How true is this image?
How true is this image?
Not true at all
Completely true
>Go back.
Croat here I run a bed and breakfast on the coast. Whenever we get German tourists I ejaculate into the eggs when I make them breakfast. Danke fur euros!
1 Marshall aid of truth
Jokes on you, both veterans are dead.
How Veeky Forums is this thread?
>if it has germans it has to be a pollack
This is /co/ tier, you are no better than the lot you are so obsessed with
No german prisoners of war survived WW2 and no Russian born before WW2 survived Stalin's purges so it's clearly fake.
Serbitch detected
Pretty accurate, desu. Russia is still in a terrible economic slump, still hit heavy by a vast multitude of economic and financial sanctions and the economy and personal affluence of the average Russian citizen is pretty much on par with the worst in the "developed" world between Europe and North America.
Also I seem to recall AIDS/HIV epidemic in Russia.
No, he literally took this shitpost thread from /pol/.
Why would the Germ vet visit Russia?
To get blowjob from Russian hobo
To finally reach Moscow, lmao.
Only a Zerg uses such terms
To thank the man who didn't kill him :^)
>To thank the man who cucked him
i gotchu senpai
The German would have been shot on sight.
It's not true because Germany isn't giving Russia any money.
They're giving them a ton of money for oil and gas.
Why are Russian cartoons so gloomy
cyka blyat
Because life in Russia is gloomy.
If the 2nd pic takes place in 90's then yeah.
the caption says 60 years later
Top kek m8
To see the father of his grandsons.
Holy fucking shit
People write what they know.
It's a picture of Kaliningrad oblast you Dumbass