
Americans are the worst people on the planet. I'd like if europe won't let those idiots in

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Why wouldn't they? The rest of the world was the US' economic, political and military bitch to varying degrees for basically the entirety of the cold war (and to some extent still is)

What do you even mean by get away? Do you understand how fucking nothing of there is for global law enforcement? There's sanctions. That's fucking it unless the U.S. is in the mood for a good war. And nobody ever fucking gets sanctioned for covert operations.

During the Cold War, American policymakers adopted what later historians would refer to as "radical pragmatism" in response to their confrontation with the Soviet Union.

Because most things are better than everyone on earth being slaves forever.

Stay mad europoor

Along the way to making a 5 star omelet a lot of eggs will be broken

Carving out a new Nation and ensuring Democracy got it's rightful foothold globally required extraordinary measures.

It's always the carrot and the stick. People should really take the carrot more often. But that's humans for you.

fucking KEK

Nigga you kidding me? Never understood this meme

>t. europoor


it was never about democracy it was about capitalism and national interest

Lol America has states with higher gdps than most of your member nations

Now aren't you missing one of the 5 mandatory daily prayers?

>Why wouldn't they?
>Because most things are better than everyone on earth being slaves forever.
>ensuring Democracy
Basically all of you are saying that there is no excuse
You guys have one of the worst medical system in the western world, one of the worst school systems in the western world, the highest tax of obesity in the world, one of the highest if not the highest crime rates in the western world, one of the most undemocratic and stupid voting system in the world and are trillion in debt with your OWN private banks.
gdps doesn't mean shit when your citys go bankrupt. You probably never even came to europe. Jesus crist what a stupid popolation.
Also my country is not even in the eu

I meant this cunt instead of

The British did it first.

>be yuropeasant
>get shot, run over, and blown up

Literally all of your criticisms only apply to niggers and not Americans. If you look at obesity rates, IQ, and crime rates of only Americans, we are on par or better than anyone in Europe worth mentioning.

When will you understand that international relations have never been governed by morality? Everything is a play for power over rivals. Has always been and forever will be.

>and to some extent still is
because they have made other countries their bitch through psychopathic, inhumanitarian means. Just look at Pinochet and Chile for example. The US allowed thousands to starve to death and fight for morsels simply because their politics didn't align with American interests. This is fucked, I don't like it

>radical pragmatism
could you explain what this is and how it justifies their atrocities? If you read through the list many of them are not simply because "democracy"

>Muh niggers
>Muh terrorist
Again move your neckbearded ass and come to europe instead of reading infowars.com. Btw there are more chances of being shot walking in the usa then everywhere in europe.


Wait at least 5 to 10 hours is night in europe and here the majority of posters are americans try to justify everything with muh freedom

That's a lot of gold in the corner there, would be a shame if something happened to it :^)
