>tfw you precide over the worst economic decline in the history of your country, decrease of wages and living standards, human rights and 'free speech' abuses, overthrown in the first democratic elections in 20 years, get arrested in the U.K. while visiting and become a national disgrace, but at least you get idolised by edgy altright teens on the internet because they confuse you for using an execution method that actually the regime in Argentina used.
Tfw you precide over the worst economic decline in the history of your country, decrease of wages and living standards...
Other urls found in this thread:
>he fell for the satire again
It just keeps happening! Op is a very stupid newfag who thinks that we're serious about anything.
R*ddit unironically buys into /pol/ memes and is 10x larger
The alt-right worship makes literally no sense whatsoever, they're the types of morons he'd have tossed out of helicopters. Economically the guy was a neoliberal globalist who was buds with Milton Friedman.
Maybe you but there are a lot of people who are for real.
Pinochet didn't throw people out of helicopters, that was Argentina. Pinochet just flew them to other places to execute them, he didn't just throw them out.
Autistic contrarianism
My right-wing father says that Pinochet is the reason Chile has the best economy in South America. I am pretty sure he is wrong about multiple things in that assertion.
Yeah for sure.
Normies were always retarded. I still remember telling people they could charge their IPhones in the microwave.
And then they actually did it...
I know ain't it grand?
In the immortal words of Dr. Henry Green;
>One governing principle that defines every relationship on God's green earth: The weak are meat, and the strong do eat
fuck yourself your dad is right and you only want to disagree because he's your dad.
I bet Your dad loves you and wouldnt lie to you knowingly.
Sure it might have been a blanket statement but shit man he isnt wrong on a fundamental level...
Lots of people on /pol/ are serious. That's the problem... the place has been overrun with actual non-ironic nazis and other sorts of authoritarians.
What a newfag
>now realizing the "edgy" people on the internet say shit to trigger people like you
>get some perspective snowflake
Holy F you still don't have a handle on reality
People from pol were called nazis waaaaaaaay before they ever started posting swastikas. They realized it was the ultra-trigger and just kept hitting that button every time someone called them evul white nazi racists for not wanting to be cucked.
Are there real unironic neo-nationalists on pol? Sure there are. Of course.
But the vast majority are just doing it because people like you still lose your entire shit and it's funny.
>Are there real unironic neo-nationalists on pol? Sure there are. Of course.
Yes, and they are obviously the majority. The people who are doing it ironically are the minority. This is completely obvious to me because I've had long discussions with many people there, and most of them did not defend their arguments the way someone would who was just doing it for the kek.
Yeah, but now there's people who get triggered by people acting like normies who don't like Nazis.
So you get trolls trolling trolls.
Lolololol no
You're a stupid newfag an you have been duped like Oprah was way back when
It's always been this way.
Veeky Forums /pol/ is operating exactly as intended.
And guess what? No one has to go there and trigger themselves. It's all just totems.
Retarded people stumble in and start seeing not the floor so the users try to scare them the fuck out. But for some reason they feel they have to stay and defend the world against the evil nazi menace which doesn't exist
You're the one who's duped. Very few people would have a three-hour long discussion defending the German side in WW2 with someone just to be an ironic Nazi. But it's easy to get into a discussion like that on /pol/.
Yeah, but now it's spread to other boards because Veeky Forums doesn't have moderation any more.
And some of us came here to discuss the autistic minutiae of things nobody cares about.
Yeah because they feed off conflict.
In the next thread they're LARPing as Catholics for 3 hours
The Left pulled out their big fingers and started wagging them in the face of every white male on the planet.
>be guilty
>be ashamed
>for things you never did to people you never met in places you never were
And so they started pushing back. Like fine, you want to call me a racist now? Okay let me show you what it really looks like.
You're an adl/splc fool to be honest. Who listens to Hllary Clinton and Stephen 'Coz Holster' Colbert because you're a fool who needs to be told what is real
Because people like you kept coming and treating it like it was all real.
And we kept converting you all. That's really how we got so big and so powerful.
I still remember when pol had like MAYBE. A few hundred active users. And half of them were jidf
Clearly you don't yet comprehend the power of autism, or the even more potent power of tag-team autism.
Huh? No, I'm not a leftist. I like trolling the left too... which is part of why I can tell the difference between when someone is trolling the left for kek and when someone is an actual authoritarian. /pol/ strikes me as a place that is full of actual authoritarians.
I go on /pol/ occasionally. I hate Jews and have stated it, but I have nothing against other races. I don't consider myself a stormfag, only an anti-semite. I have a mixed opinion on hitler but mostly believe he was justified.
Most of /ppl/ hates hitler anyway and are trump/Le Pen fags
It's just a costume
Like I said they were called evil racist nazis way before they started Goose-stepping for laughs.
Like how American blacks adopted nigger as an internal positive language
yeah, it's autism, but it's not the kind of autism that makes the person super committed to a nazi persona in order to troll effectively... the much simpler explanation is that it's actual authoritarian autism. For one thing, people who do it for kek tend to actually be at least somewhat funny. /pol/ is full of people who don't even try to be funny, or fail if they try, cause they're actually full of anger, not just trolling.
Damn dude it's literally NOT the jews.
They are just white liberals larping as ancient Hebrews. Doubt it not
Probably because your side kept advertising for us...
If your side had juat left us alone years ago in our little hurt box we would have happily shitposter amongst ourselves.
But morons kept writing about us.
Part of me feels that /pol/ is a dangerous combination of trolls and genuine "gas the kikes" type.
The trolls will keep doing it for the laughs, denying the Holocaust and posting "Nigger Wrekt" threads.
Either the trolls are actually buying into the dangerous part of /pol/, or the dangerous part of /pol/ is being more like the trolls.
It should be pointed out though that just because someone is only a Nazi ironically doesn't mean they don't on some level approve of Nazi policies.
For instance maybe they don't necessarily want to send every Jew to the ovens, but they think it would be a real gas if every Jew had to wear a Judenhut on pain of death for the lulz. The boundary between genuine virulent antisemitism and exploiting the lulzcow that is Jewery is a very hazy one.
Whatever. I'm a strasserist, I believe in nationalism but not racial ideology. I hate Jews for economic reasons.
It's been an escalation on both sides.
10 years ago the VAST majority of American whites had pretty much bought into the left.
But they kept pushing and pushing. Now they reap the cultural blowback.
The Trump Presidency was a political revolution. A real one.
Okay real talk.
Let's look at the results. Chile is the richest country in Latin America, with the healthiest economy. It has high income inequality, sure, but even its poor people have a high living standard for Latin America.
Now compare with Cuba or Venezuela, who are both abject shitholes rife with poverty and misery.
Setting all ideology aside, how can you objectively look at the facts and not come to the conclusion that Pinochet was the best Latin American leader of the second half of the 20th century?
Jew here. I'm not going to try and convince you to salute the Israeli flag and circumcise yourself, but why do you hate us?
Not him, and I don't hate jews, but I'll turn the question and ask you why do jews hate white people so much.
Ben Garrison found the truth when he hired a Private investigator to track down the EVIL NAZI SCUM editing all his comics into anti-Semitic art.
And when he found the culprit it was a young American Jewish kid...
But why?!?!?! Why would a young jewish kid LARP as an evil jew hating nazi??!?!?!?!
Because it was funny as fuck...
>your side
I'm not on /pol/'s side. But I'm also not on the mainstream side or the SJW side. Seems hard for some people to understand.
Because there are some real stinkers among you, and when they start matching up to the stereotype, people start to say to themselves "gee you know what, maybe that Hitler guy might have been on to something".
Not him but that's a really broad generalization. That's about a nonsensical statement one can make. There's no overarching Jewish hivemind. They're individuals.
All the Jews I've met have considered themselves white.
It'd be like some black guy saying why do all white people hate black people? It's a stupid generalization.
>how can you objectively look at the facts and not come to the conclusion that Pinochet was the best Latin American leader of the second half of the 20th century?
Well, given that there are Latin American leaders of the second half of the 20th century who didn't preside over regimes that tortured and killed their political opponents, obviously there's no way Pinochet can be considered the best.
Not him but honestly for every jew there are a dozen white goys beside them...
To blame the jews and not the whites is sophomoric and unfair
>That's about a nonsensical statement one can make. There's no overarching Jewish hivemind. They're individuals.
The same thing applies to antisemitism. Antisemitism exists only the irrational minds of hysterical jews.
Tee bee aytch, we need Nazi mods.
Don't just ban the people posting b8, ban the people responding to it.
Ruthlessly crush anything that fucks with the community.
What countries? Any of them better off than Chile?
No, ban no one.
We're the first generation with access to the entire world's knowledge in a format we can browse in our underwear
So of COURSE everything will be re-evaluated. Every tradition and truth will be re-assessed for validity.
And it must happen
I'm not saying it's 100% rational, and it should be pointed out that every /pol/lack is well aware of the fact that whites are their own worst enemy.
No, you said "why do jews hate white people" not "why do some jews hate white people".
In the same sense white people as a group are not antisemitic but there exists white people who are antisemetic.
Just as there are jews who hate white people are there white people who hate jews. However, to say a group hates a group is usually an incredibly over reaching exaggeration that generally has little to no bearing on reality.
>ban no one
>site becomes literally nothing but spambots
No, the idea of "impartial" moderation on a chan imageboard is just not viable.
What we need is for the mods to be users of the boards, who autistically clamp down on anything they don't personally like.
Sure, it's unfair, but it provides a clear enough set of ground rules that a community can function.
The line between constructive and disruptive on this type of website is so blurred that only subjective rules can actually function. Any attempt to have "objective" moderation is doomed to failure.
I actually have several 'jewish' best friends irl
One is a staunch progressive liberal cuck who drops his head and stays silent whenever a brown person speaks.
And two are ironic stormfag posting shitlords of the very highest calibre.
It's all ironic you newfag autist, no one actually cares about this fascist retard and it's all for the lulz
I know a Jewish guy who lurks on /pol/ because it makes him feel powerful.
Veeky Forums is merely a modern iteration of ZAP comics.
Americanism is so rebellious and freedom loving that the very INSTANT someone declares a topic off-limits people will shown up to attack it.
We won't be told what we can think and say. Trying harder just makes us try harder.
There are real nazis there that come here too. It's fucking obvious.
But the problem with words and images is that you can not unsee or unread them.
This is literally why Islam advises against graven images and speech.
See, the problem is that the moderation is seen as authority rather than as peers.
If you have malignant narcissists who use the banhammer capriciously, it's clear that the moderation themselves are rebels.
Snacks was a good example of this, he was a slimey bastard, and the community respected him the more for it because he was engaged rather than aloof.
Of course
Just like there are real leftist terrorists. Just like there are real black supremacists and zionists and real murderers and real criminals.
And we all wear each other down slowly over time.
The mods have been semi-terrified of the user base since user doxxed him and some asshat called his mother at 3 in the morning
Well not just that but you get my point
Him meaning moot the fat mexican
rly made me think
Cuba and Venezuela are always brought up, but they're shitty comparisons. Cuba literally had the US just over 100 miles away, using overwhelming military and economic power against a tiny fucking island. Venezuela is also a shitty example, because most of their problems stemmed from having a single-commodity economy. The problem wasn't the welfare state itself, but rather that Chavez decided to fund it all using oil money. When oil prices fell, the economy collapsed. Also, the Chavez government relied heavily on the military, whereas the Allende government did not. Castro, Chavez, and Allende are worlds apart.
Look at the long term dipshit. Chile still scores highly on free trade and economic liberty indexes and is doing better than all the nearby countries that went the gibmedats route.
>free trade and economic liberty
Stop thinking in abstracts.
>Pinochet is entirely responsible for the policies enacted by his successors who ousted him from power
He's not wrong. It's easy to see where Chile would be today, had it been a socialist State. One just has to look at Cuba and Venezuela.
all 3 are a statement of US intervention
One country and it's embargoes managed to wreck these nations- Cuba was propped up by the Soviets so they have no excuse. Venezuela is incredibly oil rich, there are no excuses.
>tfw OP gets his historical knowledge from leftypol memes
>waaaaaaaaaaah it's the US fault, before it intervened they were paradises
I fucking hate you communist retards.Your economic system is for the mentally challenged.
It was actually worse before him though
>Cuba was propped up by the Soviets so they have no excuse
>Sent people to assassinate you
>gets mad when you call for their enemies' help
Not even the opposition party are indulging the riots in Venezuela right now
No one is saying they were paradise, but US intervention doesn't have a good record of benefiting the country in question. Even ignoring socialist states, there are a lot of secular stable states that got fucked up by US intervention