Is it possible for Christians and Muslims to coexist peacefully?
Is it possible for Christians and Muslims to coexist peacefully?
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Yes they are currently doing so in North America and parts of Europe
Where in Europe? In the West they live segregated in ghettos never interacting with the native populations.
Everywhere they live in Europe there is peace between them and the Christians.
Okay kiddo imma drop one on you get your helmet.
Considering the size of the populations involved there is no mentionable violence in Europe. It's statistically irrelevant.
Even if Christians killed a Muslim every so single day that would still be 365 for the year. Which is negligible statistically. Statistically speaking Muslims could murder 10 Christians every so single damn day and still only cap 4,000 deaths per annum. That's still negligible.
You have no concept of War, thus you confuse peacetime with War.
Political rhetoric has fooled us all into believing in dire violence that does not exist.
I'm still not seeing your point. It's statistically negligible and the community will self-correct.
Yes it's a painful process but again you're talking about populations of millions. When you have a few hundred thousand child sex slaves in Europe I'll get interested.
No. Islam was initially created by the Vatican to eradicate true Christians of the Orthodox faith.
That you see human lives as statistics says everything about your worldview.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
What was the extent of Mohammed's involvement with Catholicism?
Which sect of Catholicism was behind it? There are many competing Orders you know.
>You're a monster! You're crazy!
Common breakdowns in tiny minds
> monotheism
> peaceful coexistence
Monotheism is the hateful religious doctrine that can't even coexist peacefully with itself. Look how all of Muslim kill each other today or Pope called the literal crusades against other Christians in the past.
I said neither but I will say you are dishonest.
>What was the extent of Mohammed's involvement with Catholicism?
Mohammad's first wife, Khadijah was. Catholic nun
>Which sect of Catholicism was behind it?
Roman Catholic.
> human beings
> peaceful coexistence
Human beings are hateful creatures that can't even coexist peacefully with themselves. Look at how all of everyone kill each other today or a dictator called for literal crusade against other dictators in the past.
Lol! A nun leaving convent to go marry is still common in modern times it's no indicator of plot or conspiracy
>Roman Catholic
You're woefully ignorant. Too ignorant to be making such accusations. The Roman Catholic Church is a whole made up of many autonomous portions.
Different Orders within the whole which meet but don't really intersect.
That is why we should kill all humans and give bonobos chance to evolve into the better sentient species.
In what way?
Which order is the pope under?
Singapore is 20% Christian and 15% Muslim and there's no violence between them. No ghettos either, because almost everyone lives in public housing.
Does that count?
Our current Pope is a Jesuit. Society of Jesus. They are the most progressive of the current major Orders.
He actually just cucked the Knights of Malta which is pretty extreme. He removed their Grand Master and is installing a Papal representative to oversee the Order.
A row over condoms of all things. Francis has declared himself Divinity and continues to push against Tradition.
The SSPX is mere centimetres from open revolt but he keeps on pushing that progressive liberal line that no one really wants.
Of course Catholicism was really undone upon the introduction of Vatican II.
See the Papacy saw waning numbers as a sign that THEY had to change to appeal to Sinners.
It's exactly wrong theologically speaking.
It was the Jesuits Order who were responsible for creating Islam
Jesuit were the /ourguys/ up until liberation theory.
I'm afraid that's impossible because the Society of Jesus has only been around since 1540 while Mohammed died in 632.
You've been lied to.
Were they?
Why is the pope trying to unite with Orthodox?
Two schools of thought on that.
This Pope and the Society of Jesus desire a reunification to the Reformation. And it's a valid point. The Reformation occurred because of very specific issues which no longer exist.
And Protestantism is sort of it's own satire at this point.
Catholic translated is 'Universal'. That said both the Roman life and the Eastern life can trace their Authority directly back to Peter, who was the Rock of the Church. Meaning the head honcho.
Thus both are equally valid from a theological perspective.
The 2nd school of thought is that Francis wants to liberalize Orthadoxy.
Do you have proofs of claiming that Bergoglio is a liberal?
I think you will find this interesting
Anyways, Pope Gregory I was the pope during the time of Muhammad. In his official documents, Gregory was the first to make extensive use of the term "Servant of the Servants of God" (servus servorum Dei) as a papal title, thus initiating a practice that was to be followed by most subsequent popes. The word Muslim means "submission to God".
It's hardly in dispute.
From his genuflection to the Quoran to his embrace of Rabbis to his desire to allow female Deacons and allowing Priests to marry.
Now to be FAIR last year was the Ecumenical Year of Mercy.
The first. A major event of theological importance. This might be why he reached out to Jews and Muslims and why he called for Europe to allow mass immigration into their lands.
Why he kissed the foot of an African refugee and so forth. From a Christian perspective these are boldly Christian acts.
However the Door of Mercy was shut recently and that cycle has ended. No telling what we're in store for now.
Nothing wrong with allowing priests to marry.
>Chick publications
Ah. See there's the rub. See Jack Chick is a STAUNCH and radical Protestant. He creates comics to troll literally everyone and has an unhealthy and irrational hatred of the Catholic Church bordering on Anglican.
Either way there is no decent evidence that the Society of Jesus was around during the 600s and there are actually many Orders that really WERE the ultimate authorities during that time.
I would take anything Chick says with a big spoon of salt.
That's exactly wrong.
Priests have no family because their flock is their family only. They are Shepherds and it's a divine arrangement theologically speaking.
They must not, can NOT function in the interest of their congregation and will always operate at in the end form their Paternal instincts.
Such as Protestantism.
Married Priests is heresy. Now, THAT SAID, it's entirely possible that the Jesuits have recognized current times and see a real End Time ahead.
So they are throwing open the doors to get as many people saved and baptized as possible. After all Jesus walked amongst the lowest not the highest.
So this could all be 4d chess brinksmanship on their part.
Whereupon they convert as many as possible and then slowly scale policies back towards doctrine.
That you have no argument other than posturing and posting cherry picked images says a lot about yours.
Either refute the point that incidents of violence are negligible relative to the population or fuck right off.
Aren't Orthodox priests allowed to marry?
No, already married Priests are allowed into the fold but you can't become married.
And it's risky.
Like I outlined a Priest has only ONE sacred duty and that is to his flock. The biological imperative to attend better to his Paternal family over the flock is too present.
Besides if a Priest can truly not master his sinful urges then that Priest must step down and atone.
It's the responsible nothing to do.
Can you give me your opinion on liberation theory?
Communist infiltration and adaptation.
>go among the WORKERS to appeal to them and appeal to their drives for social change by spearheading them
It began in South America and it was the most clear form of communist agency within the Church structure.
Pope John Paul II new.
You misquoted me.
Oh I was satirizing you it happens. Buckle up
Yes we could it's just that the Jews keep fucking it up
Maybe the last crusade should be an alliance with Muslims to wipe out the merchants
As long as Muslims deny the Resurrection and deny the divinity of Christ, there can be no true peace. Only a coexistence of greater or lesser uneasiness.
It's really true.
A theological impasse designed within Islam from the start
Yeah it is, but the LARPERS like to fight out of pride and misplaced and general incorrect judgements. Proving they really have hate and judgement embedded within them that they can't see. They claim peace, but they really want conflict out of some deficient ability to forgive. This is common with everyone though, not just religious fundamentalists.
Plus you have general manipulation from the secular factions that profit from conflict. Which both sides, Christian and Muslim, are susceptible to...which is a more dangerous enemy. An enemy that was predicted from the start though. The Godless and opportunists will always exploit both sides, along with the rest of world who's deemed expendable.
Both religions tend to be somewhat hostile. But beside Crusades and some medieval conflicts there was peace for most of the last 1000 years. Christians killing Christians and Muslims killing Muslims is far more common. Even in regions where both live together.
I think it's more than that. I think there are virtuous Muslims/people of Islam. We don't know people's core, their heart, who they really are on the inside. They could be as giving and charitable as any one else if not more than a Christian. Jesus said many will call on His name and say "I never knew you." So the name isn't as important as who the person is as a genuine lover of good and justice/righteousness.
But yeah, Christ represents a constant reminder of humility, meekness, mercy and forgiveness and in the Islam world, all of that virtue is dismissed. I could be wrong, but doesn't Islam address Christ as a fake or that he copped out and ran from his suffering and affliction and it was given to a "body double" or something?
So you have nations of Islam all over, suffering, toiling, living hard lives, and the one figure from the Abrahamic narrative, the one who gives hope, the one who suffered his own a fake.
That means Christ in their lives could mean absolutely nothing. As the alleged messiah got a free pass and "rescued", meanwhile they have to suffer, toil, and live hard lives. Mentioning Jesus Christ significance around them, would probably anger them as they believe Christ got to avoid the affliction, the suffering etc etc. They have nothing to relate to Jesus Christ in their narrative of Jesus Christ.
Now why or how did it come to that for "Ishmael's descendants"???....I don't know, but it's kinda sad. I think as faithful as a lot of Muslims are, they would have made some pretty potent Christians.
A lot of Jews don't even believe in Christ, but they aren't stoning people anymore...are they? (Genuinely asking) Because if they aren't, wasn't that the influence Jesus had and the spreading of the Gospel?
I mean that's how powerful the Gospel was, right? It changed a lot of traditions of judgement and condemnation that the Prophets couldn't accomplish in Israel. A lot of Islam doesn't have this doctrine of forgiveness.
They wouldn't be Christian if they were killing other Christians, I mean that's the give away that they aren't enlightened and are not who they claim to be, let alone understand the Gospel under which their title comes from.
I mean just because the sex slave trade, the exploitation of the weak and poor nations for their resources, the manipulation of these poorer nations out of greed, creating enemies when other wise there would be none, just because this is the work of the secular doesn't mean we can call all secular people the cause for the conflict and suffering in the world.
But now isn't that a strange dynamic that humans constantly perpetuate? They give labels to people and don't test to see if they deserve that label. Or they pick and choose when to do this.
It's a terrible, lazy, and over all ill-informed way of applying definitions. It's this laziness and lack of discernment that permits manipulation and deception to be as rampant as it is.
Catholics and Protestants don't deny Resurrection nor divinity, and look how they fared well for centuries...
The only european christians left are in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, and muslims aren't exactly popular there.
They only leave "in peace" in the West because christians there have mostly disappeared, and even there they can't help but slaughtering the few old faithful people that still remain.
Well, both religions would command their followers to kill the other, so they'd have to be not-very-devout Christians and Muslims. Most Christians have already come to this level of not-very-devoutness due to the enlightenment, but Muslims are still pretty radical. If there were an enlightenment in the Middle East and Muslim came to that level of not-very-devoutness, then yes, they could totally live together in peace
Yes, if Christians pay jizya
in minority doses, sure
christians and jews coexist peacefully in this manner
>muh feels
>I could be wrong, but doesn't Islam address Christ as a fake or that he copped out and ran from his suffering and affliction and it was given to a "body double" or something?
Not at all. Muslims see Jesus as a great prophet just like Moses or Abraham. They just don't think he was the literal son of God as Christians do.
Which anthemic religion is the "right" one?
>Pre Israel Palestine + much of modern Lebanon
>They wouldn't be Christian if they were killing other Christians,
wrong, they are sinners, they may go to hell, but they are Christian sinners
Religion is for the birds.
No, it really is a huge fucking deal that too many "can't we all just get along" people don't appreciate. It's not about LARPing, it's about genuinely believing the tenets of your religion, which necessarily leads to believing that other religions are false, to greater or lesser degrees, and tensions arising from that.
Not to mention both Christianity and Islam are proselytizing religions. Quite simply, the planet's not big enough for the both of them, if their adherents take their beliefs seriously.
Christ is the truth and Islam is a lie.
One is peaceful and the other is violent.
One spread by love, the other by the sword.
No. Islam must die.
It's a painful process that will only end with war or complete mixing removing whites from the gene pool
It's like thinking the blacks will be able to fully integrate into white america
Of course, so long as neither of them take their religions seriously.
Christians and Muslims can live peacefully, just look at Bosnia in the 90s.
That babushka has bigger hands than anyOne who's ever used internet.