Why is the modern man unhappy?
Why is the modern man unhappy?
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I'm not. Get fucked faggot
Alienation of the worker from the product of his labor.
People lack meaning in their lives because they put off having kids until their mid 30s and by then they're misshapen and autistic and an all around burden.
Because modern life is unnatural and unfulfilling.
We're all debt slaves in this late-capitalist society, the true man inside us wants to return to the earth and find comfort in a family - however today we are told this is absurd, silly, and that consumer goods that we can buy with our invisible money will make us happy.
They don't, they distract us from what is true; faith, family and folk. The food poisons us, the cosmetics ruin us, we degrade into what cannot even be considered a man but a shameful husk filled with arrogance and pride.
Peasants to the corporations that own us, we wake up and don neat clothes that are washed clean often at the expense of the planet
We wash our bodies in chemicals, even the water we wash ourselves with is tampered with
We study to become indebted to universities, or we go to work in transportation that harms this earth
Coffee, coke, the like, it rots away at us during our breaks
We waste our lives away working for money we never touch to live in societies we don't want to live in
Men are no longer men, and women are no longer women. We are taught hedonism, football, drinking and clubs are the key to a happier life here. This synthetic world we live in can only provide us such frivolities.
To be lucky enough to escape to the mountains and live in solitude. To live a self sustaining life. It is illegal in our world. And finding a woman who would join you in the pursuit of breaking free is such a hard task. It seems bleak.
My heart hurts user.
tfw no gf
> Be peasant
>Constantly worry about starvation as farming technology sucks and a single year of abnormal weather could kill me and my entire family despite constant backbreaking labor.
>Have to constantly worry about the astronomically higher murder rate and gangs of pillaging bandits.
>War is constantly happening for stupid petty slights by some aristocrat to another that ravage the land you farm and set loose scavenging armies all so some inbred can claim more land that he has no connection to.
>Watch many of my children die from common diseases and infections before they are old enough to experience life.
>The state is so bare-bones that no infrastructure, reliable law enforcement, or system of trade can be relied upon.
>Experience the horrors of pre-progressive taxation where you're constantly deprived of your wealth while the rich get off scot-free.
>Look down from Heaven centuries later and see some well-fed, well-educated, neckbeard on a magical worldwide communications network with AC, central heating, clean water, safe food, vaccines, a democratic vote, and endless possibilities to experience his life and expand his horizons complain about how much happier I was.
The question is if our natural instincts are actually "good" or if we should work on erasing them. You're very easily accepting something as intrinsically good
Happiness doesn't come from security and material goods, who would know?
I unironically look to the future with optimism.
>Happiness doesn't come from security
it actually does though
>peasants lived in a perpetual state of foreboding doom and gloom
Please get the fuck off this board and kill yourself you brainlet.
Our natural instincts are. Faith helps incorporate our natural side into a fulfilling and productive lifestyle.
I'm obviously not talking about cave-man "fight or flight" stuff here but imagine yourself on a homestead, it's like that.
I also don't believe you can erase natural instincts. Carl Sagan said in his book 'the dragons of Eden' that the reason we're afraid of snakes is because our tiny animal ancestors were hunted by them.
However they can be "overcome" (e.g. Martyrdom), they should only be overcome by individuals for good causes.
That is fears though. Basic wants like freedom and love can never go away.
Refute it, LARPer. You would die immediately in the wild.
>Condtantly worry
>Constantly worry
>Constantly worry
That's one of those things that should sound more and more retarded the more you type it up but alas you went ahead and posted it sincerely.
I'm pretty sure that the historic or pre-historic man wasn't happy OP, or even had a concept of it.
I think you should just erase the concept of "being happy" from your mind altogether as it basically is a meme produced by the founders of the United States.
You're better off focusing on being virtuous and excellent than happy.
Nicely put
Sounds like commie talk. Thats a paddlin.
>My heart hurts user
then put down the burger and think about it on a treadmill.
he's definitely not wrong, read the Italian historian Carlo Ginzburg's book the cheese and the worms
its a pretty famous example of microhistory where he looks at the heresy trial of a miller from Friuli who talks a lot about the things that other user was bringing up, and shows just how much it sucked to be a peasant. Most of his anger was focused on the church rather than the aristocracy though, since after the war of the league of cambrai there had been peasant uprisings in that region so the Venetians responded by reducing rents and taxes, but that didn't apply to land owned by the church which was quite extensive.
ITT: Depressed LARPers complain about not dying from paper cuts and backbreaking labor that kills you at 40 in the comfort of their air conditioned homes and leisure work week.
>They don't, they distract us from what is true; faith, family and folk.
Only the family is, faith can be discarded and folk should be replaced with community.
>Why is the modern man unhappy?
Because modern society gives no reason to the man to be happy.
Why do you think so many prefer to dwell on escapist media instead?
Materialistic world breeding him to love things and not people. There's always going to be someone more well off than you, materially speaking. If you concentrate on spirituality, you'll be much happier because inner peace is subjective, and there is a path there for everyone. There is only one way to be wealthy and that is to have a lot of money. There are plenty of ways to find Enlightenment and better oneself internally.
ba dum tshhh
Air conditioning in your home isn't a thing here in the UK. The average person just has radiators (heaters) that all.
While what you say is true, first world problems will eventually become everyone's problems if the economic growth of the world continues.
I mean, I have no problems imagining a future where 5 billion people are so depressed because of their deadening office job that they'll produce revolutions just for the shits and giggles.
We are no longer dependent on our communities to avoid destitution which means 2 things.
1: You don't have to strive for acceptance.
2: Others don't have to care about you.
We now live in cities that dwarf Rome and long distance travel means that many people you meet are complete strangers you will never meet again after a short period.
Compare this with the past where 90% lived in villages where everyone knew everyone and were all raised in the same religion.
There may also be a bit of survivor bias and rose tinted glasses. Someone with "melancholy" in the past would end up am alcoholic tramp or just die. Though I think we have lost our sense of community, there is statistically more lonely elderly, less marriage, more distant families and such.
Certain amount of people are losers, back in the days losers died or were ignored.
And inversely, retards just as miserable as the LARPers yet for some reason under the impression they must lie about their true attitude towards the world.
Not everyone wants to die of disease because nobody cares about anything but religion and farming.
Faith is needed to give metaphysical meaning to our actions.
Also community = folk. (multi-racialism doesn't work).
Humans didn't evolve to be happy. If we were happy we would never push ourselves. We will never be happy.
>Faith is needed to give metaphysical meaning to our actions.
No or at least not universally. It's possible some people need clergy to guide their lives.
>Also community = folk.
Incorrect. Nationalism is a modern phenomenom, traditionally people cared about folks in their community. Not people they've never met, but speak their language.
Faith isn't limited to organized religion like Catholicism. Look to the Celts (Celtic), Saxons (Germanic), Mongols (Tengri) (it's all unorganized but binding).
A racial folk isn't a 'Nation'. I'm talking about ethnic tribes. I even said multi-RACIALism.
Just clarifying things.
>(it's all unorganized but binding)
But not neccesary, it can be effectively replaced with different, more effective traditions.
>I'm talking about ethnic tribes
So a community, talking about modern times?
Traditions are meaningless without metaphysical meaning.
Look at May-Day in Europe, it's a day of celebration and festivities that symbolises birth and the start of spring. Every European tradition from before Christendom has a Pagan meaning behind it.
> Modern times
Why do you think our societies are so fractured? It's because of multi-racialism.
If this capitalistic system collapsed tomorrow groups would fizzle down to ethnically homogeneous tribes due to natural in-group preferences.
Modern "communities" are just people living together because they're in the same area. There's a reason the diverse cities are so violent and hostile compared to the mono-ethnic villages.
The rise of Social Justice probably played a part.Since they're constantly told that they are horrible and worthless and that the world would be better off without them.
>Look at May-Day in Europe, it's a day of celebration and festivities that symbolises birth and the start of spring. Every European tradition from before Christendom has a Pagan meaning behind it.
Yup, but that's not faith, normal human does not need faith to live.
>Why do you think our societies are so fractured? It's because of multi-racialism.
Nope, I say it as someone who lives in ethnically pure society. Thus I can't comment on your other arguments, since multicultural societies are foreign to me.
But the point was that the "folk" of yours is a too wide category for a common man to connect with on daily basis. The tribes you switched to are not, but such tribes were merged to nations. Thus the community takes the position.
He gave up contact with the divine for mastery over the banal.
Too many rules not enough equity
>Traditions are meaningless without metaphysical meaning.
>Look at May-Day in Europe, it's a day of celebration and festivities that symbolises birth and the start of spring. Every European tradition from before Christendom has a Pagan meaning behind it.
That's not true at all.
A lot of traditions are based on the works of individuals or great wars.
Most nations, for example, have some great ceremony of commemoration on the 11th of November. In the UK we have Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Night, which celebrates the failure of a plot to blow up the English parliament and kill King James VI/I. In Scotland specifically, we have Burns Night, which celebrates the life and work of Robert Burns.
None of these are connected to religion or spirituality, but they are all important cultural traditions that link us with the past, our ancestors, and our history.
I'm not arguing that man needs faith TO live, but to live a fulfilling life. While that may not be the case for you it definitely will be for the majority of people.
Also, in a multi-racial area you'll gain a connection with your fellow tribesman. It's a feeling that is brought out when you live in occupied territory, you'll feel it one day when the diversity comes to you (heavens forbid it getting that bad before it kicks off though).
>While that may not be the case for you it definitely will be for the majority of people.
I have not made such an observation, please provide source for your claim.
>Also, in a multi-racial area you'll gain a connection with your fellow tribesman.
Urban "tribes" can do that as well.
>Air conditioning in your home isn't a thing here in the UK. The average person just has radiators (heaters) that all.
Lol I'm Italian and I'm laughing at you subhumans
Hello Scotsman.
You used Guy-Fawkes night, that's important because Christianity says the monarchs were given power by G'd (see Romans in the Bible), the Monarchy has had people die for them and were worshiped back then similar to how the Japanese saw their Emperor. Even in the 60's a vast majority of households in England had a portrait of the Queen in their house.
Therefore that holiday has importance due to it's attack on the Monarchy which is related to Christianity. As for Parliament, that falls under our heritage and that isn't connected, so you have that one.
You mention our ancestors and our history, you forget that ancestor worship is extremely important in the Germanic faith, so that falls under Pagan belief.
As for Easter, Christmas, Halloween and the like they are the biggest nights and are all connected to faith.
People in the first world are happier now than they have ever been, but idiot LARPer's think that because everyone is going to be sad at some point in their life then there must have been some mythical past where everyone was always happy and never sad. Just because people could and were happy at times in the past doesn't mean they were moreso than now. Just as the fact that people can be sad now doesn't mean more people were not more sad more often at previous times.
Go outside and look at all the different people. Muslims, Catholics, Blacks. The majority of people who aren't White Middle-Class believe in something.
It just doesn't get that hot in the UK, it's cold here most of the time. Not "sub-human" at all.
Modern Man is unhappy because in our hubristic desire to place Man within his proper context among the animals, we have counter intuitively lost sight of the fact that we are animals.
By which I mean we have foolishly come to believe we can control our own evolution, and are capable of reshaping out nature without destroying what makes us human. Logically, any human forced into an inhuman circumstance will inevitably be VERY unhappy.
>The majority of people who aren't White Middle-Class believe in something.
There are nations composed of atheists in Europe or outside it. Please cite your source that majority of society needs faith to live proper lifes.
This. Community gives purpose.
Nothing to explore, nobody to kill. Massive suppression of our primal instincts
What the heck of wrong with you
We are being oppressed by nature though.
You're beginning to sound butthurt
Just go have a conversation a youth at a YMCA then compare them to a God hating fedora from R9K (you're starting to seem like one).
Man is part of nature. We are a part of the natural cycle.
We have rebelled which is why things have gone so bad.
>You're beginning to sound butthurt
Despite trying to sound polite? It sounds more like you are running out of arguments and attempting to turn the discussion into insult throwing.
think it has to do with the lack of influence over the rest of the world desu the internet has slowly watered us down
trends die faster, jokes get older quicker, music loses its touch within 2-3 years, there's rarely any new genres of music, no grand discoveries in comparison to the past, nothing new, nothing revolutionary
we need a new world war to shake things up d e s u
You've completely missed the point.
The point is that you said:
>Traditions are meaningless without metaphysical meaning.
You have neither exposed all of the examples given (11th of November, Bonfire Night, Burns Night) as connected to religion, nor have you made any argument that disproves the observation that these are cultural traditions that have absolutely no spiritual meaning attached, and are venerated because of the acts of one man, or the significance of a devastating war.
>As for Easter, Christmas, Halloween and the like they are the biggest nights and are all connected to faith.
That's irrelevant. I am not arguing that there are no traditions connected to religion, just that not ALL are, that much should be obvious, and that the ones that aren't are in no way of lesser significance to a people, as is evidenced by the fact that they are matters of great celebration, ceremony, and custom, no matter what they might be.
>You mention our ancestors and our history, you forget that ancestor worship is extremely important in the Germanic faith, so that falls under Pagan belief.
Now this is even more irrelevant.
What does ancestor worship have to do with appreciation of communal history and cultural icons?
Excessive materialism on both the right and the left. People need some sort of religion or spirituality , at the very least in some sort of existentialist way.
Because he is indulgent and everything is on tap
>someone who doesn't place his faith in gods plan
>going to heaven
WEW lad
>faith, family and folk
could you be anymore of a peasant?
>No Grand discoveries
M8 the amount of technological progress we've had over the past hundred or so years is ludicrous. Cars, planes, radio, telephones, television, computers, space tech, birth control, antibiotics, medical implants, extreme medical procedures, genetics, and more to come. The discoveries are not those things lying around to be found but the product of human ingenuity. What more do you want? What discoveries did they have in the past that we can't measure up to? Certainly none in such a short timespan
>people are mad God still needs glory
It's like they don't understand taxes
no gf
What is this comic trying to prove? People eventually find ways to overcome what oppresses them?
>remember remember the fifth of November is on the 11th of novemenebr
Really made me think user
>remember remember the fifth of November is on the 11th of novemenebr
>Really made me think user
>Most nations, for example, have some great ceremony of commemoration on the 11th of November.
There's about a billion people who emphatically disagree
To be honest, it is only stupid people who can't figure out how to adapt to the modern world are unhappy.
Modern faith i.e. Christianity or Islam is unnatural and autistic as fuck. There is a reason why it was forced on people by oppressive apparatus of state and church.
> The internet has slowly watered us down
I think it is another way around, now artists of all kinds can be heard and argued with. The Internet allows us to form close communities and made achievements that would not be possible in the past. Popular culture i.e. culture for people who doesn't want to explore anything is watered us down, but Internet counters it because there is always some place to explore there. There are tons of new things for someone with an open mind and will to find them.
i highly doubt that
Disconnect between lived experience and the almost constant blare of information pollution.
Man is force fed absolute shit in order to be "properly" socialized.
The abandonment of higher hedonics. Man is told he is all victory. But the lack of resistance irks him. He doesn't feel he has truly played a game where he can wager his life.
He sees the path of older men as a fate. He is fated to be weak and impotent. He is fated to shit himself and fated to forget the names of his children. He is fated to be the prey of caretakers.
Man looks at these Fates and the prizes the world offers seem shallow. He then does the worst thing about these fates: He accepts them as inevitable. Without an inner Promethean fire and without a frontier, Man turns his body into a hoarders wreck.
And then the information pollution streams in and mocks Man for not being a Superman.
Nothing to fight for, nothing to do, men have been socially castrated, women are now worse than ever (suffer she was a mistake) and too much technology
So many things
Infantilisation of disaffected young men. Instead of looking inwardly to self-improve they form communities on the internet from which they blame society for being absolute fucking wastes of space burdens on family and society.
Porn. Messes with your brain chemicals and shit.
People sucking down farts, fingers in butts, dicks in butts.
Individualistic capital gain
Millennials are the black sheep of the large generational "family". Everybody blames them as an egotic defensive mechanism.
We did not create a world where slave mined rare earth elements are wasted on enabling women to be whores.
We did not kill God and luxiriate in his rotten you intestines.
We did not make the whole world an atrocity exhibit of cognitive pollution.
tfwnogf /thread
fuck off
Nice meme, national socialists were people with deep existential fear who done nothing but accelerate their own demise. See Germany before and after Hitler.
You. I like you.
Boomers scream about us not being able to find work while they underpay illegal slaves to do all their cooking and cleaning and gardening. And they won't retire.
Protip: leave the shit work open for your children. It will teach them work ethic and ensure they struggle for improvement.
>all this disavowal and spook-blaming
Get yon shit together, boys
Well I'm doing pretty well right now, lots of things looking up.
> community
Made-up social construct, absolutely synthetic.
Technology has changed human living patterns (which have existed for centuries and only changed very gradually) so much so that we're struggling to adapt psychologically.
>Before Hitler, nearly everyone is unemployed and cannot afford a loaf of bread because of hyperinflation. Land is taken away. Civil war and World War I had ended. French soldiers would routinely show up in Germany and attack Germans to pay for war reparations.
>After Hitler, Germany is split between West and East. West is doing fine with capitalism with the US helping to restore it. The east is under Soviet tyranny and anyone who tried to escape was executed.
Nice meme.
All we do is destroy. I think people can see that more clearly these days. Before science and technology changed the world people could more easily believe that there is something noble about us. Our leaders are clearly corrupt to the core and the system is insurmountably entrenched, it is depressing.
Wow, I completely agree; good post
Nay, the problem is that technological development is too fast; we need to slow it down, everyone is so busy these days that they can't actually enjoy the life that is given to them
It began with the socialist doctrine. You know their doctrine; crime is a protest against the abnormality of the social organization and nothing more, and nothing more; no other causes admitted!..."
"What do you think?" shouted Razumikhin, louder than ever, "you think I am attacking them for talking nonsense? Not a bit! I like them to talk nonsense. That's man's one privilege over all creation. Through error you come to the truth! I am a man because I err! You never reach any truth without making fourteen mistakes and very likely a hundred and fourteen. And a fine thing, too, in its way; but we can't even make mistakes on our own account! Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's. In the first case you are a man, in the second you're no better than a bird. Truth won't escape you, but life can be cramped."