Now that we know that the Ancient Egyptians were largely brown to swarthy West Asians and that the Greeks with Romans are about the same as modern day Italians with Greeks, what are some more ways to trigger pol or tumblr? Pointing out the Holocaust happened or that the Egyptians weren't Tyrones is too easy.
The next challenge
Other urls found in this thread:
how to trigger /pol/
>point out crusader war crimes and how hard they lost against the Saracens
how to trigger tumblr
>point out that there's only 2 genders
pol sure does worship some failures. After all, look at that Hitler.
>Romans are about the same as modern day Italians
How is that triggered /pol/?
Some polfag will dump a pic of the most brown looking Silician he'll find. And pretend he showed something.
There were and are numerous cultures that recognize more than two genders. I'm not even tumblr, but this is just bullshit.
I wasn't aware Western society were those cultures.
What I usually do is shitpost by being more of a stormfag than they are. Last thing I did was post how Christianity was Jewish, and justified it by saying Jews created printing press, and coincidentally the bible is the most printed book, and the fall of Rome. Stole the idea from the movie Imperium.
Essentially just make posts attacking what they stupidly believe in, and justify it with Jews and you'll get a minegold of (you)s
>Romans are about the same as modern day Italians
Dude. I'm Italian and I'll be the first to say a lot of Southern Italians aren't white.
Rome was the global cultural hub back in our golden age. We had all sorts of other races/ethnicities move into Rome to do business and they obviously intermingled with the local population.
Sometimes it's not as noticeable but sometimes it is. If you want a 'pure' woman then go for a Northerner like
I'm sure you non-ironically link that Medieval We Wuz Kangz (oh, I'm sorry, People of Color) blog too.
Germanic rape babbies. This is what real Italians look like
Christianity is Jewish and DID destroy pagan Europe.
point out the massive jewish involvement in the atlantic slave trade
point out the german war crimes - accompanying the holocaust
>cherry picking
And pic related is what real Americans look like
Wut? I don't even know what you're talking about. I said, I'm not a tumblrite.
Because that's not the case? Unless you mean American natives, cause yeah, they are literally western. But I was also talking about India, Polynesia and the like.
Funny thing is that many think otherwise on the shithole /pol/ is
Are you implying that African Americans aren't real Americans?
>muh foreign hordes muhdicking our Whiteness
Stop pretending population deplacement is the rule.
Define "Americans"
I could post pic related then say this is what real Italians look like too.
tumblr pls
Bonus: Here's north Italy.
The guy was a political failure and a terrible strategist. Blitzkrieg just happened because Poland was still using mostly horses and when they faced a real enemy they got rekt so hard
+ gassing ~5% of the population based on pseudo science
If I'm using common sense on Poland I would like to be enlightened on the polish internal scenario
> The guy was a political failure and a terrible strategist
So he's pol's man.
I believe that Donald Trump could lead Germany better than him.
> Last thing I did was post how Christianity was Jewish
Have a link?