the elite has diabetes they coax the upper-middle classes into investing in diabetes treatment and such and testing it on themselves, if intelligent upper-middle classes are using a treatment without problems they then use it on themselves. Once GM humans become feasible the Chinese will probably start doing it and they will rely on the openness of the scientific community to provide much needed innovation and scrutiny before GMing their heirs or practicing gene therapy on themselves.
>we're all just tax and debt cattle and cannon fodder to them
this was already the standard, really
What do you mean "what if"?