Post your best scams.
Post your best scams
I'm not a Jew so......
So you're a moralfag. Clearly not made out for the money making business.
I've only shared this a few times but if you have any fast food restaurants in your area (ie McDonalds, Wendys) you can go in and just ask them for ketchup packets and they'll literally just give them to you. I have almost 6k in my collection so far.
look up hookers numbers in the search bar of Facebook and blackmail them if they were dumb enough to link an account with it. Hookers have tons of money. Gotta look for the fresh ones. The old hags don't give a fuck. You'll probably get shot though. gl
Nice one.
pls be real
>You'll probably get shot though.
you know thats not real tomato right?
Vitalik is that you?
I scammed myself out of 5000 by going in on myst
>buy brand name lemonade
>pour into cup
>call it homemade
Ok I'm investing.
This better not be a fucking hoax.
Used to go to fast food joints with 2 windows in the drive through, ask for a water cup (free) at the first window.
>pull ahead sir
At the pickup window, 3/5 times would get the actual food order from the people behind me in line.
When McDonalds had the Monopoly game , they would put ads in magazines for it with 2 coupons. It was literally in the fine print that it was guaranteed one of them would be for free food.
>tfw when raided all the newstands, grocery stores, libraries of all the coupons
>ate nothing but McD's for months
Idk. You will probably be ok.
No user I don't have to steal from people to make money I'm smarter than you
You're the intellectual type, doing it the smart way by working for minimum wage.
>proud of being an obese mcburglar
america everyone
Naw work in oil feild making good money and work 2 days a week. I'm on contract work. And trade shitcoins and make pretty good gains. Life is good and I did not have to screw anyone
I run 5 Pump groups on telegram, i always pre-buy and dump on the members, it's so fucking easy. only hard part is keeping a constant flow of people coming in, but i guess there's always desperate faggots out there.
I've also caused quite a few biz tears
>back in the Modern Warfare 2 days
>became friends with notorious group of hackers
>they host challenge lobbies where you could get max level instantly
>convince some random squeaker I can get him max prestige for $25
>he joins the lobby and and levels to max once
(At the time you had to leave the lobby and rejoin again after each prestige)
>convince him to pay me before letting him back in
>he actually does with a $25 psn card
>didn't invite him back
It wasn't even my challenge lobby and the owners had no idea I was making money off it
lmao nice
The first rule of finding a super cool obscure way to make money is not go around telling people about your super cool obscure way to make money.
You sound like me. We have a great life don't we? Where you work? Northern bc here. Can't wait to leave this life behind one day. But u make damn near doctor wages so who fucking cares?
If you have a little bit of savings, buy plain clothes from china then hire some illegal migrants to print/sew logo of some big brand then sell it on some local market, or if you aren worried about getting busted or you get some nice cover up then sell it online craiglist/ebay But be warned don't move too much stuff from sites like ebay or gov will come after you.
Get rich quick schemes used to be thing back in the day when i started, but now everyone is doing them and they are getting more and more complicated for very small returns.
I share it because this two methods helped me stop being wagecuck, and save first money for my current businesses.
>local market
sounds like every flea market
> Be good looking, well dressed, well mannered ausfag
> Local supermarket self serve has no weight sensors
>Chose a scanner in the corner so i have peripheral vision of the clerk and usually go during busy times of the day
>Pretend to scan items but put finger over barcode when doing so
>Worked it out and i literally save about $5000 a year doing this
> Always steal shit tonnes of expensive meat and other types of food, own a $150 Oral B tooth brush
Polybius ico
I do this too, not to the extent you do but yup.
>find youngish hot hooker
>check that shes independent and says no credit card/cash only
>book the slut towards end of the day(fake name/burner phone)
>i usually cancel and rebook a few times to figure out when she finished/working hours
>see her with hat/glasses disguise
>get a gobbie or fuck her
>try to figure out where she keeps her money
>either go take the money off as she swallows ya cum or come back when she finishes work
>at the very least get a free gobbie
>made 10K once
>dont feel any guilt for these whores
>just like GTA
proof of gobbie or no internet cool points
I once convinced a bunch of people on Veeky Forums to buy eth.
I paid HighOnCoins to make that video after I accumulated 500k CHC.
He took the offer for 1btc, and joined in.
I'm probably going to dump it all on him and fill every single buy order once things hit the big exchanges.
never trust a man with no eyelashes
This seems like it can go really wrong
>starts screaming when you start going for the money, other people will hear and come out of their room
>maybe she has a gun or knife or pepper spray somewhere
>calls hotel security before you get to entrance
>license plate
Here's an easy "scam" I use to make an extra $500 bucks a week:
1) Go to Walmart. Look for a product there that costs significantly less on Amazon. You can use Amazon scanning apps for this.
2) Buy the product on Amazon. Wait for it to ship to you.
3) Walmart allows returns without the receipt. Simply "return" the product, your profit is the Walmart price minus the Amazon Price.
I usually do this with vacuums, salad dressing, microwaves, really anything. I find the ROI a lot better, faster, easier, and more practical than crypto.
Yup totally happens, you know how many people come? Lol people dont care. Also im gone in like 5
Well as a ausfag im p confident she wont have a gun or pepper spray because they are super hard to get, i could easily take a whore with a knife
I hadnt actually though about plates.
Most of the time i get them after they have finished for the day and are walking to car/transport
Can you walk us through the process of a typical one ?
U wanna see my dick bro?
hit the lick cracker fool
I want to see how many hours you have on GTA
most retarded and low life plan
buy 100k
don't they ask for your ID with receipt-less returns?
Those self scan cashier are a godsend.
I usually go for 10-20% of my purchases but when it's in a big market just before closing I go all in with full bags of shit I didn't scan.
If they don't change their system I'll be able to save tens of thousands in my life, feels good.
Wait is this possible at woolies? Surely the detector goes off when you walk out the door
I wouldnt hesitate to murder someone like you. I wouldn't even ask for btc. I'd just slit your throat and feel enriched from watching you choke on your own blood.
On the lines of this, I had a lemonade stand once with friends, while we were in college.
I was trying to be nice and normal and just sell the lemonade but my friend kept telling everyone that the money was going to a charity, so people actually starting giving us money in $20s and even $50s.
The guy who told us to make the lemonade stand had to stop us because we were actually making a bunch of money and he figured out what was going on....
This was while pledging for fraternity.
can i get some chaincoins senpai
Coles m8
this is pretty good until they start asking questions.
One of them was in wheelchair and they said shit like they needed to raise funding for him at one point. It was funny and I thought it was all a joke until I saw people legitimately giving $50 dollar bills and realized "my god, people are actually this"
Here they do. Plus you only get a Walmart gift card. So you can only buy more Walmart junk. I suppose you could monetize it somehow though
Did you beat your friend for being a goddamn idiot and lying to people?
reported for illegal content.
I was collecting donations for a charity project run by the army.
I sold pickle glasses with napkins glued to them and said it was made by kids with cancer. When in fact it was done by the MasterSg. wife.
go suck your dog's cock
Make a shitcoin and shill it on biz.
I got Proctor & Gamble to send me a $70 check every week for ~4 months before they caught on
My resume is my best scam yet.
A couple weeks ago, gamestop had two overlapping deals. Trade in 6 or more games, get an extra 60% credit (70% with their membership card), and buy 2 used games get one free. I bought 6 to 12 of the most valuable preowned games at a time, and sold them back to a second gamestop for double what I initially spent. Ended up with 2k in free store credit. Been buying amazon cards and other gift cards with it.
i started the dgb craze
>Work in shithole African country that depends purely on oil exports
>Oil price plummets in the last 3 months of 2014
>oh shit.exe
>Country starts heavily restricting the sale of USD, limiting it to the most essential of imports (this at the official exchange rate)
>Meanwhile blackmarket exchange rate skyrockets, to about triple the official rate
>Be friends with some bigwig who has connects with a bank and allows me to convert local currency into USD at the official exchange rate
>Exchange said USD for local currency in the blackmarket, making a 200% profit
Both me and my connect made enough money off this shit to make a downpayment for a house.
did this a lot in the past
>buy item on eBay (from company not privet seller)
>item arrives
>message seller
>item hasn't arrive/item is broken
>seller has the refund or resend
>either you get 1 item for free or 2 for the price of 1
Oh, Africa. Never change
Seriously, fuck you guys. You realize you are fucking over some little guy, right? I own a small business and scammy PayPal charge backs are the bane of my existance.
I was fucking over Chinese companies nigga why you so mad. Maybe you just don't know how to really run a business.
I used my gains to impress the ladies
>buy them shiny gold jewelry
>oh user ily
>didn't cost me a thing
>get robbed
>doesn't know how to run a business
Yeah and I bet people who get cancer just don't know how to be healthy, right?
You are scum and a parasite.
I hope you slip and fall and get paralyzed and have to live 40 years in a shell of your body watching reruns on tv while a fat nurse shoves a tube down your nose twice a day for feeding.
They do ask for your ID, you won't get caught, especially if you can get other people to help you.
Yes you only get Walmart giftcards, but you can either:
1) Sell the Walmart giftcards online, there's many sites like this and you get maybe 80 cents on the dollar. OR:
(Preferred method)
2) Buy Walmart products, look for clearance items that are selling on Amazon and get cash by selling them via FBA. Also, you profit a second time when you do this method. This is the easiest/most profitable way to cash out Walmart giftcards.
"Give him another bid!"
Nigger detected
You are the reason I NEVER give money to any strangers, no matter the situation lol. Too many suckers for scummy people to take advantage of
Help me out here Veeky Forums
>One of my old pajeet femanon friendo lives in Delhi, India
>Divorcee with 14 yo daughter
>Plans to remarriage
>Finds another pajeet user based in London on a matrimonial website meme
>user gets cozy with femanon over the web
>user tells femanon that he's sending a gift
>Later femanon gets email from customs to pay duty on laptop and camera meme from London
>Femanon pays 830$ but stuff doesn't come for 3 days
>Femanon gets another email saying customs found a cheque of 108k USD and has to pay more duty
>Femanon asks about this and user says he wants to buy a house in India when they get married
>Femanon says she has a daughter to take care of and doesn't want to pay duty (because she's suspecting him)
>user says something about a tunnel internet connection being slow and stuff
>femanon is an old friendo and asked me advice
Help me out be is this scam?
Context for the slow connection: user said he'd transfer duty money to femanon's account but can't because of some slow connection
Has your friend heard about Bitcoin? Transfer across countries with lightning speed!
This is a thread about scams. Lighten up faggot
But don't they keep track of your returns? Sounds like something that would only work once or twice.
She was an interior designer here in the states, I don't think she's ever made transactions in btc or other crypto currenies
I was scammed out of $40 when I was a fucking idiot in my freshman year of college. I still don't know how the guy convinced me to do it. Maybe I was just scared. I have no idea why I did it.
A guy approached me pretending to know me, well. He was talking about how we'd met a few times before and chatting up like he knew me. Then he was saying how he needed to go catch a train or something and started talking about where he was going. He was being very nice and he seemed legit so I didn't think much but he acted then like he needed just $40. He was saying how he'd pay me back later, including some beer as extra, gave me a phone number (which was fake), and then I went to the nearby ATM and withdrew $40 for him. He said ok he just had to go but he'd meet me back there in a week and we set a date and time to meet and he said I could call him or anything.
About 10 seconds after handing him the money I realized I had just acted like an idiot in a daze without thinking and had been scammed.
My stomach hurt for the rest of the day.
>this thread
Im too much of a moral fag to scam anyone but some of these posts got me laffin hard, thanks Veeky Forums
She's getting scammed, mate. Tell her to bread contact.
good lesson really
just think of it as street tuition, got off cheap
Fascinating. Not sure I'd be upset by such an experience, desu.
>user said he'd transfer duty money to femanon's account but can't because of some slow connection
pic related
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Hahaha of course. And the "cashiers" at those places are way too bored to care. Do you think those self scan things actually save companies money?
no way she doesn't have a pimp/gun
mania over tulips
>all ICO's
lmao no. no fucking way. they must be getting reamed out of the ass.
Literally how
>buy generic bottled water
>rebrand it as Plasee-bo
>claim it has "clinically proven" healing properties
>get shills to pretend to be cripples that can suddenly walk after drinking it
>people buy it and genuinely experience placebo effect
My grandpa has a thing for shoplifting and he's extremly good at it too.
So when I noticed what he was up too, I blackmailed him to steal a chromecast for me.
I sold that thing and gave him half the money, he was pleased and now he steals electronics, I sell them and we plit the money.
The only time he got caught, he pulled the Im a cute old man and I dont remember putting that roku on my pocket move.