Were PoC resented during WWII for having safe, comfy rear lines jobs and not having to die in combat?
Were PoC resented during WWII for having safe, comfy rear lines jobs and not having to die in combat?
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being in a artillery unit was far from comfy OP.
you obviously have a limited knowledge of such things.
have you ever heard of counter-battery fire?
Dont pretend you know shit you pretentious twat.
Being an artilleryman is infinitely better than being in the front lines charging through enemy fire.
>have you ever heard of counter-battery fire?
Have you ever heard of relocation?
Have you ever heard of trenches?
Resented by whom?
Black GI's in Britian were more popular than the white GI's.
White GI's came across as brash and obnoxious, but as the blacks had been conditioned to be wary of offending whites, the Brits just thought they were being polite.
>actually replying to this cancerous b8 thread
Fuck you
>Resented by whom?
Obviously by white gis who were combat infantry while black gis were just truck drivers and logistics guys.
What's cancerous about it?
Only a small percentage of the military in general would be on the "front lines." Sure there was probably resentment towards those who accept "hero" status for driving a trick or something, but why would there be special resentment towards those who were actually forbidden from the more dangerous job even if they wanted it? Makes no sense.
Maybe bit offtopic, but was race reflected somehow during WWII in for example allied countries? Wars are not my topic and this is something I've been wondering as it's very rare to see for example war flick that has black actors.
If whites were so racist back then why didn't they use black people to clear mine fields and as cannon fodder?
less than 1 in 10 soldiers in the US army during ww2 were in combat roles
You occasional get a token black American.
Don't think I've ever seen colonial troops featured though. Never seen them in even in a Pacific front movie.
You certainly wouldn't think they fought in Italy etc and made up a bulk of British forces in WWII
lel why do you have lie on the internet
allied command aimed to have 65% as combat troops but it mostly hovered around 40%
do you have any sources on that?
Black were used as "powder monkeys": loading and unloading ammunition. One of the more dangerous jobs in the military.
No more than the other 2/3 of the US Army that were POGs.
The blacks themselves resented it to though. There was a heavy push for more black combat units, because then being relegated to mostly non-combat roles in the first place was based off the racist idea that they were too dumb to make good soldiers.
There was an intentional effort to obscure their contributions. For example the Americans and British insisted that no black French troops be involved in the Liberation of Paris for publicity reasons. The problem: the whitest French division was estimated at only 75% white, and most were only about 40% white (most of the Free French fighting for the country were actually Moroccan, Alergian, or Senegalese). So they had to make exceptions in letting "Arab" troops into the city, but still no blacks.
Black people liberated the Jews from the Holocaust.
Are you 12 year old?
Modern militaries are complex machines that require enormous logistical support to function.
Without that logistical support combat is impossible.
A guy driving a truck is as important as a guy fighting in a trench.
Yeah one is more brutal and harder, but without either military operations are impossible.
Rear field guys are universally hated by combat arms you chucklefuck. Niggers were already hated back then they'd be doubly hated if they got away with doing nothing but driving trucks while all the white guys were being blown sky high.
Imagine being in Vietnam with black comrades in your platoon and the realization hits you that they will not have the same freedoms when and if they go back to america.
Thank god for communists. They were what helped America willing to put race aside so that we could team up against the boogyman of Communism.
>universally hated
And where did you get that? From your years of service in Call of Duty?
Lel are you really gonna doubt there is animosity between combat infantry and rear echelon guys now?
>and the realization hits you that they will not have the same freedoms when and if they go back to america
Uh... that's wrong though. By the time the draft kicked in black's had the same rights as white people. On top of this, the majority of US soldiers in Vietnam were white southern volunteers. In combat and on FOB they'd be friend, once they got back to base or go home they'd be at each others throats. It's actually a pretty common feature in Vietnam history books. The rush on military integration really put a damper on order behind the front lines.
not him but you clearly have no idea about American operations of battle
especially if you think artillery is comfy and >trenches
All the real heroes are not storybook combat fighters. Every single man in the army plays a vital role. So don't ever let up. Don't ever think that your job is unimportant. What if every truck driver decided that he didn't like the whine of the shells and turned yellow and jumped headlong into a ditch? That cowardly bastard could say to himself, 'Hell, they won't miss me, just one man in thousands.' What if every man said that? Where in the hell would we be then? No, thank God, Americans don't say that. Every man does his job. Every man is important. The ordnance men are needed to supply the guns, the quartermaster is needed to bring up the food and clothes for us because where we are going there isn't a hell of a lot to steal. Every last damn man in the mess hall, even the one who boils the water to keep us from getting the GI shits, has a job to do.
I am skeptical of any claim that is based on supposition and "conventional wisdom". Do you have any scholarly work that supports what you're saying, or is it just a gut feeling?
>animosity between combat infantry and rear echelon guys
Yeah, from 18 year old boots who put "Freedom Isn't Free" bumper stickers on their debt financed Camaro. There's banter between most segments of military life, but only freshcut green faggots hold any real animosity towards pogues and real echelon soldiers. Experienced infantrymen know what it takes to keep the machine rolling and rarely do they romance the life of infantry in order feel superior to some big ass black woman driving a truck.
where my 442aboos at?
As opposed to, you know, actual combat.
No way, so the French used mercenaries essentially?
What, you mean the colonial troops? They weren't mercenaries.
>Artillery is a "comfy" job
You know nothing and you should stop talking now.
Might aswell have been, a bunch of foreign nationals fighting for the colonial power that subjugated them only because of money.
Fun fact: mestizo Americans, plus the even tinier minorities of Native Americans and Chinese Americans, served in integrated units with white soldiers.
This post is proof PoC is actually a racist term and you should just use "minority" or "race"
Janny just deleted my comment, but the term PoC seems pretty racist in general, especially how you use it
In the US military, segregation was strong. Most blacks were in rear-echelon roles; driving trucks, unloading ships, that kind of thing. The few combat units that used colored soldiers had average effectiveness. They were also not 100% black, their command staff was white. NCO's were black though.
Please do not watch the movie "Red Tails". It may as well be black-supremacist propaganda. They sink an Italian destroyer with machine guns.
>They sink an Italian destroyer with machine guns
Destroyers are small, unarmored warships. Sinking one with machine gun fire is entirely possible.
I don't think you realize how big destroyers are. Sure, they're small compared to Battleships, but they're still ~100 feet long. The decks are also definitely thick enough to stop .50cal rounds.
>Destroyers are small, unarmored warships. Sinking one with machine gun fire is entirely possible.
>what are bulkheads
You might be able to penetrate a destroyer with machine guns or small calibre autocannons but you can't sink them. The biggest things you can sink with .50 cals are PT boats which are a whole magnitude smaller than destroyers.
>18 year old boots who put "Freedom Isn't Free" bumper stickers on their debt financed Camaro.
Kek. I'm gonna save this and use it to insult some white trash over the internet eventually.
Here in Australia there was an uproar over the fact that black US troops initially weren't permitted to disembark form their ships and get about our towns freely. This had nothing to do with our own White Australia policy and was the policy of the US military itself.
POC's were (and in many cases, still are) resented for merely existing.
Five star post user
pretty Veeky Forums
They were most likely just looked down upon, not openly resented. Combat Arms is a badge of pride unless you're some poor schmuck draftee who hates war and all that. The racecar driver doesn't resent his pit crew because they're not stuck in a sweat box for five hours at a time, but he doesn't see them as equals either. They're necessary for him to do what he does.
Just my 2 cents as a former infantryman.
You forget that we were horrible people in WWII because everyone else was worse
>Destroyers are small, unarmored warships. Sinking one with machine gun fire is entirely possible.
This fucking board i swear
The 442nd is by far one of the most badass regiments I've ever heard of. Didn't one of their guys get shot four or five times by a german mg, threw a grenade into their nest to have it be thrown back and hit him, only to toss YET ANOTHER grenade in, successfully blowing it up AND still be able to stay alive? Incredible.
If any movie about WW2 should be made, it should be about the 442nd.
Inouye? He went on to become the most senior senator in the USA and live nearly to the age of 90.
Define nation. I mean those were provinces or colonies in the French Republic.
Not sure if copy pasta but legit post.
They wanted to win.
Boy I love talking about race
Let's make another dozen threads about some tangentially historical topic with thinly veiled race-baiting on top
I don't know, I've rarely seen talk about race in this context and it's somewhat interesting. You don't have to be here anyway.
Bullets don't fly without supply.
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the relationship between combat arms and POGs.
There's banter and such, but to actually hate and abuse the guy that you depend on to deliver your bullets and beans is not healthy.
Of course they were, but so were the whites hated as well. Still like that today, except the hatred CA has for pogs has no relation to race anymore.
All these.
It's Patton if I'm correct
didn't know you had to be a veteran like yourself you fucknut
Where did they find these black thugs? Fucking Compton lmao
>Muh one african american regiment that had a combat role, fucking hell
Nah its an interesting question, nigger
>said the fucking pog
I love the image of Japanese in American uniform charging Italian machine gun fire screaming BANZAI!!
You'll want to look into the British Indian army and its use in WW1. But yeah, the Foreign legion, the Senegalese Tirailleurs, the Tonikois Tirailleurs (vietnamese), Algerian Spahi and I think they tried some Algerian Tirailleurs.
>Veeky Forums
>Using PoC instead of "Niggers"
it's probably a /pol/tard fresh off the boat from r/the_donald trying but failing woefully to fit in by looking like a normie
I've gotten multiple day bans for using nigger on Veeky Forums. Our mod is an SJW faggot.
why do you need to be edgy on purpose? "blacks" would be the correct term for everyone to use
as a white aryan man i will strangulate the first polbabby americhild personally if given the chance
thank me later his
Why is the /pol/ and counter /pol/ crowd so butthurt over this thread?
>Our mod
>complaining about skeletons
Jesus, the newfaggotry.
All of /pol/ needs to be gassed.
>Complaining about someone acting edgy
What is with liberals obsession with glorifying non-whites anyways?