Which one is real? And don't bother say neither, we are beyond denying the metaphysical now.
Which one is real? And don't bother say neither, we are beyond denying the metaphysical now.
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There is one G-D, known as hashem, adonai, and many other names.
>metaphysics = gods
But if you wanna believe in sky fairies, >Gods is the answer, the bible even affirms their existence.
All 50'000 gods are fake, save for the one true god.
Or maybe like all are made up anyways and it is a matter what you prefer.
Why do you affirm this?
Are you denying that gods are metaphysical concepts?
The important question here is, do you like bacon?
>implying one imagined entity is more or less real than another imagined entity
>implying it is possible to prove or disprove any of them
God is meme answer for closet atheists who deny 99% of Gods in practice but too scared to deny an entire concept.
True faith is to believe in as much Gods as possible and respect believes of the others.
Both are correct, but gods should not enjoy a capital G. There is only one God, but many (false) gods. You can make your own god out of paperclips and worship it as the creator of the universe, if you'd like. It would make your paperclip god your god, but it would not make it God.
Hindus alone have 330,000,000 false gods.
And each one of them is as real or unreal as big skydaddy jebus
Reddis is that way
>sourcing Dr Michael Heiser who's against your position
What if there is a God but there are no religion we know of who worships him so we're basically doomed to live in his hell, which is Earth, misguided by his pantheon of false gods, stuck in an endless loop of grief and suffering, enduring the pain of injustice, loss and passing joys
Typical primitive religion, call your creator God from capital G as much as you want, but he himself was created by all-capitals GOD CREATOR OF GODS and isn't better than paperclip god in the grand scheme of things.
That's why we say Holiest of Holies.
He's calling you stupid for saying that metaphysics immediately implies god(s).
Rightfully so.
& Humanities has fucking ruined this board.
It does though, buttmad atheist.
Epic bro, let me choose a religion haha
Religion must be taught at a very young age otherwise people won't fall for it
Of course, it does, in your imagination.
To be fair, consciousness itself implies gods.
Metaphysics further implies disembodied consciousness can exist.
And probably dictates they all probably do.
>consciousness itself implies gods.
Because consciousness is the foundation of all experience. You cannot know anything before or after it, thus, consciousness is all we can ever know.
It implies gods if you do not limit what consciousness is capable of.
Congratulations on making the most meaningless post of the week.
Christianity is the perfect reconciliation between monotheism and polytheism with its doctrines of saints and angels.
Sci fag here, and neither
Sexy goddesses with nice feet
God for sure.
Gods usually are a bunch of explainations to physical events, psychological human patterns et cetera.
If the west were polytheist atheism would be a huge thing, bigger than what we know today because breaking the why of each god is something easier than breaking God.
You can break them and see the roots of ys and whys they exist but God, christian one is my example, if you go deep down studying, is much harder and seems to have some truth on It, but never the less: is always questionable but not a lie.
I hope I have made my point
le anthropocentric zientist
*tips fedora*
god is dad
Christianity got it right. Read the pic.
tl;dr: Shroud of Turin is legit. Which means it's all true, Jesus is the Son of God and came back from the dead after 3 days. No wonder people are so buttmad about Christianity.
To be honest, Monotheism done most of the work for an atheism by denying all of the gods and it is only matter of times when it falls victim to its own poison.
> Breaking the why of each god is something easier than breaking God.
Not necessary. Absolute claims can be destroyed from pure logic alone that points on the absurdities of an omnipotence and other properties of the God while something vaguer can't be denied that from a pure reasoning along. It is practically trivial to do in modern discussions.
There also that moment that polytheism can adapt to atheism much more organically as it's Gods are much less all-or-nothing so to speak. Basically, to switch into atheism should be less harmful, if your gods are weak and you replaced them one by one.
Monotheistic faith crushes harder but when it does, collapse is huge and painful.
Of course, it is real, like dozens of other real legendary things like that one African sword in stone, that you probably never heard of. The truth is more complicated than Holy Scripture.
I would be all for a /religion/ board but it would be infested with poltards
>how do you feel about hummus
>be a jew
nigga have you seen how the jewesses guzzle that shit up?!
shoulda been "how do you feel about secret clubs?"
What is it that you think the word "metaphysics" means?
>Magic underwear
>call your creator God from capital G as much as you want, but he himself was created by all-capitals GOD CREATOR OF GODS
You're talking about the same God moron.
>I worship the Creator.
>Yeah? Well I worship the CREATOR! How do you like them apples?
Literally you, you contrarian faggot.
>Monotheism done most of the work for an atheism by denying all of the gods and it is only matter of times when it falls victim to its own poison.
Yeah, good luck piercing the veil of pre-Creation, aka. the "time" when the universe had yet to expand and time didn't even exist yet.
the various pagan pantheons.
every ancient culture, some minor modern ones, and Japan have similar pagan religions.
you can find a sun god anywhere in the world. yet you do not find Christanity popping up anywhere else in the world before contact with western/meastern people.
Buddhists don't want to be reincarnated and don't worship the gods.
>Implying the the Son of God, isn't the Sun of God.
>Implying the bulk of the Judeo-Christian religion didn't evolve out of pagan sun gods to begin with.
>oh wow parallels its as if other civilisations had moral laws
>oh look more parallels that have no substantial evidence whatsoever
>oh look more Freudian garbage that no scholar today who studies early-YHWHism believes