>'What should have been' thread
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>it's another "buttmad Balkanlar is angry that they didn't get to genocide the Muslims because they're idiots who suck shit at war" episode
Prove me wrong
>Pro-tip: you can't
>As if I would set foot in that wretched place
>no Kurdistan
>macedonia and greece get more albanians
>serbia gets more bosnians
why are nationalists so stupid?
Stay mad Greekbois.
>Implying the Muslims wouldn't be physically removed
they already tried that and got btfo
Cry more.
They got btfo because we had old Slick Willy in office and he needed a conflict to distract the American people from his infidelity and perjury. If you think the American people would put up for another Yugoslav War, especially under Trump, you're wrong.
>Tfw you trigger someone with an imaginary map
>Italy doesn't control all of Istria
Trash tier. Next.
>italy still unified
other then that good map
Generally Americans like to intervene especially if it looks like there's gonna be a genocide.
lol wtf
First off, Romania has nothing in common with Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Constantinople. Second, Romania never held any other territories than the ones it has today so...?
the tri party powers should have won the first world war...the more you think about it the more sense it makes. we are living in the bad ending
That was
It was just called Bulgaria
It's literally impossible to name a worse Empire
>British Empire
>French Empire
>Spanish Empire
>Italian Empire
What's the difference?
>not bulgaria
Prove the map wrong.
>Bulgarian autism
>Alaska part of Canada
Come and take it leaf. Canada will be nuked into a parking lot before you take an inch
Whatever you say, Ajmet.
> honduras
> el salvadore
> belize
> nicaragua
> guatemala
I know where this come from.
It's basically an alternative timeline where Michael the Brave gets a dream from God and starts nationalism in Romania and Europe two centuries ahead of schedule.