Is White-Guilt justified?
Is White-Guilt justified?
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if anything people should be worshiping us
we build the modern world
Only when you personally oppress black people.
It's kinda fucked up because if you say yes, you also open the door for white nationalism.
If you believe in morality, yes.
Do Europeans actually give a shit about this identity?
White pride is justified.
Do Mongolians have guilt for Genghis Khan's wars
Do Japanese have guilt for the Rape of Nanking
Do Turks have guilt for the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocides
Do Muslims have guilt for literally every modern terrorist attack today
oh wait only white Europeans are suppose to feel guilty about their past
Are black or asian nationalist sentiments bad too?
No, it's complete and utter American garbage
Why does no one ever talk about black guilt? They commit half the murders in the united States and make entire perfectly decent cities unlivable with their drug dealing and general baboonery.
They are even worse.
If you actually read anything by SJWs they all rightly point out white guilt is nothing more than "woo is me" masturbatory inertia.
> destroy entire civilizations and cultures
> we wuz modern world creatorz and shit! XD
white people. everyone
About as justified as taking pride in other people's accomplishments just because you share a skin color. So not very.
I don't know but if you imply that you CAN feel bad for something as a collective you CAN'T say that you CAN'T feel good about the same thing or about something else as a collective as well.
It's either collective sentiments/responsabilities or individual sentiments/responsabilities in this case. You can't have both.
the fact that africa is still there even though europe and america literally factually has all the gold IRL renders your little metaphor moot.
i can't wait for the "privilege" scale to tip in the other direction so you can see that the instinct for self-interest extends to black people too.
Sjws on suicide watch
Not exactly funny when it's true, though.
> They commit half the murders in the united States
They don't.
> drug dealing and general baboonery.
Promoted by CIA as soft vote control.
White "people"
You didn't build the world. People who had high IQ and studied their whole life built the world for some basement dwelling NEETs to claim their achievements in the future.
doesn't matter, we done more to the world than ooga booga tribes even as neets
*White* people, *European* people, not some Africans with bamboo sticks.
I worship Isaac Newton, Euler, Gauss, Einstein, , von neumann, Poincare, Feynman, Maxwell, etc.. People who actually did something not some fucking nobody that only attribute is the color of their skin.
I hope you realize that your racial antagonism gives layers of legitimacy to white nationalism.
Promoting racial toxicity between the races minimizes racial empathies, including those of whito pigus.
And if history tells us something, it's that whitey can lose his shit in pretty fucking spectacular ways.
Specific individuals not you. Who many years there were of White people that couldn't do the same as the specific individual called Isaac Newton? Not to mention that there were contributions to mankind that came from non-whites.
> I worship Isaac Newton, Euler, Gauss, Einstein, von Neumann, Poincare, Feynman, Maxwell, etc.
There isn't really a logical basis upon which to judge a descendant based on his ancestor's actions. A white person today may have societal advantages due to past injustices, but he himself hasn't committed any unjust act - it is simply circumstance.
You can recognize societal imbalances without pretending that people today can be responsible for history that got us here in the first place just because they have the same race (or any other characteristic).
Also, as said, if you accept the idea that people are historically connected through race, then the dominance of white people through history gives some tangible credibility to racial supremacy.
I said worship because that's the word he used. I respect those people.
Not only specific individuals, friendo. You think Isaac Newton did everything he did without the help of his ancestors? Every single peasant, every single landowner, scientist, whatever, helped developed Western civilization as we know it, no matter how large their contribution was.
And you think only whites developed math and science? Have you read the history of it?
White people should feel about as bad about the shit their ancestors did as the Mongols should about invading and raping all of Eurasia or the Japanese about the atrocities of WW2: They shouldn't.
His ancestors were blacks...
>Africa is so shit not even the water wants it.
Yes, I have. Everything you have today comes more or less by white people. Science, btw, isn't something you "invent.
What the fuck have you done besides sit your lard ass at your computer chair the entire day?
You should probably think about venturing out into the world and getting some real, personal accomplishments under your belt that you can feel good about on an individual level. Then maybe one day you won't have to masturbate to the accomplishments of people that looked like you to develop a self-esteem.
> arabic numbers
> african alphabet
> chinese economy
yeah... white people invented everything
What makes you think he doesn't have any personal accomplishments? He can be proud of his race and be proud of himself at the same time, moron.
considering that y'all white folks enslaved half the world, yes.
the modern world was built on the backs of people of color
>The Hindu–Arabic numeral system and the rules for the use of its operations, in use throughout the world today, likely evolved over the course of the first millennium AD in India and were transmitted to the west via Islamic mathematics through the work of Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī.[8][9] Islamic mathematics, in turn, developed and expanded the mathematics known to these civilizations.[10] Many Greek and Arabic texts on mathematics were then translated into Latin, which led to further development of mathematics in medieval Europe.
> arabic numbers
Yeah... no. Civilizations had numerals before the numbers were developed.
>> african alphabet
The Phoenicians were not Africans, dumbo.
> chinese economy
Hahahaha, fucking what?
> Indian mathematicians made early contributions to the study of the concept of zero as a number,[4] negative numbers,[5] arithmetic, and algebra.[6] In addition, trigonometry[7] was further advanced in India, and, in particular, the modern definitions of sine and cosine were developed there.[8] These mathematical concepts were transmitted to the Middle East, China, and Europe[6] and led to further developments that now form the foundations of many areas of mathematics.
OP, whiteness is a state of mind, race exists only in the definitions of a particular society, and it's parameters (who's in and out) can change with time.
go back to stormfront icenigger.
>Al-Khwārizmī's contributions to mathematics, geography, astronomy, and cartography established the basis for innovation in algebra and trigonometry. His systematic approach to solving linear and quadratic equations led to algebra, a word derived from the title of his 830 book on the subject, "The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing".
>Bhāskara's work on calculus predates Newton and Leibniz by over half a millennium.[7][8] He is particularly known in the discovery of the principles of differential calculus and its application to astronomical problems and computations. While Newton and Leibniz have been credited with differential and integral calculus, there is strong evidence to suggest that Bhāskara was a pioneer in some of the principles of differential calculus. He was perhaps the first to conceive the differential coefficient and differential calculus.[9]
>A later landmark in Indian mathematics was the development of the series expansions for trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, and arc tangent) by mathematicians of the Kerala school in the 15th century CE. Their remarkable work, completed two centuries before the invention of calculus in Europe, provided what is now considered the first example of a power series (apart from geometric series).[12]
yep race totally doesn't exist guys just ignore evolution and the different features each race possess
Might want to go back and read my posts again though. I never said other civilizations didn't invent anything, I said that anything you have today is based on white accomplishments. Indians. An Indian discovered the zero? Great. What did he do with it exactly?
>No arguments
Didn't expect anything more.
There's a difference between having a healthy amount of pride in your lineage and where you come from, and then going full WE WUZ in respect to a large, general group of people like "whites."
wrong pic but whatever
because living in mudhuts and washing your face in cow piss and gangraping goats and toddlers is totally a better culture compared to western civilization which literally led to almost every modern invention that we use today even as right now when you and I are typing on the keyboard
but nvm that lets just continue to ignore scientific studies tho shal we?
>muh storm front
Why does leftypol want an anti white safespace?
>White people only became so rich and powerful because they used black slave labour!
>White people were only able to enslave blacks because they were as rich and powerful as they were evil!
Well fucking which one is it, then?
But we're totally one race tho don't look at what's going on with other animals that can interbreed but still classify as different species and different chromosomes
but Blacks wuz KANGZ THO RIGHT?
A great amount was done by Jewish people who are seen as not white by your kind and I'm sure if you go looking the most obscure ones you'll find chinese people, japanese people and black people too
I never said a single word that would imply any of that, but it's still unfounded for your neckbeard ass to get butterflies in your stomach whenever you think about da Vinci's accomplishments.
Difference is when a white guy has a pride in his heritage and culture he is called "racist", when a black guy does it, even though his culture is shit but I digress, it's completely fine. Not only that, but it's actually encouraged, so encouraged that it makes black people try to claim civilizations and people that had nothing to do with them as their own. Carthage and Egypt in particular.
> this one billions of times debunked page
debunk it for me then leftypol desu
What about the science stuff in there? This is silly. You're not a serious person.
No, most Europeans only care about the nations which built great empires, so like Bulgaria is not getting invited to any klan rallies. Funny thing is America was confronted with this issue with mass European immigration, so Irish and Finnish become 'not white'
Some do some don't, don't be a reactionary tho
Great another reactionary
still waiting for that debunking anytime desu come on surely its not that hard?
>when a white guy has pride for his whiteness
But only burgers do that, if you live in a civilised 'white' nation then you'll actually know your ancestry and will admire your nations past but not autistically claim it
>black culture
Ghetto culture is bad, but southern gospel and some of their dances are good
Multi-regional hypothesis on the origin of the races:1-4% of the genome of non-Africans is from Neanderthals
4-6% of the genome of Melanesians is from Denisovans
Archaic admixture from a non-sapien lineage in Africans:
New evidence emerging recently provides ample evidence for a migration into Africa of early Cro-Magnon, and that modern Sub-Saharan Africans are the result of an admixture event with an undetermined archaic hominid species unique to the region with the gradient reaching it's peak within the Pygmy populations.
This is similar to the fact that modern Europeans, Asians, and American Natives are hybrid Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon, and modern South-East Asians, Melanesians, and Australian Aborigine are Denisova Hominin/Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon hybrids. Denisova Hominin never set foot or originated from Africa either.
Furthermore, the earliest Anthropoids are found in regions of India and Southern Asia 15-20 million years before the first Anthropoids in Africa.
If anything, out of Arabia or Asia is looking more likely, and the idea that we're all "Homo Sapien Sapien" is misfounded. There's no such thing as a pure Homo Sapien Sapien lineage anymore. The anthropology textbooks need to be rewritten, but unfortunately the Political Correctness Agents are making sure that never happens.
The world's foremost anthropologist, Dr. Christopher Stringer, the same one who originally developed the Out of Africa Origin theory of mankind now says he was wrong. The origin of mankind occurred in the Levant region, and there were migrations into Africa, with modern Africans being hybrids between archaic Homo Sapiens and surviving populace of Homo Heidelbergensis.
Nice image macro you made there.
The whole point of sub species is they have distinct characteristics but can interbreed, as if they couldn't then they'd be species. Honestly boy this is GCSE biology, 15 year olds are smarter than you.
>they were slightly more advanced than the blacks, but then because of the wealth from slaves they advanced 5 eras early
Also we all know serious historians know it was blacks selling blacks into slavery, for guns, clothing and luxury goods, as they hadn't evolved socially yet so we're still at the tribal level
Have you ever thought that maybe you wouldn't be labeled a racist if you didn't develop a God complex and call every other culture shit while exalting white culture as if it's some type of widespread monolith?
Honestly, that's probably what's been really pissing people off this entire time, not just developing an interest in your people's past.
Do you think the Greek mathmeticians just pulled advanced math out of their asses? It was built upon previous advancements
/his shouldn't be a safe space, but not every thread should be polarised by you goys
> not even remotely trying to debunk my post
>still denies there's no such thing as race
>still thinks everyone is the same despite ages of evolution and living in different environments on the planet
>doesn't even realize that this pic proves that blacks and whites are two different subspecies but still virtue signals anyway
go home leftypol please this is just too funny
We'll that was Nordic culture for a few thousand years so what's so bad about it, you saying my ancestors were not feared n shiet
We already have genetic explanations for why blacks are more violent than other races.
For example - At one end of the androgen receptor gene, which is alternatively labeled AR or NR3C4, there are varying amounts of the trinucleotide repeats CAG and GGC. Blacks possess less of these CAG repeats.
Fewer CAG repeats causes increased transactivation of the receptor (meaning that the receptor became more activated to increase gene expression), see the research here:
Cortisol responses are another area that highlight racial differences in behavior. a new study by Way and Taylor has found that the short allele of 5-HTTLPR causes increased cortisol responses to a perceived social threat provided by the Trier Social Stress Test.
Also, a new study by Armbruster et al found that the 7R allele of DRD4 causes lower cortisol responses and that this allele interacted with the long allele of 5-HTTLPR to lower cortisol response to social stress.
Beaver et al determined that African-Americans have significantly more 7R alleles than whites. The possibility that low cortisol levels in African Americans could be partly genetic has important implications for research on the genetics of violence.
Indeed, in 2008 Rajender et al determined that male control subjects average 21.19 repeats, rapists average 18.44 repeats, murderers average 17.59 repeats, and men who murder after they finish raping average 17.31 repeats.
>not even trying to debunk my post
>I'll just ignore your comment on subspecies
>I'll still use morphological classification even though we have advanced DNA analysis techniques
Also where did I deny race, it's clearly a thing, but better to use terms such as cultures and ethnicities
Nordics were kickass as fuck mate you look at the great societies they built and made all of mainland Europe feared them for centuries compared to the blacks who just stayed in their jungles all day inventing nothing. Nordics contributed many things to the west with help of science and medicine.
Goethe admitted the Chinese were writing works of comparative greatness while Europeans were still running around and blubbering through the woods
The earlier Chinese dynasties invented bureaucratic meritocracy
Chinese bronze making was industrialized with huge factories producing mass amounts by standardized repeatable methods more advanced than Europeans
The chinamen invented fucking guns are you saying guns aren't necessary to the creation of the modern fucking world
Guilt is an irrational emotion so the straight answer is obvious.
I suppose if you want to read between the lines, white folks need to be wary of being racist cunts, but that's it.
Guilt for what? Putting apes in chains?
The apes had been doing it to themselves for thousands of years before us. Hell, they sold us everything we wanted to buy.
Have you ever interacted with a black person in your life?
>because living in mudhuts and washing your face in cow piss and gangraping goats and toddlers
Why are you describing North Europe (minus Britain)'s existence for thousands of years
I went to public school in DC. What do you think fucktard?
>magazines and outdated articles
I specifically meant people in Scandinavia from about 3k BC-700 AD
If not for Rome's collapse then they would have never risen to power, and then needed the colonisation of the Americas to surpass China and not stagnate as much
>Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It isn't enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone axe he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these relegations.
And you honestly felt as if those people were less human than you?
Also your reasoning is odd.
>These who I see as inferior in all aspects were doing this action therefore it's ok if I do it too
>mfw it's real
I'm mixed and English is my second language. Does it feel like you're talking to an ape? Would you put me in chains if you could? How do you justify that morally? And if you're Christian how do you justify that being Christian and having your views?
You're getting baited
Sometimes it was hard not to feel they were less than human based on the way they behaved and the poverty of their higher faculties. I still regarded them as human beings though, albeit very slow-witted ones.
I'm saying we shouldn't have any special guilt for participating in the trade and use of slaves, because all cultures in history have at one time or another done the same. The only unique thing about slavery in the United States is that it was brought to a formal end.
>LMFAO just because you got raped twice on the subway doesn't mean subway is full of rapists, stop projecting your one or two experiences into society you fucking TRIGGERED tumblrtard
I'd gladly put you in a cage if you acted like you belonged in one. Every society does that. It's called prison.
>being a newfag
>not going to the archive and reposting conversations from the last time we had this thread
Probably not as amerifats come up with the idea of 'white' pride