I'm not really religious, but at least Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and certain mainline denominations have *taste* and a level of tradition and history to them. Why are Evangelicals growing almost worldwide?
Growth of Evangelical Christianity?
Probably because someone manipulated statistics and played with numbers to reach such conclusion.
Because it's the McDonald's of the religions.
Because rational people find it harder and harder to justify believing in Jewish fairy tales. The only denominations that survive are those that don't aim at rational people.
probably iffy statistic gathering methods. LDS has the same problem. like, I'm considered an LDS member according to their stats and I just blew a huge load to loli porn.
a high growth rate would be expected when there's a small community and missionary activity. a few new people and you get a high increase in the size of the community
This. It's easy to grow quickly when you're tiny.
Yup. If you look at the blue areas, they are almost entirely Catholic, Orthodox, or non-Christian. The formerly Lutheran Nordic countries make sense, as they're losing religion at massive rates. Same with Japan. Czech Republic is a huge mission field for evangelicals, but they're so irreligious it makes sense to be yellow (and getting a Czech to talk about religion is fucking impossible, so it's kind of amazing there's any growth). Not surprised about Georgia either, considering both how dominant the Georgian Orthodox Church is and how Western influence there keeps getting pushed back.
But what's the appeal of Evangelical Christianity in particular?
They more fanatical. Catholicism is like meh. People call themselves Catholic but are barely religious.
salvation without penitence
whoops meant to quote
>salvation without penitence
isn't that just modern protestantism?
>Evangelical Growth.
Lmao they're called cults over here and nobody takes their stupid shit seriously.
>*sucks the dick of corrupt politicians because they have no funding and therefore violate Church/State separation.*
Evangelicals put more effort into advertising. They present Christianity as something that makes you incredibly happy.
The way they do it is fucking cringe.
Especially the way protestants try to be hip n cool to da youth, yo!
>All salvation
>No works
Could also be because the Pope himself can hardly be called a proper Christian, I'd also be embarrassed to have someone like him be the head of my religion.
Why would you be considered that?
Also, Mormons are way better than Evangelicals.
this, that chart is fake as hell
Your map is BS at least for my country
Evangelicals are literally the good goys of Christianity, pro-Israel faggotry is one of their focal points.
>The universe exploded from the head of a pin sized singularity, and now here I am. All rational and shit.
It's true. It provides a comprehensive and coherent world view, and is predicative. It's exactly unlike all of mankind's "religions" where you have to clean yourself up to be godlike.
Imagine believing God, and taking him at his word.
Such insanity.
We should kill God.
>the empirical model of science is irrational
It requires a Christian platform to be comprehensive and coherent in order to even approach scientific works.
Which is why the giants of science were at least deists, and mostly Christians.
t. Ameriblob shabbos goy
Well whatever, but the evidence and models literally say that
>The universe exploded from the head of a pin sized singularity, and now here I am.
Computer models, written by men, have convinced you that the entire universe, and everything in it, was once the size of the head of a pin.
And that for some reason it "exploded", escaped its own gravity well somehow, and ended up creating the variety of life we now see.
What can't they convince you of?
Huh. And here I though that the Saudi Arabian Evangelical community was both well established AND enjoying high growth rates.
Ok, tell me then, where the error is?
Is the Hubble constant calculated completely wrong in either case?
Are CMBR readings completely erroneous?
Is there something wrong with the definitions of Minkowski space?
Maybe you redid the Michelson–Morley experiment and found out how all of us got it completely wrong.
Maybe relativity just doesn't work...
Or perhaps you have evidence that our reading of the red shift is actually angels creating illusions in the heads of everyone who looks at the instruments and data. Who knows? Well, apparently you, so spit it out.
also, they're mathematical models, not computer models you troglodyte.
Becuase the entire basis for the existence of the religion is
A) Spread the word of Christ as far as you can and as much as you can because the more souls you save, the more chance you have of getting into Super Heaven and
B) Make money off all the people you converted and use it to buy yourself a new Private Jet
(Please note, this is the method that I saw Evangelicals use to spread the word in China, so idk about the rest of the world)
To reach these ends, an evangelical has to appeal to the lowest common denominator out there, someone who probably can't read, has never seen a bible before, and has only a cursory grasp of business English. As a result, a preacher needs to completely forfeit any cultural traditions that might be at odds with the culture that is trying to be converted. So they simplify it down, cut out everything from the old testament excluding the ten commandments, basically ignore anything that contradicts their world viewpoint, and focus on salvation through easy means. No more working for your soul to be repaired, now all you need to do is get baptised and *BAM* welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven. And then if that convert gets his friends converted, then that means that he can hang out in Heaven with all his buddies!
Then there's the financial side of things. Evangelicals go through the quick conversion method in order to expediently bring people into church culture, and then quickly push the cash to salvation method. The more cash you give, the better chance you have at Super Heaven, despite the fact your soul is already saved. The cash for good christen points works really well for the secondary main target of Evangelical preaching, that being the conservative middle-class patrons who really, really want to get into heaven but knows they can't for various different sins, since, you know, they actually read the bible.
>Being so retarded and uneducated as to not realize the Big Bang theory was proposed by a literal priest and was vocally attacked by the scientific establishment for "reeking of God" but in the end the shirts were all BTFO by the priests impeccable mathematics and corroborated by evidence in reality.
Read Moshe Carmelli's works, and find out for yourself.
Oh, wait, you won't do that. You just want momma bird to regurgitate the latest theories into your open and willing maw.
So with Low-Class Ching spreading the word to his buddies, getting everyone converted to the cause in his immediate circle of Friends, and Middle-Class Chong devoting whatever money he can spare to the Church, which means you got people coming every Sunday, making the church look big, and people paying you a shit ton of money to keep their butts in the seats, completely voluntarily.
That's when you get to relax, and just let the community convert. Maybe go to a sermon every once and a while, but don't really care about the good word (if I had a quarter for everytime my preacher friends didn't go to church on Sundays, I'd be a rich man at this point). It's an unadulterated, semi-unregulated money machine, and you only need to put a bit of effort in to get a helluva lot of money.
Then you can spend your money on whatever, Private Jets, ski trips to Colorado, meth, teenage boys to molest. People don't care, you're above the law. Now, the Chinese government may try to Keep an eye on your activities, but not if you keep all your money offshore. Then you can kick back, and sleep easy, knowing you spread the word of god, and got paid to do so.
As usual, you could not be more wrong.
Christianity is based on two facts, and two facts alone.
1. Jesus is God; and
2. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day.
If you can believe the truth, God can work with you and transform you into something worth saving. If not, then not.
Never believe anything a papist says.
Can't go wrong.
Yes, those Chinese Christians have it so easy, meeting in secret, hiding their bibles, if they have one, getting baptized in bath tubs, constantly screening newbies to make sure they are not government spies. So, so easy.
how bout you sum up the argument by yourself, like a big boy?
Dark energy and dark matter do not exist. They are fudge factors used by idiots to explain why their models do not reflect reality.
Moshe added another dimension to the acceleration of the universe, basically stating that not only is everything moving away from us at acceleration, but that space itself is being spread away from us at acceleration.
Benefit of his equations is he does not have to invent fudge factors like dark energy and dark matter to make it balance. It works on its own.
But surely you knew that, huh sport.
>faith is based on facts
Oh you poor little thing
Isn't manny one?
Faith is based on facts you did not personally see.
If you personally saw Jesus rise from the dead and prove he is God, it would be by observation, not by faith.
Faith is simply the human ability to believe what you have not seen.
Denial is saying that nothing you did not see can be a fact.
Ok, so lets put aside the issue that apparently a 5D space precludes gravitational waves....
How does dark matter being only a fudge factor take into account the differential rotational speed in galaxies?
>Faith is based on facts you did not personally see.
It isn't. Faith is based on a personal commitment. It has nothing to do with your bizarre definition of a fact
Because missions are conducted world wide by Christians and usually the ones doing the missions would be the most fanatic Christians, the Evangelicals.
Why would you expect complete uniformity?
(And why are there still spiral galaxies, if they've been spinning for billions of years?)
Everyone has faith. Everyone uses faith. Anything you say about the future is a faith based statement, because you did not see it. Everything you say happened billions or millions of years ago is a faith based statement, because you did not see it.
Faith and reason work together; the reason you don't know what's going on is that you think they are mutually exclusive, even though you use both.
Do you believe in gravity? Yes, of course you do. Have you ever actually seen gravity itself? Why no, no you have not.
So your belief in gravity is faith based.
And that's where people get converted. By saying that Christianity is just that, it makes conversion much easier, so you don't need to teach any meaningful lessons about the gospel, you just say, "Congrats, you're saved!" and then you go on to convert the next group who walks into the Church.
It not a secret. The government is fine with its citizens being Christens. If it wasn't, then how could China have the fastest growing Christen population on Earth?
I'm not sure you know what you're talking about...
Or maybe it's me who's not sure.
Either way, nobody said anything about complete uniformity.
Do you think God made becoming a Christian an esoteric intellectual exercise that only a few would be capable of performing?
Or do you think God made it so simple a child could do it?
Because they do not want to slaughter 150,000,000 of their own citizens. Again.
They are as ashamed of their history as Germany is of its.
You asked why different galaxies had different rotational speeds.
I don't know why you asked that, unless you assumed they would all be uniform.
I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough..
I asked how the model accounts for the fact that as per those graphs up there, the rotational velocity of objects within one galaxy doesn't follow a simple law (like a keplerian one) for observable luminosity, but that "strange" curve
Didn't know Nork was a christian country.
You're back to "why don't my heroes' models relate to reality?"
The real question is, why are they still your heroes?
It isn't. It's a Kim theocracy. But there is a thriving underground church there, because Christianity does well under extreme duress and need.
The weaker we are, the stronger He is.
>The weaker we are, the stronger He is.
Christianity confirmed for plague
Don't forget the reverse. American evangelicals nearly killed Christianity in the 80's
So now you're saying that Newton's gravitational law doesn't hold because of Carmelli?
Or you're simply being a dick by not giving the explanation that follows for the discrepancy from the 5D model.
I'm beginning to think that you just read a paragraph or two on conservapedia or the bible forum (ironically some of the top most results when googling for cosmological relativity) and don't know shit about what you're talking.
>t. 80's High School Evangelical.
I told you to read Moshe Carmelli for yourself for exactly this reason.
I even predicted you had to be spoon fed the information, because you are too lazy to look for it on your own.
All the information at your fingertips, and no wisdom to know what to look for.
Yes, I do, and, no he didn't.
A bunch of money hungry Americans made it simple enough for a child to understand back in the late 19th century, and then perfected it in the 50's. A child should not have a concept of god. God should not be made into a friendly neighbour. God is a violent and vengeful deity who will destroy his own creation given the slightest provocation. He isn't a secondary vision of the ideal father, and he should never be.
Ahh yes, so ashamed they put a bloody great picture of the conductor of the Cultural Revolution up on the buildings at the literal centre of their capital. So ashamed that they teach the impact of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution as a mandatory part of their school curriculum, in which they discuss the negative impact both campaigns had on Chinas population and the regret the government felt afterwards.
Also, 150,000,000? Get your head out of your ass. The Chinese population at the start of the Great Leap was 614,650,000. If China had lost a 1/6 of its total workforce, then it wouldn't have been able to rebuild its economy to the point where double-digit growth was even possible. Stop listening to pissed off Ameri-cucks trying to be Chinese and read some actual fucking sources.
Believe in Jesus and you are saved. In Catholicism your actions have to speak louder than your words. Just like everything else in life