Is he old enough that we can talk about him here? And if so, what the fuck was his problem?
Is he old enough that we can talk about him here? And if so, what the fuck was his problem?
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The only Saudi islamist who wasn't an Israeli puppet.
>Koran says that all Muslims need to be governed by a unified caliphate governed by Shariah
>I don't see no caliphate, and half of them aren't even under sharia
>this must be the west's fault
He was a minor part of the Bin Laden dynasty and would never achieve suitable advancement or wealth.
So he took a hard left and became an edgy radical. They should have just given him a Pepsi...
And they go, 'Well you know if you want to talk about it. I'll be here you know and you'll probably feel a lot better If you talked about it, so why don't you talk about it'.
I go, 'No, I don't want to I'm okay, I'll figure it out myself'. And they just keep bugging me and they just keep bugging me and it builds up inside.
You're gonna be RADICALIZED
You'll come out brainwashed with bloodshot eyes
You won't have any say
They'll brainwash you until you see their way
I'm not crazy, western imperialism
You're the one who's crazy, western inperialism
You're driving me crazy, western imperialism
They stuck me in a madrasa
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed theological help
To protect me from the enemy, myself
I was in my room and I was just like staring at the wall
Thinking about everything
But then again I was thinking about nothing
And then my mom came in and I didn't even know she was there
She called my name and I didn't even hear it
And then she started screaming, 'Osama, Osama'
And I go, 'What, what's the matter''
And she goes, 'What's the matter with you''
I go, 'There's nothing wrong, mom'
And she goes, 'Don't tell me that, you're on radical ideology'
I go, 'No, mom, I'm not on radical ideology, I'm okay
I was just thinking you know, why don't you get me a Pepsi'
And she goes, 'No, you're on radical ideology!
I go, 'Mom, I'm okay, I'm just thinking'
She goes, 'No you're not thinking, you're on radical ideology
Normal people don't act that way'
I go, 'Mom just give me a Pepsi, please'
All I want is a Pepsi and she wouldn't give it to me
>gets tired of rich fabulous hedonistic life
>goes on crusade in Afghanistan
>becomes asset of Pakistani military intelligence
>US supplied SAM missiles
>wins war by drawing out soviets into long guerrilla war economically draining them
>feels US betrayed his religion
>does attack against US
>draws US into long drawn out guerrilla conflict economically draining them
>Obama/Hillary want a publicity propaganda coup for elections
>make deal with al Qaeda and Saudi, they help al Qaeda come to power in Libya and Syria and start negotiations with Taliban if Qaeda gives up location of bin laden
>Qaeda agrees and gives up location of bin laden
>America kills him without informing Pakistani military intelligence beforehand so they can't evacuate him
>America upholds their end of the bargain by aiding Qaeda in Libya and Syria
>American public has massive masturbatory celebrations over killing one guy
>think Osambo was a significant reason why the mujahedeen won
>what is Saudi money
>he thinks the GID didn't just bumble around writing checks to whoever
Read a fucking book
Bin Laden could have lived a life we all would be dreaming of.
Still the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a Bin Laden
I miss him. He had a cause and a vision.
Why did theyvdecide to build Gotham city around that mosque
eat shit mudslime faggot
he's captain nemo as a jihadi,
Not even muslim, christian actually. But he is respectable.
>Killing 3000 people in 1 day is respectable
Nice 88 get mein bro
Also, 3,000 is nothing. That's minor warlord tier. Do you have any idea how long it would take to depopulate at that level? Years and years
Absolutely plebeian.
He caused more harm than good for the Muslim world. But he did pull back the veil from Lady Liberty, and someone needed to open America's eyes as to what was happening in the world.
I never cared for his videos, though. He was just being a cocky asshole after 9/11, all giddy from his successful attack talking shit in front of a camera while hiding in a cave in the middle of a desert. Glad he's dead.
Marfan syndrome. It killed him in 2002
literally true, the Ottomans were the last caliphate and they gave up on shariah, no Muslim who has died has gone to heaven since 1922 at least
literally to spite wahabbists